Stowe Navsounder wiring


Well-known member
18 Aug 2002
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Hi Guys ...... I have a Stowe Navsounder ( the one with optional repeater) . My set up does not have the repeater . It was working fine but i had to re-route the wiring ....... as the wiring at the transducer had been cut at sometime previously and rejoined i thought it would be a simple job cutting again and rejoining with new wire (correct length as per instruction manual) since I have the Stowe instruction manual I didn't make a note of the connection on the display head . Now here is the problem . The replacement wire is identical to the old ie white , blue and screen . The good book tells me that the transducer wires should be connected to the display head via a twin conn block ie white on its own and the screen + black together in the other. .... no mention of the blue one . Now do I consider that the blue is the new black and connect it with the screen ? TIA Terry


Well-known member
19 May 2003
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Hi Guys ...... I have a Stowe Navsounder ( the one with optional repeater) . My set up does not have the repeater . It was working fine but i had to re-route the wiring ....... as the wiring at the transducer had been cut at sometime previously and rejoined i thought it would be a simple job cutting again and rejoining with new wire (correct length as per instruction manual) since I have the Stowe instruction manual I didn't make a note of the connection on the display head . Now here is the problem . The replacement wire is identical to the old ie white , blue and screen . The good book tells me that the transducer wires should be connected to the display head via a twin conn block ie white on its own and the screen + black together in the other. .... no mention of the blue one . Now do I consider that the blue is the new black and connect it with the screen ? TIA Terry
In the absence of any other wires , I would say yes.