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    • 25931
      25931 replied to the thread Orca attack.
      I thought that tunny was something of a game fish in UK waters.
    • 25931
      25931 replied to the thread Orca attack.
      or sail in less pleasant waters and are jealous.
    • 25931
      25931 replied to the thread Orca attack.
      I am not aware of any legislation that prevents discussion.
    • 25931
      25931 replied to the thread Orca attack.
      If they took a bite out of the rudder it would appear that motoring backwards might not have been the best tactic.
    • 25931
      25931 replied to the thread Orca attack.
      They have always followed the tunny to the area of tunny nets
    • 25931
      25931 replied to the thread Less than welcoming boat clubs.
      That Marx joke is older than you
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