New member
My flat mate WAS on the Southampton Institite Sailing Team, last week they had a meeting and she came home furious. Not sure I understand but apparently there are 2 boats and all the males on the team have said that they refuse to sail with more than 1 female on each boat. The Captain who is female has agreed to the mens/boys demands and so surprise, surprise, she is on one boat and her best friend (even more of a surprise) is on the other.
I remember when I was on the Thames I used to get sniddy little comments about 'whats a female doing at the helm' and 'theres no way she is going to beable to handle that boat' and that was just from fellow club members.
You sort of expect this sort of sexism in more mature boaters stuck in their ways, but to see this attitude from 18-22 year olds i think is disgusting. When is this going to end and women going to be seen as equals? on a boat that is!
<hr width=100% size=1>Suzanne xXx
I remember when I was on the Thames I used to get sniddy little comments about 'whats a female doing at the helm' and 'theres no way she is going to beable to handle that boat' and that was just from fellow club members.
You sort of expect this sort of sexism in more mature boaters stuck in their ways, but to see this attitude from 18-22 year olds i think is disgusting. When is this going to end and women going to be seen as equals? on a boat that is!
<hr width=100% size=1>Suzanne xXx