Soltron / Startron / Xbee: explaination


New member
28 Mar 2006
The step further

Dear Lemain, I'm glad to read that you start to get convinced by what the lab told you. Why wouldn't you give a shot to Xbee now?

Then, you will be able to have a fair and objective opinion about the product and to share your personal experience with everybody.

What do you think?


Re: The step further

I don't have a problem (that I know of) as I draw a half litre from the bottom of each tank regularly and inspect it. It is always clear. So if I put an additive in, I won't expect any change.

This is half the problem - or 90% of the problem. 90% of people who take care with good housekeeping don't have problems so 90% of users would be satisfied even if the product was nothing but 100% pure paraffin.


New member
28 Mar 2006
Re: The step further

I would agree a 100% with you IF Xbee was a biocide, but it's not. Xbee will clean up your tank, your injection system and remove all deposits from the engine parts. Xbee will reduce the toxic gas emissions and smokes will disappear. Xbee will reduce the fuel consumption. And Xbee will prevent any problem (if you will be in such a situation a day or another).

But you're right, if your main concern is bacteria and if you don't have such a problem in your engine, there might not be a real interest for you to invest these few euros in the product.

I wish you all the best with your boat (and your fuel in particular).


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24 Aug 2004
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Re: The step further


If I started using your product on our installation, would you expect me to directly see and improvement? Less smoke, smoother running, or what? How soon would this be apparent?

FYI it is an older engine, generally in good order but a bit smokey and a bit slow to start. I don't have any reason to think that the fuel system is spotless, but equally I'm not aware of any particular problem with contamination.

Is there a risk that Xbee could do harm?

Do you offer free samples?


New member
28 Mar 2006

Dear Tony,

The first easily measurable effects are the following:

1 ) In a few weeks, you will be able to check the change in smokes -- from black to grey, from grey to white and from white to nothing.
Meanwhile, toxic gas emissions will drop but you can check these parameters only with a specific equipment used by labs.

2 ) The exhaust odor can change slightly during the first couple of weeks. It would smell like burnt plastic, this is the odor of the carbon deposits being cleaned up by Xbee.

3 ) On a short term you will be able to notice a change in the noise of the engine and its "behavior" that seems smoother hen using the product -- that is directly linked to the cleaning effect of the engine.

4 ) The temperature at the exhaust of the engine will drop by 5-10% within 3 to 5 weeks of using the product.

5 ) The consumption reduction is one of the longest term effect to be checked. The reason being that Xbee first cleans up the tanks, the injection system and engine before you can benefit of the fuel consumption effect. Yet, this is to be noticed after 6 to 8 weeks of treatment with Xbee depending on the regular use of the boat of course. The more you use it the quicker you'll see the difference.

6 ) When you have bacteria, you can see the elimination of this organisms within 4 to 8 weeks depending on the contamination level of the fuel of course.

7 ) During the first two weeks you might have to change your filters, at least you will have to check them closely. As Xbee cleans up the fuel, tanks, injection system and engine, a part of the deposits (too big to be burnt) might clog the filters at the beginning and this is the only "harm" that Xbee could do.
After this cleaning step, you won't need to change your filters for a while as using the enzyme enables you to save a lot of time and money in maintenance.

8 ) Finally, on the long-term you should also see the difference in your lubricant oil. A better fuel in a enhanced engine makes less "damages" to the lubricant, so you'll be able to use your oil longer than before.

I am sorry Tony for not being able to offer anymore sample. We had to offer samples when nothing was proved but now that everything is proved scientifically, we can not afford any more samples. Just because too much people is asking for samples and -- no big secret -- we also need to earn a couple of euros to live . . .

Yet, 25 € to treat 1,800 liters of fuel is not that expensive compared to the benefits offered by Xbee on my mind.

I hope you will be convinced to give it a shot.

Thank you for your request anyway.


New member
28 Mar 2006
Re: Xbee Store

This 100-ml bottle is cheaper because it is a limited packaging that we propose at a low price for the launching of the web site. There is still about 400 of them in stock I think.

Thank you for having corrected the link.


I have two reservations on this ...

a) The long length gone to in explanation - which eventually basically sells product. Sorry - but that is my opinion. This forum is not a sales room ... I know you say you are not selling - but in fact your post achieves that or would ...

b) Only product certified ... you say "On the other hand, Xbee is the only product presently in the market to be certified by laboratories for every commercial claims...." And then get out of the possible error by adding ... "All these technical data has been approved by accredited laboratories and submitted to the European Commission".
That's neat get-out in case another is accredited ...

Being in the Oil biz and also additives ... with access to various such as Clarion and other Commercial suppliers / blenders as DBM, OWT etc. - all accredited and accepted ALREADY by EU / various international bodies ....

I am a little confused .....

Oh and to be honest being in the biz - I will not rise to long posts further about it ... I've said my bit ... Good luck with the biz.


Re: Xbee: scientific data

Thank you for getting back to this thread. The key issue for yachtsmen is bacterial growth where there is water in the fuel. Certain bacteria, in quantity, can cause blockages in filters and injectors.

Looking at your 'Intertek Analyses Chalon' results pop-up, it is not stated which bacteria were present and being counted, and what were the laboratory conditions (e.g. quantity tested, number of samples, temperatures during trial). It is not possible to infer anything from the test results you have published, without further details of the trials. In particular, I would like to know how the initial colonisation occurred in each of these trials - naturally or artificially, and (of course) which bacteria. Were the yeast and mold trials in the same samples or were these all trialled separately? How did the initial yeast and mould contamination occur?

Many thanks.

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Lemain ... it is interesting looking at Intertek results .... near all tests are standard EN-ISO / ASTM tests until we hit Bacteria .. where we get test method M-07070 .... which I cannot find on my Lab list ... I shall be contacting my old pals at ITS to find out what that is ... plus of course asking my own Chemists at my own PetroChem Lab if they know that test ... (I will comment - that often a Lab / company will quote a M at start of a test number - indicating in house modified test ... also if it was one of the Mobil Tests as in 1404 for H2S ... it would say Mobil etc. etc.)

Mmmmmm I think a few digs into this at my lab ...

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Re: Xbee: bacterial growth

Thank you for your reply. I would like to know what the bacteria were - presumably this was identified when they did the count and should be available as a matter of course. Are you claiming that the product is bactericidal per se or that it reduces bacteria by making the environment less favourable to those bacteria? Bearing in mind that different bacteria thrive in very different circumstances, this is a key issue.

For example, some bacteria might be completely harmless to marine engines and fuel systems yet others can cause problems. It is essential that the product is proven to reduce un-friendly bacteria, not just unspecified 'bacteria'.

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Standard Bacteria analysis is actually nothing like what xbee quotes and I am now asking myself why do it the way he quotes ... and second to you - no lab actually id's the bacteria or moulds to the extent you are seemigly asking for ... they are simply Yeast and Moulds, and should be quoted as CFU/ltr ... the only that are quoted often separately are SRB's - which do not usually live in the water / oil interface ....

I did say I wouldn't get involved in this .... Oh Dear !


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11 Jun 2002
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Re: Xbee: bacterial growth

Why are you replying to lots of year old posts? Business a bit slow at the moment? /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif


Re: Xbee: bacterial growth

Why are you replying to lots of year old posts? Business a bit slow at the moment? /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

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Nope .. in fact its' just starting to liven up again after winter ..

I'm a little confused as to why it showed on first page then ... I didn't check dates .. must admit I trust the forum site to look after that ... if on page 1 ... I expect it to be recent !! Arr yes - it's his "update" ..... that brought it fwd again ...

Anyway ... I'm still skeptical after reading it all !!
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Well-known member
11 Jun 2002
Tesla in Space
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Re: Xbee: bacterial growth

Xbee posted to the old thread, so it's popped back to the top for those that have their user options set to see threads by date of last post, rather than date of creation of thread


New member
28 Mar 2006
Re: Xbee: bacterial growth

Sorry for bringing back an old thread. I've been asked an update a few times and this is why I posted on that thread.

SBC, I'd be glad to discuss with you the technical issues of Xbee. Please feel free to contact me at