The Forum Burgee.


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5 Jun 2001
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I also welcome an alternative and give top marks to Henry for putting his neck on the line in a very democratic spirit.

My suggestion would be to leave the 'www' out and replace it with which is a more frequently used way of referring to url's.


WWW is so old hat now, now never used in the plc environment, as an example Argos dropped it years ago.


New member
14 Oct 2006
- up to my neck in it.
Well I've never felt a need to fly a YBW burgee - there's a limit to how many burgees you should have at the end of the day- and I have always enjoyed a degree of anoninimity; knowing who others are but them not necessarily knowing me is one of my ways. But I shall be buying a mouse burgee to display discreetly as a sign of support for the "tradition" of the forum. Sometimes it may be that the original product can be improved but it is usually a mistake to head back to the drawing board...

Gosh, that's either really creepy or utterly insecure! I find it delightful when people recognise me on the boat. It always leads to a bit of a fun chinwag & sometimes a raid on the funbox. Surely someone as honest, open & upstanding as yourself has nothing to hide?


New member
14 Oct 2006
- up to my neck in it.
Imho ... the only thing that doesn't sit well with the original was somebody decided if you were good enough to have one which could exclude those who are shy about writing on the forum but are sociable in real life, or perhaps someone who's written word doesn't do themselves justice etc etc.
Again Imho if you know what to look for you will spot the ensign irrespective of the design.

Very eloquently put.

Henry :)

But untrue, as the only requirement was to send a cheque & SAE to Haydn, & Lord knows, many were unable to perform that simple courtesy to Haydn. There has never been any "test of fitness" that is entirely a P-take - otherwise, how would I have ever acquired one? :encouragement:


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12 Aug 2004
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How about a special edition of the original design defaced (in the flag sense, not the yoof with a spraycan approach) with to run alongside the original undefaced version?

Puts on tin hat and withdraws...


New member
14 Oct 2006
- up to my neck in it.
I'll try to be constructive here! IMHO it would look better on a coloured background rather than white and I'd lose the arrow. Maybe incorporate a mobo and a raggie sailing on the seas of the world?
Slight fred drift but if one wanted to fly both the henryf ybw burgee and the hlb mouse burgee, does flag etiquette allow you to put them both on the same staff and which would one would be highest?

yes, senior one above junior. ie original design above new.

But I wont be buying the new, thanks.


25 Sep 2003
Isle of Wight
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So obviously, every one still wants the mouse, except maybe a bit bigger and with some better string.

Henrys attempt to change everything seems to have failed.

How about letting my guy make the far superior flag and send it off to Henry, for delivery. Henry can put the toggle on in his spare time, giving him a sense of worth and far more involvement in the process.

The original concept of the flag, was that every one put a little effort in, to make life easier for the supplier, An unpaid forum member. OK technology has changed since when I started, so of course things will now be easier. What is the point of changing the whole ethos of the flag to a free MBY advertisement. We all know who we are and the mouse is ours.

Totally Agree Haydn the mouse must be kept. I have had several from you in the past and never had a problem. SAE, Cheque and back came the Tipsy Mouse -- Simples
Don't like and won't be buying the new version.


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9 Jan 2011
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But untrue, as the only requirement was to send a cheque & SAE to Hatha & Lord knows, many were unable to perform that simple courtesy to Haydn. There has never been any "test of fitness" that is entirely a P-take - otherwise, how would I have ever acquired one? :encouragement:

I was only going on what Haydn said. And I did apologise if I'd misunderstood when he said that some people were refused


Well-known member
6 Apr 2011
London / Gosport
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The 'olive' in the glass to be a 'map of the world' although small I'm sure it could be done.

Is it an olive or is it a silverskin onion? My biggest issue with the current design is that it's completely unclear whether that rodent is consuming a martini or a gibson


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16 Dec 2005
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This thread reminds me of what it's like to herd cats,

Henry I hear what your saying about you've spoken to a lot of forum users and they are all supportive of your new burgee, but with respect, you haven't been given a mandate by a majority, ogaryo's poll on here, MOBO forum, crashed and burned with almost a 3 to 1 against, with a turn out of only 64 voters.

I also understand you viewpoint of, it didn't represent the whole community of the forum, but if you go through the registered users there are literally hundreds, possibly thousands, who registered but were never heard from again.

So I think you ought to have a poll across all sections to get a true picture of what is wanted by the people, who, in the end will vote with their wallet.

All of course only IMHO.


Well-known member
31 May 2007
This thread reminds me of what it's like to herd cats,

Henry I hear what your saying about you've spoken to a lot of forum users and they are all supportive of your new burgee, but with respect, you haven't been given a mandate by a majority, ogaryo's poll on here, MOBO forum, crashed and burned with almost a 3 to 1 against, with a turn out of only 64 voters.

I also understand you viewpoint of, it didn't represent the whole community of the forum, but if you go through the registered users there are literally hundreds, possibly thousands, who registered but were never heard from again.

So I think you ought to have a poll across all sections to get a true picture of what is wanted by the people, who, in the end will vote with their wallet.

All of course only IMHO.

They are supportive of another flag, not any specific design. Ultimately it's me who is voting with my wallet, I will be paying to produce the flag. No one else is being asked to contribute. If they don't sell I lose out, no one else on here does.

To be fair if the mouse flag doesn't sell it will also cost me money ! For all the moaning and griping I've only had one person offer to help out financially and with their time. We are working together to get them made and distributed.

Henry :)


Well-known member
29 Nov 2009
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So I think you ought to have a poll across all sections to get a true picture of what is wanted by the people, who, in the end will vote with their wallet.

I don't think it really matters, to be honest. If Henry offers a decent Tipsy Mouse for less than Ensign Flags will do, that's great. If he also offers the Globular Henryflag and people buy it, then apparently there was demand for it after all, but those of us who prefer the mouse can ignore it. If he offers the Globular Henryflag and nobody buys it, then no harm done and the mouse faction can say "I told you so". If his version of the Tipsy Mouse turns out to be inferior (though I have no reason to suppose it will be) then Ensign Flags will still be there.

I don't feel like anything's under threat here.
