The Truth About Sailing On The Algarve


1 Mar 2007
Jersey Channel Islands
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Re: 10 mtr motor boat, am I OK going to Portugal?

We have a single engined Aquastar 33. we motored down from Jersey through the French Canal to the Med then coastal hopped down the Spanish coast and have just spent the winter in Cartagena.

We never had any intention of going to Portugal but so many of the people who overwintered here in Cartagena have sung the praises of or have now left headed for Lagos in Portugal. That we would like to go have a look see what it's all about, (and if it's good possibly overwinter there next winter). From Cartagena to Gibraltar, then across to Morocco to check out of the EU then Lagos?

I have read a lot in the past about Portugal requiring UK boats to have more safety equipment than normal, things like Offshore LifeRafts etc?

We are a 10 meter single engine motor boat and have no intention of exceeding 25miles from the Portugese coast.
Our safety equipment consists of
A coastal life raft
Life jackets
A single anchor

If I have to spend stupid amounts buying a new LifeRaft etc, then we just won't go.
What do the panel suggest, am I compliant?
Is there someone in the Portugese coast guard that I can e.mal for reassurance or something similar.
Thank you for all your responses, it's helped put my mind at rest, looks like I will be heading for Portugal!
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10 Nov 2007
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Re: 10 mtr motor boat, am I OK going to Portugal?

Wonderfully ironic as Portugal has not adopted Resolution 40 so doesn't formally recognise the ICC. Funny old world.

Neither has Greece but still the ICC is acceptable for chartering. Other countries do the same. Clearly not an issue high on the political agenda.


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24 May 2012
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22 Aug 2008
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Re: 10 mtr motor boat, am I OK going to Portugal?

What the rules are and how they are applied are two very different things.
I got visited on two consecutive days "up the Guadiana". The first by three young Portuguese GNR gentlemen and the second by one GNR and four Spanish boys and girls in uniform. They wanted to see passports, boat's registration document and insurance, plus a nice chat. I shall not list the equipment that they did not ask about, 'cos they didn't. I was glad about that.

The GNR are interested in people not boats.The marine questions are dealt with by the navy and the Policia Maritima who are usually very reasonable. As long as you are wearing the courtesy flag they probably won't even bother to talk to you.


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2 Jun 2007
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Re: 10 mtr motor boat, am I OK going to Portugal?

As you say, it's much more relaxed these days but they are now frequently asking for an ICC.

Quite correct Graham. Got a visit from Policia Maritimo here in Bruce's Yard last year. They asked for my ICC.
I asked why they wanted to see it as I had never been asked for it before on previous inspections.
They told me it was now standard practice & all skippers would be asked to produce it in the future.
Time will tell, but I doubt it very much.


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24 May 2012
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Re: 10 mtr motor boat, am I OK going to Portugal?

Quite correct Graham. Got a visit from Policia Maritimo here in Bruce's Yard last year. They asked for my ICC.
I asked why they wanted to see it as I had never been asked for it before on previous inspections.
They told me it was now standard practice & all skippers would be asked to produce it in the future.
Time will tell, but I doubt it very much.

Agree, be interesting to hear others' experiences and as many abroad no longer subscribe to the RYA (why should they), are the Policia Maritimo still accepting Yachtmaster Certificate, which never expires, as an alternative to the ICC, which, as a paper exercise, has to be renewed every 5 years?
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30 Oct 2010
Swing mooring Faro
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Re: 10 mtr motor boat, am I OK going to Portugal?

Agree, be interesting to hear others' experiences and as many abroad no longer subscribe to the RYA (why should they), are the Policia Maritimo still accepting Yachtmaster Certificate, which never expires, as an alternative to the ICC, which, as a paper exercise, has to be renewed every 5 years?

On the visit mentioned by Sandyman, I'm told by 2 other friends in the yard that one produced an out of date ICC and the other a Day Skipper practical certificate. Both were accepted as it seems some officials just want to see a bit of paper without understanding what they're looking at.


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24 May 2012
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Re: 10 mtr motor boat, am I OK going to Portugal?

On the visit mentioned by Sandyman, I'm told by 2 other friends in the yard that one produced an out of date ICC and the other a Day Skipper practical certificate. Both were accepted as it seems some officials just want to see a bit of paper without understanding what they're looking at.

So far as I recall, whilst both the Yachtmaster & ICC boast the holders' picture, the Day Skip doesen't so apparently any old bit of paper will do. Will the next thing be a radio operator's licence or current ship's radio licence - for a British flagged vessels the last could be difficult?


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3 Feb 2009
Las Palmas, Gran Canaria
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Re: 10 mtr motor boat, am I OK going to Portugal?

So far as I recall, whilst both the Yachtmaster & ICC boast the holders' picture, the Day Skip doesen't so apparently any old bit of paper will do. Will the next thing be a radio operator's licence or current ship's radio licence - for a British flagged vessels the last could be difficult?
Current radio licence should not be a problem, since annual renewal was discontinued and the last one was for life.


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2 Jun 2007
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Re: 10 mtr motor boat, am I OK going to Portugal?

On the visit mentioned by Sandyman, I'm told by 2 other friends in the yard that one produced an out of date ICC and the other a Day Skipper practical certificate. Both were accepted as it seems some officials just want to see a bit of paper without understanding what they're looking at.

Graham. Could it be that outdated documents are accepted because they realise you cannot suddenly become incompetent............... every five years? Maybe they just don't accept here money making scams like the ICC. Seems to me such things would not sit easy with them. Could be they are free to make their own judgement & free to use their own common sense.


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24 May 2012
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Re: 10 mtr motor boat, am I OK going to Portugal?

Graham. Could it be that outdated documents are accepted because they realise you cannot suddenly become incompetent............... every five years? Maybe they just don't accept here money making scams like the ICC. Seems to me such things would not sit easy with them. Could be they are free to make their own judgement & free to use their own common sense.

Despite it's title; I am far from convinced that the ICC was ever proof of any competence. Rather an RYA money making scam to fool Jonny Foreigner and it worked!


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30 Oct 2010
Swing mooring Faro
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Re: 10 mtr motor boat, am I OK going to Portugal?

Graham. Could it be that outdated documents are accepted because they realise you cannot suddenly become incompetent............... every five years?

I'm not surprised they don't know what they're looking at as they most likely hadn't ever seen an ICC when they received their instructions to inspect. I am however surprised when anyone gets away with anything out of date as Portuguese life is dictated by paper trails, it's a nightmare and very time consuming trying to do anything with utilities or officialdom.


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10 Nov 2007
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Re: 10 mtr motor boat, am I OK going to Portugal?

Despite it's title; I am far from convinced that the ICC was ever proof of any competence. Rather an RYA money making scam to fool Jonny Foreigner and it worked!

Nothing to do with the RYA. Its origins is with the CEVNI group that controls most op the European canals, persuading the UN to sponsor an international certificate based on their requirements. This morphed into the ICC and the authority for issuing it is with government. The RYA is merely the delegated authority in the UK that administers it. Other governments similarly delegate authority or have their own state qualifications that also qualify for the issue of an ICC.


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11 Dec 2005
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Re: 10 mtr motor boat, am I OK going to Portugal?

Nothing to do with the RYA. Its origins is with the CEVNI group that controls most op the European canals, persuading the UN to sponsor an international certificate based on their requirements. This morphed into the ICC and the authority for issuing it is with government. The RYA is merely the delegated authority in the UK that administers it. Other governments similarly delegate authority or have their own state qualifications that also qualify for the issue of an ICC.

The RYA is also the 'delegated authority' to deal with Privileged Ensign Warrants.

Something tells me that they do not take on these responsibilities out of the goodness of their heart.


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24 May 2012
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Re: 10 mtr motor boat, am I OK going to Portugal?

We seem to have morphed from measure of competence into who is responsible for issuing the ICC?

Seem to recall that a Day Skipper Certificate trumps an ICC and what is more it doesn't expire.


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10 Nov 2007
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Re: 10 mtr motor boat, am I OK going to Portugal?

The RYA is also the 'delegated authority' to deal with Privileged Ensign Warrants.

Something tells me that they do not take on these responsibilities out of the goodness of their heart.

No, as with any agent performing a service from which the user benefits there is a payment. How could it be any different when the only person who benefits from a voluntary piece of paper is the person who requests it. The only way it could be free is if the government was prepared to pay the cost of issuing the piece of paper - but not sure the general taxpayer and the Daily Mail would agree with that.


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10 Nov 2007
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Re: 10 mtr motor boat, am I OK going to Portugal?

Seem to recall that a Day Skipper Certificate trumps an ICC and what is more it doesn't expire.

How can one "trump" the other when they are different things. A full Day skipper is a qualification and an ICC is a certificate of competence. If you have Day Skipper you are automatically entitled to an ICC, and it is free if you are a member of the RYA.