Well-known member
Not as easy as that: NE will want to reseed the destroyed bed, using local funding and volunteers. Then you have public opinion against you as well. See Cawsand Bay in Devon, another popular anchorage taken over like Studland.Swithch off the AIS and scrape along the bottom with something to pull it all up. Analogous to a developer cutting down nice trees before putting in the planning application where a TPO might have then been put in place first.
The fact all the moorings are privately owned makes no difference. All the Studland moorings are private, manyt having 'grandfather mooring rights' becaus eof the length of time they have been there. It doesnt matter who owns the seabed, MMO still have jurisdiction over any 'deposits' on the seabed. Its quite low on their agenda but eventually any tidal mooring not already administered by a Statutory Harbour Authority' (which has a clear legal definitiuon, not just voluntary local boatmens associations, clubs or boatyards organising themselves) will have to be registered with MMO under the 'Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009'.
The claim that Eelgrass 'could' grow there if there werent moorings is entirely spurious: Studland has been a popular mooring and anchorage area with many moorings since WW1. In 1955 there was about 100 sq m of eelgrass. It has since grown right through the moorings and anchorage area to a total of 96 hectares in soite of 60+ years of much heavier use than your fixed moorings. Look at the BORG website for aerial pohtographs showing the way it established and spread.
But you are fighting cotton wool here: if the NE 'expert opinion' states that it 'should have developed, and the boats stopped it, then that is what has happened. there is no need for evidence, expert opinion is more important than facts. Any report, not just from locals who really do know what is happening from daily observation or from independent professional surveys is dismissed if it does not accord with the NE 'experts' behind their desks, even if supported by in depth data.
Black is in actual fact white if expert opinion says it is, and its only us non experts who cant see it....