Soltron / Startron / Xbee: explaination


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15 Dec 2004
Amstelveen, the Netherlands
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you state, that the user is the best judge.
I don't quite agree with this:
I did not have any problem with my fuel system, but decided to use StarTron to prevent getting problems. I still don't have problems but the question is wether or not I would have had problems if I did not use StarTron?
Also the subject of fuel efficiency is difficult to judge: I use my boat under different circumstances and a few percent decrease (or increase) in fuel consumption can not be qualified as a result of the use of StarTron.

I will keep using the StarTron for the same reason I started using it: Prevention.
Does it work? I don't know!


New member
28 Mar 2006
BrendanS, did you visit Did you give a call or two to Xbee users?

If you want more technical and scientifical data, please give me your email address and your word you will not publish the information on the internet . . . then, you'll have all the "decent tests" you're looking for.


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11 Jun 2002
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I've looked at that site many times, as I have your competitors.

No, I won't give my word I won't publish any information provided. It could be complete twaddle, and then I've just promised I won't tell everyone it's commplete twaddle.


Well-known member
20 Mar 2002
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Sorry but I think you've just shot yourself in the foot. Reports on the effectiveness of your product should be able to stand up to public scrutiny or they're not worth looking at. There's no commercial confidentiality involved.

Let's imagine a report summary for some fictitious product, "Tests using Wangwang showed no effect whatsoever. The engine performed extremely well using Wangwang just like it did when using untreated fuel. Wangwang entirely matched our expectations of a completely made-up piece of pseudo-science. Our only surprise was that the engine was unharmed".

And on the Wang website, "Independant report shows that engines perform extremely well with Wangwang. Wangwang entirely matched the testers expectations, and is proved not to harm the engine in any way"

So, I'm afraid we'd want to see the whole story before making up our minds and if your product is good then you've nothing to hide.


New member
28 Mar 2006
To conclude my intervention in this forum, I would like to thank you BrendanS for looking to our web site and thank all of you for your interest -- either positively or negatively -- to Xbee, Soltron and Star Tron.

Please, keep taking a look from time to time to Xbee web site, you will see news in the coming months and the official reports I was talking about might be published later too.

One more time, feel free to contact us directly by email or by phone if you need any further information.

All the best, regards,

Ronan Pennec


I've been through all this before, in this forum, with a poster who markets one of the Soltron products and we ended up in exactly the same position. I don't claim to be a chemical engineer or any sort of chemist, but these products don't sound as though they are based on scientific principles to me.

The fact that the vendors are all unable or unwilling to publish, in the public domain, any independent scientifically conducted supporting evidence that their product do any good whatsoever suggests that they don't. Who knows, maybe they can even cause harm? Until a proper technical evaluation is made available I cannot see anyone putting these secret chemicals into their tanks. To do so would be foolhardy.

Meanwhile, Fuel Doctor has been tested and approved by Castrol Australia and is said to emulsify any water. That makes sense. 'Enzymes' don't.

As I recall, the previous discussion ended up with the vendor telling us to watch his website, and you have just posted the same request. For myself, there is absolutely no credibility left for Soltron in any of its forms...Soltron, Startron and Xbee.


I don't think he's gone away, but he doesn't want to answer questions. I wonder whether any of these Soltron-type vendors really know what's in the products, anyway. Or maybe they do, and it's little more than kerosene? Who knows? They won't tell us - at least not in public, they want a confidentiality undertaking (I guess you got a PM too?).


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16 Sep 2002
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I used soltron in my boat where i had a terrible problem - all i can say is it worked for me. I was so happy, i bought (ahem /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif) the company. I am happy to retail it because i have seen it work - ok its qualatative, but i still stand by my product.

i know i was not going to say anything else, but i feel i have to. I will not get sucked in to a PM slanging match.

Someone was asking about adding to fuel - well the soltron website says

Fuels formulated with SOLTRON® enymes at the refinery conform to chemical specifications for base fuels and have compatibility with engines and fuel systems. Similarly, with aftermarket additisation in the distribution chain, Soltron fuels will not alter the base specification for petrol/gasoline(EN228), DERV (EN590), Gas Oils (BS2869) and can be legal sold as specified.

[/ QUOTE ]


New member
28 Mar 2006
Xbee: scientific data

Good day,

As I was telling you in one of my posts in this topic, we were waiting for the final documents to be checked and approved by the various laboratories and institutes implied in the scientifical "proving" of Xbee enzyme biotechnology effects in different fuels.

This is done and we have just updated our web site with all the technical material you and our customers in general claimed for.

If this is still of any interest for all of you, please feel free to take a look at the Research & Development page.

I am at your disposal at to answer any of your questions or enquiries.

I wish you all the best, regards,

Ronan Pennec


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5 Aug 2001
West Country
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Yes - go ahead. I had some nasty fuel problems when I bought a boat that had been sitting on the hard for five years or longer with about 30 gallons of diesel (mostly diesel bug!) in the tank. After a succession of blocked filters, smoky exhaust and other fuel problems, I was about to clean the tank (a major evolution at a mooring!) and someone suggested that I try Soltron. I overdosed the tank and within a few weeks, all was well. It might not have been the Soltron, but I now use it regularly.


New member
28 Mar 2006
Re: Xbee: scientific data / Disabled Link

Do you have an anti pop-up program in your browser? it might be the explanation: each of these links should open a new window to present the said results.


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6 Oct 2001
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Re: Xbee: scientific data / Disabled Link

As far as Soltron is concerned let me remind you that this was used in a Yamaha engine that was in a 33 foot RIB that went around the world. There was no guarantee of the fuel quality at every stop and in some cases the quality was pretty low or had some form of contamination in it.

This RIB went from New York to the Azores running with soltron and then from Azores to UK without for fuel consumption tests. It then went from Portsmouth to Cardiff, Cardiff around the whole of the world to Newfoundland and was laid up in frozen conditions until it returned to UK, after this it went to Ireland and then until its demise in the North Atlantic due to sea conditions and sank was always running Soltron and never once did it miss a beat or block any filters or suffer from fuel problems of any sort apart from a filter cap not being replaced properly which was nothing to do with normal running conditions and didn’t cause any great problems.

To add to this the main fuel filter was never changed until they reached Newfoundland the only filter that was changed was from the one that got wet from the loose cap and the ones from the other tanks weren’t changed either. So I think over 300,000 miles and not one contamination problem, plus a record for the longest ocean crossing in a boat under 50foot (as well as numerous other speed and distance records) were broken, are a testament as to how good the product actually is.

More information can be found at on the round the world trip and also the Soltron Atlantic Challenge.

If any one thinks that LUCK comes into it with having so many fuel stops and never having a problem, I don’t think that you can be that lucky. If any one else has done over 30,000 miles on one fuel filter I would be surprised too.


New member
28 Mar 2006
Re: Xbee: scientific data / Disabled Link

Others complained of the same problem, it might be you were using another browser than Internet Explorer. Anyway, the pages have been changed to be showed correctly in Netscape, Firefox and others browsers too now.

Please, check if you can finally read the results I was talking about. And thank you for your help.