Unfortunately it's sometimes a few weeks before I can get round to reading my PBO Subscription copy.
Although I've subscribed for over 20yrs and always look forward to reading it.
I threw the October edition in my work bag today several weeks after it arrived in the post with the intension of starting to read it at lunchtime whilst I ate my sandwiches.
I did my usual thing of opening the back cover first to read the Sketchbook, and then flick backwards through it to see what delights it had in store for me.
Imagine my disappointment that there was no sketchbook, and I noticed it felt very thin.
At the bottom of the last page it was numbered 66, and I thought, "Wow, I'm going to have to cancel this subscription if that's all I'm going to get now".
I went to the contents page to see if the Sketchbook had been moved this month and realised that there were references to pages past 66.
So actually I'd been short-changed, my copy was missing a load of pages.
I called the subscriptions number and am happy to report that they agreed with no hesitation to send me a replacement.
Although I've subscribed for over 20yrs and always look forward to reading it.
I threw the October edition in my work bag today several weeks after it arrived in the post with the intension of starting to read it at lunchtime whilst I ate my sandwiches.
I did my usual thing of opening the back cover first to read the Sketchbook, and then flick backwards through it to see what delights it had in store for me.
Imagine my disappointment that there was no sketchbook, and I noticed it felt very thin.
At the bottom of the last page it was numbered 66, and I thought, "Wow, I'm going to have to cancel this subscription if that's all I'm going to get now".
I went to the contents page to see if the Sketchbook had been moved this month and realised that there were references to pages past 66.
So actually I'd been short-changed, my copy was missing a load of pages.
I called the subscriptions number and am happy to report that they agreed with no hesitation to send me a replacement.