The Truth About Sailing On The Algarve


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24 May 2012
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Re: 10 mtr motor boat, am I OK going to Portugal?

How can one "trump" the other when they are different things. A full Day skipper is a qualification and an ICC is a certificate of competence. If you have Day Skipper you are automatically entitled to an ICC, and it is free if you are a member of the RYA.

Hearts trump spades. The very essence of trumping is the difference (although it does have another meaning;)).

Day Skip is a measure of basic competence. Ironically the International Certificate of Competence is 'just a piece of paper' and anything but.

Membership of the RYA is not free so you pays - one way or the other!

What benefit is the RYA to British flagged vessel that never returns to UK Waters?


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2 Jun 2007
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Re: 10 mtr motor boat, am I OK going to Portugal?

How can one "trump" the other when they are different things. A full Day skipper is a qualification and an ICC is a certificate of competence. If you have Day Skipper you are automatically entitled to an ICC, and it is free if you are a member of the RYA.

That being so then what is the point of an ICC? Other than another meaningless chitty that you have to pay for & renew every five years?


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31 Jan 2008
Re: 10 mtr motor boat, am I OK going to Portugal?

That being so then what is the point of an ICC? Other than another meaningless chitty that you have to pay for & renew every five years?
For me the point is that it is not a "meaningless chitty" but satisfies the Croatian harbourmaster to allow me to complete my entry declaration procedure and sail within Croatian waters. Otherwise he will refuse me entry unless I spend a lot, lot more than my RYA membership on a Croatian course and test to be able to do so.


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10 Nov 2007
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Re: 10 mtr motor boat, am I OK going to Portugal?


Hearts trump spades. The very essence of trumping is the difference (although it does have another meaning;)).

Day Skip is a measure of basic competence. Ironically the International Certificate of Competence is 'just a piece of paper' and anything but.

Membership of the RYA is not free so you pays - one way or the other!

What benefit is the RYA to British flagged vessel that never returns to UK Waters?
Trumps according to my dictionary means something is better than another - not just different.

An ICC is also (as the name implies) a certificate of competence based on a defined list of competences that you have to demonstrate in order for it to be issued - no different in principle from a Day Skipper certificate. You can demonstrate competence to the required standard on the basis of either an equivalent acceptable qualification (of which there are many hundreds worldwide) or by passing a dedicated test.

It is up to you to decide whether there is value in you belonging to the RYA. Look at what they do, and the benefits that are available and make your own decision. As has already been said there are potential financial benefits that exceed the subscription, plus a whole range of activities they undertake on behalf of all British yachtsmen wherever they are based. Of course like many you can be a freeloader and benefit from those with contributing.


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10 Nov 2007
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Re: 10 mtr motor boat, am I OK going to Portugal?

That being so then what is the point of an ICC? Other than another meaningless chitty that you have to pay for & renew every five years?

Instead of sniping, suggest you read what the ICC is about. Then you will discover for many it is not meaningless - even if you do not find a use for it.

Why do some people have to belittle genuine efforts to do something useful for a large number of people just because they have no interest?


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1 Oct 2007
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Re: 10 mtr motor boat, am I OK going to Portugal?

That being so then what is the point of an ICC? Other than another meaningless chitty that you have to pay for & renew every five years?

The clue is in the name .

INTERNATIONAL Certificate of Competance.

A Day Skipper qualification issued by the RYA may not be recognized in every marina in the world but an ICC will be.


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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Re: 10 mtr motor boat, am I OK going to Portugal?

Of course like many you can be a freeloader and benefit from those with contributing.

So even though the RYA provide me with no benefits, I am a free-loader if I fail to contribute?

An interesting concept. Does the same apply to The Cruising Club and possibly the Ocean Cruising Club?


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10 Nov 2007
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Re: 10 mtr motor boat, am I OK going to Portugal?

So even though the RYA provide me with no benefits, I am a free-loader if I fail to contribute?

An interesting concept. Does the same apply to The Cruising Club and possibly the Ocean Cruising Club?

You do benefit as do all boaters from the work they do on our behalf. Just as an example directly relevant to this subject UK boaters have no compulsory registration or licencing, largely because of the RYA. They were a prime mover in making the ICC accessible for the benefit of all British yachtsmen. Have a look at the work they do behind the scenes working with legislators both in the UK and Europe to represent our interests.

Membership is of course voluntary but please do not belittle their work just because you feel you don't want to belong.


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24 May 2012
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Document Checked in Portugal

Wrong thread


I have started a new thread (with a poll) in The Lounge; to explore attitudes about the RYA and other boating organisations.

Back to Portugal, where, when asked I showed both my ICC and Yatchmaster but the authorities were only really interested in my passport, radio operators licence and light dues. About 6 years ago, on the pontoon, up the Guadiana at Alcoutim, this was the only check I have ever had.
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24 May 2012
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Re: 10 mtr motor boat, am I OK going to Portugal?

A tip: don't play Bridge (although Guadiana Bridge is OK if your rig is short enough) ;)

Thanks - not sure Hillary or Donald would agree.

Unless the rig has grown since last year or the air draught reduced, should be still OK.


10 Apr 2012
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Questions On The Guadiana

Earlier in the year there was a suggestion that Vila Real Marina had significantly increased its mooring charges. Was this ever resolved?

While on the subjected of the Guadiana, now it has been dredged, is Ayamonte accessible at all states of the tide and are all of the buoys over the Guadiana Bar on station. - seem to remember Green 3 went (on the bar) walkabout?

Before asked, I am on a borrowed computer as my iPad battery is flat!
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24 Feb 2003
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Re: Questions On The Guadiana

Earlier in the year there was a suggestion that Vila Real Marina had significantly increased its mooring charges. Was this ever resolved?

While on the subjected of the Guadiana, now it has been dredged, is Ayamonte accessible at all states of the tide and are all of the buoys over the Guadiana Bar on station. - seem to remember Green 3 went (on the bar) walkabout?

Before asked, I am on a borrowed computer as my iPad battery is flat!
I posted further back on this thread, yes to Ayamonte now its been dredged and I went over the bar at well before high water, two sets of buoys then


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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Re: Questions On The Guadiana

We haven't been into Vila Real this year as we always anchor off or use Ayamonte, which was dredged during last winter.

Not that there was ever any need but the channel up river is now identified by a series of big posts. Something to be aware of at night or in poor visibility.
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