Time for more regulations ????


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5 Sep 2010
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All over then?

We could get annoyed at the expense to the tax player having to fund the rescue... And perhaps use that to justify demanding that all yachts and sailors go through all the red tape mentioned above...

Put things into some perspective....

We are engaged in a war in someone else's country AND we are paying off the debts incurred by nationalising the failed banks.... Against those, the cost of the rescue and hospital treatment doesn't even light a damp squib...

Perhaps he will have learned something?


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5 Jul 2005
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Some classic examples of help & support in this thread, well done. You will never prohibit this sort of thing, but the RNLI safety check is an excellent idea as is to donation of unwanted kit.

One other thing is to encourage him to read Ann Davison's book "Last Voyage". She & her husband set sail in an unfinished project boat to escape debts. It foundered & he was lost, she made it ashore after a night on a Carley float & later went on to become the first woman to sail solo across the Atlantic (her other book, also worth a read!)

She is an inspiration, after surviving that, and having lost everything, she got a job in a boat yard, learnt to sail, and repair boats, bought a 13 year old wooden boat and In 1952 at the age of 39 set off single handed to get to America. Had all the restrictions that some people call for, been in place then, she wouldnt have been allowed to go (and at that time, point number 1 would have been, 'but she's a woman')

Im happy to have a quick look at his boat, tell him if theres anything that really needs to be done before he sets off, it wouldnt cost him anything (well, chocolate bisquit with the coffee)


Well-known member
7 Dec 2002
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Reading the thread tonight about the RNLI reminded me of someone, who in the near future, is highly likely to be in need of their services.

The 'someone' I refer to has recently purchased himself a 30' ish wooden ketch dating from the 1930's. He has no experience whatsoever. Never been to seas before. Does not know how to read a chart or interpret a weather forecast, even if he knew how to get one.
I learn today that he intends sailing his yacht from Gosport to South Wales in the next few weeks, because he cannot afford the marina fees here.

I do not consider the boat seaworthy. Far from it, to do such a passage this time of year.
Without going into great detail, but to set the scene, I can say the standing rigging is in a desperate state with strands of wire broke on a number of shrouds, and the standing rigging must be 25 years old, if not even older. I wont even mention the condition of the sails. The engine has a number of leaks such that the bilge pump operates every 15 mins or so. Yes its that bad. The hull itself looks basically sound. There is no safety equipment.

When he returns to his boat this weekend I will of course advise him in no uncertain terms
that in my opinion it would madness to take the boat to sea, and point out to him the reasons why & the dangers he will be putting himself in. He is however, a very head strong character & I have doubt he will listen to me.

So in the interests of safety whats to be done? For my part I will be contacting QHM to advise of my concerns in the hope they will impound the boat. Nothing more I can do.

The above is a classic example of why I believe it is time that there was a legal requirement in force such that all pleasure boat owners /skippers going to sea had to have some form of qualifications.


I would have thought that anybody could be sued if they put the lives of others at risk. Do you need anything more specific?