St600 paddle wheel


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16 Mar 2023
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has anybody changed their paddle wheel kit and the speed then works?
I bought a boat with the full st600 kit on and half of it works and half doesn’t. I am in the process of sorting it out and hopefully getting it working.
Do you think getting a new paddle wheel kit will solve the problem ? I have read they don’t last very long before needing to be replaced ? Has anyone had any experience with this.


Well-known member
22 Jul 2006
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If you mean ST60 not ST600 the speed paddlewheel unit also contains a sea temperature transducer. That often (very often) fails and for some reason known only to Raymarine takes down the speed display as well. There is a very simple and cheap bodge-fix, take of the temperature wires from teh back of the ST60 Tridata and put a 10K approx resistor in their place. Speed will probably work again, but your seawater temperature display will be fixed and probably wrong. The only time it is of any real relevance is when trying to establish if you are in or out of the Gulf Stream off the US coast - wanting to be in it if heading N or NE and out of it if going the other way.

Paddle wheels do sometimes go wrong: mine lasted about 14 years from new, though for ten of those years it had the resistor fix, and for the last 5 years it had a new paddle/magnet bit fitted. When I did eventually have to change it running a new cable from the forward bilges to the Tridata in the cockpit console took most of a day.


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16 Mar 2023
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If you mean ST60 not ST600 the speed paddlewheel unit also contains a sea temperature transducer. That often (very often) fails and for some reason known only to Raymarine takes down the speed display as well. There is a very simple and cheap bodge-fix, take of the temperature wires from teh back of the ST60 Tridata and put a 10K approx resistor in their place. Speed will probably work again, but your seawater temperature display will be fixed and probably wrong. The only time it is of any real relevance is when trying to establish if you are in or out of the Gulf Stream off the US coast - wanting to be in it if heading N or NE and out of it if going the other way.

Paddle wheels do sometimes go wrong: mine lasted about 14 years from new, though for ten of those years it had the resistor fix, and for the last 5 years it had a new paddle/magnet bit fitted. When I did eventually have to change it running a new cable from the forward bilges to the Tridata in the cockpit console took most of a day.
So do I remove the clip that is attached to the back of the speed gauge and put a resistor there ? I’m a bit unsure as to how to attach the resistor


Well-known member
22 Jul 2006
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Remove the two wires that carry temp information and put a resistor across the two connectors on the ST60. You'll have to look up your ST60 manual for which colours the two temp wires are. I'm not near the boat so I can't tell you. The connectors on the back of the ST60s are 2.8mm spades: you need female 2.8mm crimp connectors to attach to the resistor. Anything around 10K ohms is OK.


Well-known member
18 Aug 2004
Cumbria; U.K.
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If you mean ST60 not ST600 the speed paddlewheel unit also contains a sea temperature transducer. That often (very often) fails and for some reason known only to Raymarine takes down the speed display as well.
That's the observed effect but what's happening is that failure of the thermistor turns the display from "master" to "repeater" which needs speed info. on Seatalk. from another instrument.