Scuttlebutt Solent to Poole Cruise - Spring 2013


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2 Sep 2010
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I like the sound of getting straight into Poole if it's do able :D Anchoring anywhere in a chop may not be so good for me!

Tomorrows leg to Cowes will be the big test seasickness wise for me, I'll know if the sea legs are up to long jaunts after this, fingers crossed, starting the Stugeron today, looking forward to actually getting past West Pole for once. My wife was decidedly green after last weekends trip out, sitting at anchor off East Head did her in a bit, despite it being flat calm but I would have been the same a couple of years ago. I think the more you go out the better it gets...

Not sure what Russ & Lustyd are planning, presume to go with the tides at 12.00, Russ you were talking of going earlier? I will probably go at 12.00 though, should be in Cowes by 4-5.00pm even with my poor sail setting, see you both there :D
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Well-known member
27 Jul 2010
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I like the sound of getting straight into Poole if it's do able :D Anchoring anywhere in a chop may not be so good for me!

Tomorrows leg to Cowes will be the big test seasickness wise for me, I'll know if the sea legs are up to long jaunts after this, fingers crossed, starting the Stugeron today, looking forward to actually getting past West Pole for once. My wife was decidedly green after last weekends trip out, sitting at anchor off East Head did her in a bit, despite it being flat calm but I would have been the same a couple of years ago. I think the more you go out the better it gets...

Not sure what Russ & Lustyd are planning, presume to go with the tides at 12.00, Russ you were talking of going earlier? I will probably go at 12.00 though, should be in Cowes by 4-5.00pm even with my poor sail setting, see you both there :D

I'm hopefully going down tonight so should be leaving Emsworth with the tide in the morning which will be around 10am to leave. Where will you be sailing from?

I'll add as well - if it's flat you can actually turn at Bar Beacon in your boat as there is plenty of water so no need to go to West Pole. I generally aim for the forts from there but others head for the submarine barrier gap which is more in line with the route.
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14 Oct 2010
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I should be at East Head, or on a mooring if I can find one near HISC. I reckon on leaving sometime between 11 and 12; I may give LustyD a half hour head start so will look and listen out for him as he passes. I'll also be turning W at Bar Beacon as there's more than enough water there at HT.

Chris - I'd say it's better to aim to set of an hour earlier than top of the tide. You won't have to push much, and it allows you some slack if anything goes wrong. Can you get to HISC for 11am?


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2 Sep 2010
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Yes I can get to the harbour entrance area anytime Russ as I will be on the boat tonight. It will take 1 to 1.5 hours to get their. I'll set off at 9.30 and will give you a call on my progress down the harbour.

I was going to aim for the Winner (off East Winner, Hayling Bay) and aim for between Horse Sand & No Mans Fort, the rest looks straight forward... I will probably also take the longer route into East Cowes avoiding the Shrape just to be on the safe side and get the fenders out for the marina, pot luck which side! It's a lot cooler today thankfully, time to look at the forecast I think :)

Have to say The Folly looks tempting at £11 cheaper!!! Free nice meal in the pub :D or as usual warm up the pasta :rolleyes: and save the money for a Poole pub lunch :D
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14 Oct 2010
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... and get the fenders out for the marina, pot luck which side!

If you come into the visitors area it's likely to be port side to.

I used to panic a bit singlehanded about preparing fenders versus steering. Then I realised that it was easier to stop moving outside the marina, then tie them on. Far less stressful.


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27 Jul 2010
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The Folly is an issue for me as you couldn't guarantee that you won't need a dinghy. Also the last 2 meals I've had there have been terrible (although not as bad as The Anchor in West Cowes) and the showers are not particularly good there.

I always put the fenders on both sides using the autotiller as I come in from the sea under motor so there is no panic in the marina. At East Cowes I generally won't call up when single handed in the week since A9 is always empty and they are happy for small yachts to go there.


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2 Sep 2010
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I'm afraid I havn't been able to justify pub meals for years Lustyd. My wife and I went out last year for a rare treat £33 just for main course and couple a of drinks :eek: Waste of money... rather spend it on a car/boat :D

I may go up to the Folly chaps and stay on the pontoon up there, I don't need to get on to shore and can have a shower at Lymington. Have to watch the pennies as always, :rolleyes: it could add up over the rally :eek:

I put my name down for a Crabber rally but when I found out the first stop was West Cowes I thought I would have to drop out but the other stop off points are cheap and it's BBQ or cheap sailing club grub!! Dell Quay sailing club worth a visit by the way, don't have to be member and the food is well priced and plentiful ;)

Sorry to be a sour puss but will have a beer with you at Lymington. I may be able to walk down across the fields to you in the evening also :D


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27 Jul 2010
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If the consensus is Folly I'll go there but we'll need to put it up here ASAP to make sure nobody ends up at East Cowes by mistake :)


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14 Oct 2010
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One of the reasons I'm going down now is to get out of Northney to save a night's rent to spend at East Cowes. Dabchick and Chrissie were meeting at East Cowes. I'd prefer that as I want to pop to a couple of places in the morning.


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2 Sep 2010
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Don't change your plans because of me, I'll see you all in the morning for the leg over to Lym. Any rough idea when that could be? A bit later by the sounds of it if Russ is off shopping! Will contact you in the morning either way :D

Russ as you have taken the deposits are you co-ordinating our arrival at Berthon, or shall we call individually and say we are from the YBW rally as I believe someone may have arranged a group deal. Just wondered if it would be a good idea to contact them now so we know where to go or is it best left until that morning!

Russ you have my mobile number 07974 286270 recorded for Chubby's details also , excellent I'll send you my next phone bill Chubby :D.
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2 Sep 2010
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I'm off & doped up on Stugeron (don't drive they say when taking it I can beleive that but....) My raafle prize is too big to carry in the dinghy with food/clothes etc so some free mags avaialbe on my return (2 boxes of). Will be a bottle instead from me unless I can rip something off Petes boat :D

Tally ho.. see you all soon...


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29 Nov 2009
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Russ as you have taken the deposits are you co-ordinating our arrival at Berthon, or shall we call individually and say we are from the YBW rally as I believe someone may have arranged a group deal.

I would probably just give them a call on the VHF when nearly there, saying I'm part of the Scuttlebutt rally. At that point they ought to be able to say which side to so we know where to rig the warps and fenders. Then again, at Cherbourg I just pitch up, look for the drunken rats[1], and slot into a free berth among them.


[1] Forum burgees, not forum members :)


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14 Oct 2010
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Berthon and Poole have boat names and lengths, and should have a berthing plan made up ready for us to arrive. Just shout them and quote "Scuttlebutt".


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14 Oct 2010
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I believe we'll have an official YM photographer with us in Lymington on Saturday morning. I'm glad I shaved now.