Thanks, looks OK, am thinking of doing the Moody used show and the Hamble marinas on Saturday and the show on Sunday. May go the other side and have a mooch around Lymington on Sat evg as I haven't been there before.
If you want to see Lymington why not stay in a hotel in the New Forest ? Do a search on something like " Accommodation in the New Forest " and you'll find loads. I did the same last year when I wanted to watch the J classes racing in the Solent and found an excellent hotel for the night.
Try Farthings B & B in Hamble. The B & B is run like a family house hold with large spacouis rooms and great garden. very enjoyable with amazing breakfast in the morning. The Land lady is a Mrs Jo Straker. You can contact Jo on 02380452009
Thanks, have just booked the flights to go to the Amsterdam HISWA boat show next week so the SBS trip costings are under review! Will also have to take the kids as using up sitting help next week-end.
<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by david_e on 29/08/2002 17:13 (server time).</FONT></P>