Sos - aussies in need of assistance


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9 Dec 2011
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This hasn't come in yet but it might help in the more long term.

There is a proposal currently going through the European Parliament called the European Protection Order. Victims of crime who have been granted legal protection in one EU member state will get similar protection in other EU states under the European Protection Order. The legislation has been agreed with national governments and would include protection for any victim of gender violence, harassment, abduction, stalking or attempted murder. MEPs will debate the EPO on Monday(today) and vote on it Tuesday.(tomorrow)

You can find more information on it at

Good luck!

Thankyou so much for this response...went to the Police Station today and asked if we can use what we have from assaults in other countries to obtaina Protection order here...they were very helpful, but did not know so they are looking into it for us and I have to go back on Friday to see what can be done.
I would also suggest you talk to a marine lawyer rather than an ordinary lawyer, as maritime liens/ship arrest is pretty specialised.


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9 Dec 2011
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How awful for you. I'm sorry that I can't offer you anything constructive but you have my full sympathy. Try not too become too stressed by it all. I'm sure everything will work out ok if you are the innocent party in this mess. These things just take time! How the hell did she know where to find you??? (that's the question I'd be asking myself.....)

Yes, we are certainly wondering that too! We believe that we have been followed (when on land in Crete) a few times and we had a stranger taking photos of us and the boat in the marina. I chased him and advised him to delete the photos (in front of me) with the marinaro present, we he appeared to do. But most likely he did not. We think there might be another tracker on the boat (found one already) but we have searched at least 5 times and cant find anything. The police have offered to come aboard and use some laptop programe which apparently detects bugs etc. So should know soon I hope.


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9 Dec 2011
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Why Why Why Why?

Davey,so did she get an injunction in Gib to arrest this yacht(excuse the legal terminoligy) she went to a solicitor ....which followed by a court ruling ...which followed by the boat being arrested?Am I right?
These things take time..and money .Gib is a tiny place ..why didn't the "owner"clock she was there and vamous to Morocco?
All a little bit suspect if you want my opinion...

Yes, arrested the yacht in Gib, found us Sunday, courtesy of the marina staff answering the phone and advising the caller that "Yes there is a yacht here called ..............." Monday and Tuesday she obtained a lawyer who then did completed the 3 forms required to be filled out for an arrest. Wednesday the papers were signed by the Chief Magistrate in the Supreme Court, paid her 20,000 pound security (which is most likely the rest of my husband's money that she owes him) and bingo our yacht is arrested! How do you "Clock" as you put it that someone is here? And we certainly would have taken off, obviously if we had even had one glimpse of her!!!!


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9 Dec 2011
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100% SURE

Just a thought - playing devil's advocate here...

Are you sure, totally sure, that your new husband has told you everything? His ex seems to be going to extraordinary lengths... I'm thinking she's either mentally ill and dangerous or she really does have a claim on a boat that was partly/wholly paid for by her and she's therefore very angry.

Like I said, just playing devil's advocate.

When someone lies to you, they usually make a mistake or add or delete parts of the "story" at various no time has my husbands story every changed in any way.
Yes she is Mentally Ill and dangerous and she is going to extraordinary lengths because she is so Mentally deranged!!! Dont forget I too have been assaulted by this extremely violent person... we also took photos of all out injuries each time (thank god) thinking that one day, unfortunately me just might need it for something.
Part of her illness, I believe, is that she has an obsessive personality disorder and that is what worries me..when is she going to stop and is she going to stop?
She did not partly or wholely pay for any of this boat and we have the documentation to prove it.


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9 Dec 2011
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Give us a clue to the size or value of the boat.The suspense is killing me.
Where is "she staying(whilst not working I trust,10,000 miles from home)"
At who's expense is this vendetta being bankrolled?
.....doesn't quite stack up,but call me an old cynic...
Hey but still great basis for a novel ..or even film..

My God, are you ever going to give up? It doesnt seem to matter what I say or what information I supply it doesnt seem to appease you..
How would we know where she is staying?.... she is the stalker not us!


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9 Dec 2011
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As your stalker has had the vessel arested and thus knows the exact location, I can't understand your reluctance to answer the location question that was posed by 'PlanB' in post 15.

After everything that we have been through you really think that we would give a complete stranger our address???...Do you want the key to the front door as well?


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11 Dec 2005
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After everything that we have been through you really think that we would give a complete stranger our address???...Do you want the key to the front door as well?

If you had said 'We are on the Solent' it would be a different matter.

You are in Gib, with all of two marinas.

I don't see any reason why anybody should require further disclosure anymore than I see why you should not be disclosing it.


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9 Dec 2011
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Reverend Ludd gives up the day job to become Inspector Cluseau!

What other snippets did you come up with ? Any info on the psycho-ex?

Certainly records of everything that has happened may help your cause, but it must be extremely frustrating, so sympahies. Do you have good insurace for the boat in case she decides to torch it? And I'D TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE FACT THAT sPAIN IS 10 MINS AWAY TO GET AWAY FOR A LONG WEEKEND SOMEWHERE. LET EVERYONE KNOW YOU'RE LEAVING FOR A LONG TIME, TO TRAVEL THROUGH EUROPE, AND THAT MAY THROW HER OFF A BIT.




I'd certainly

Insurance...We did think of that actually as we thought she was going to do something to the yacht just before we left Malta. We asked the lawyer what would happen if our boat is damaged whilst under arrest.. he said we could make our claim as normal...then admitted that he has never had a case like this before (its usually ships out in the Port) and is going to find out for us...I alsoi asked for a security guard (for our own safety) and we got one, so we do feel a little safer but not much.


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Tx on AIS !!!!............starting to wonder.

It was a plain gray coloured thin box about half the size of a cigarette carton. It had 2 x AAA batteries in it and lots of wires and bits in it. I must say I enjoyed taking it apart and throwing it bit by bit into the ocean! In hindsight we decided that we should have given it to one of the blokes on a fishing boat that was heading down Libya way but you dont think of things like that when you are stessed out I suppose.


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I will reiterate what I said a few days ago, these people are genuine and are just looking for support. Please don't add to their worries by doubting them. If you can't be constructive or supportive please don't comment. They don't need the added stress of people doubting them and being unsupportive.

We really hope that things are moving on positively for you both xx call us if we can help x

Thanks you two... yet again you have come to our rescue! Dont know what we would do without you xx

Reverend Ludd

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It was a plain gray coloured thin box about half the size of a cigarette carton. It had 2 x AAA batteries in it and lots of wires and bits in it. I must say I enjoyed taking it apart and throwing it bit by bit into the ocean! In hindsight we decided that we should have given it to one of the blokes on a fishing boat that was heading down Libya way but you dont think of things like that when you are stessed out I suppose.

I think in hindsight you should have called the police.


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To everyone who has read this thread and given support or advice (positive) we just wanted to say Thanks..we have followed up on quite a few of the suggestions and still have some to go.

It seems ironic that we have even made some new friends because of this, and have a very kind invitation to share a meal and some drinks which will be wonderful.

We still have a long way to go it seems, and most likely a lot more sleepless nights.... the waiting and putting our whole life on hold because of one very unwell person is so unfair. We have so many questions going around and around in our heads and we still can't understand why she is so vindictive and evil....anyway we will keep you all posted. I do try to answer all the questions because we do appreciate you taking time out to talk to us through the forum. Any ideas and suggestions are very welcome.


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9 Dec 2011
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Useless police..

I think in hindsight you should have called the police.

:) Hi Rev, we had called the Police numerous times, depending on what area of Malta we were in would depend on how much and what type of assistance we would get if any...
Most times it was like talking to a brick wall and had to insist on getting a Police report number..

Anyhow the day we found the tracker, was the day we left Malta, so I tore it apart and threw it over board and thought good riddance we would never see her again!....Little did we know...


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9 Jan 2005
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Sarriba, can I suggest making a post on Scuttlebutt or the PBO forum. There's a couple of Aussies on there I believe how may be more helpful on the Australian law aspects.


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10 Nov 2007
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Hi Sarriba

You seem to be concentrating on trying to show that the other party is "deranged" - rather than doing the obvious thing, which is to find out what the case is against you and marshalling your evidence to counter the claim.

Even though you think the other person is "deranged" that does not mean they do not have rights, and they clearly think it important enough to go to extreme lengths to exert those rights.

Rarely are such disputes as black and white as you might like them to be, and it seems clear that you have done something that the other party thinks is against their interests. At some point you will have to get the differences resolved as you cannot run away for ever.

Going before the court is probably the only way if you have exhausted all other avenues such as negotiation and arbitration. Perhaps you need to keep the assault and stalking separate from the dispute about the assets - the court will - or rather the two issues will be dealt with separately.

Think you will also have to accept that there will be no "winners" except the lawyers representing you. If the court finds in favour of the other party you lose some or all of your assets. If the court finds in your favour you may still have to deal with the unwanted attentions of the other party - who may or may not give up their pursuit.

Therefore one hopes that your legal advisers will be also considering a compromise that might be less painful than risking a court judgement.

By all means seek support from other people as it can be helpful to share your problems - however they are your problems and the only thing that matters at the moment is what happens in the court proceedings.