Well-known member
This is definitely not a troll, what more information from the OP do you need? If you read through the whole post you will find that there are many details mentioned.
Although the OP has written a lot, there is little that would enable anybody to make any assessment of the rights and wrongs, let alone suggest any solution.
"Ordinary" Australians living blameless lives don't end up in court in Gibraltar defending themselves against claims made by another (presumably) Australian. From the little that the OP has told us the issues revolve around money, failed personal relationships, and a trail halfway round the world over several years - not an everyday story of simple folk?
I am never sure what people like this hope to get out of posting on a forum such as this, other than perhaps as in this case specific advice as to expert sources of help. The only useful advice otherwise is that if you cannot resolve the problem yourself, seek expert advice. This is particularly important if it has got to the stage of a court case, because if you are not active in dealing with it the court will make a decision based on the evidence it has available to it which may not be in your best interest.
However, if the people involved have not been able to resolve their differences over several years, it is unlikely that complete strangers who are only told snippets from one side will be able to make any meaningful contribution.
You, of course are in a slightly different position as you know one side personally, so perhaps the best advice you can give them is to recognise that they can't change the past and if they want a trouble free future they have to deal with the present. Trying to get sympathy from strangers is a diversion from the real problem.