Iron ships! Cor, where DO they get these weird ideas from? - and these people actually believe that they can convince folk that they'll FLOAT!!! I ask you...
any perkins engine built in the past ten years
giant sized heads compartments (too big to wedge your self into whilst in a seaway)
telescopic boat hooks
white or pastal coloured oilskins WHY??
jet skis
I was going to name some makes of yachts! However, due to advancing age I seem to have lost some of my courage and so wimped out rather than taking the chance of stirring up animosity! /forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif
Anything for a quiet life these days...........
I must be getting really old! /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif
Well, I'm off for my nap /forums/images/graemlins/crazy.gif
Worst things I've ever seen on a boat are Volvo engines and Naval Officers, not necessarily in that order. In fact, the three most useless things on a boat are lawn mowers, wheel barrows and naval officers. (By the way, I was one, a naval officer, that is, not a lawn mower.) Time I shut up, I suppose.