RYA Magazine


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29 Nov 2009
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Is it worth renewing? I'm all for supporting the sport / industry etc but value for money so far has been poor..

Depends how much you value our continued relative freedom from regulation, their legal challenges to people like English Heritage trying to fence off Osborne Bay, etc. In my opinion that's the value of the organisation, not a few discount vouchers in shops.

(And I'm a massive hypocrite here because I never joined :) )



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10 Nov 2008
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I cancelled my long standing membership about five years ago. As a non-competitive cruising yachtsman, well outside the Solent /South Coast, the whole RYA thing seemed irrelevant. It was probably the magazine that tipped the balance for me. It appeared to be focused on two things, racing, in all its shapes and forms, and doom and gloom, with articles about more and more regulations.


17 Sep 2002
East London
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I have no problem with giving the RYA a few quid each year to kind of try and represent my interests as a cruising yachtsman on the East Coast, but they could do themselves a big favour by making the magazine something more relevant or bin it, I have taken agin the publication and it annoys me, making me less likely to renew my membership rather than more.

Maybe it could be delivered electronically and set up slightly more cleverly to allow members to identify their interests.


17 Sep 2002
East London
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In fairness to the RYA, while that sounds like a great idea, I doubt they have the funds or scale to justify the spend on IT that would involve.... would be nice though!

In another life I am taking forward a project that enables "the public" to register to receive regular updated information about services to disabled children. This is organized so that folk can express preference as to what information they get and how often. I don't have the costings to hand but it is not above £30k. Given the demographic of RYA
members the mailing list must be worth £30k.


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18 Aug 2013
North West Devon
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Well we have no choice but to be members - SWMBO needs it as dinghy instructor and daughter in racing squad system but even with cruising hat on I think RYA worthwhile for advocacy of water user interests; I know RYA represents lots of different interests who are often antipathetic to each other, but government at all levels much prefer to deal with one organisation that has some status/credibility and I think RYA fulfills that brief, whatever it's faults. However, I don't think the mag is very good even by the not very high standards of corporate PR sheets.


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5 Mar 2006
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Perhaps being able to opt out of receiving the mag with a subsequent reduction in the annual fee may be the way forward.


Well-known member
4 Jun 2007
Home: North West, Boat: The Clyde
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Was rather shocked to see a pic of me on my boat on p7. No idea when that was taken!!

Are you the young girlie in the rib (she appears three times in the mag.....that says a lot about a desperate need for more content), the attractive blonde at the helm or the dude in the shades posing to look cool?

I support the work of RYA but I have to be honest the (of interest) content of this quarter magazine continues to decline. There's a high quantity of junk included in the packaging, no idea what it is becuase it goes striaght in the bin, and the mag itself is full to the brim with advertising. There are two articles extolling the virtues of YM training, a bit of self gratification, imho.

As the postman delivers it I usually think "oh good, something to read" but this is generally tempered after 5 minutes, or less if I can't get the YM quiz questions :)

Please try harder, RYA


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24 Feb 2003
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You are certainly not alone! I skimmed through it in about five minutes. Almost nothing in it of interest and questions in the 'Yachtmaster Quiz', usually the most interesting item, are often bizarre.
It reminds me if those mags you used to find in the back of plane seats, bland nothings!


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1 May 2005
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Really interesting this: Thought I should join RYA when I got myself a boat, some years back. All the copies sent me this year where left in their wrapper. But I did see through to the outside cover of the most recent they posted. While contents where based on water borne activities of some sort, absolutely nothing worth even looking at from my point of interest.

However, because of the rubbish magazines they where sending, decided to cancel subscription to RYA. They emailed me to see if I'd give a reason for so doing. Explained it was because the magazine had no relevance. Wonder if they'll take notice?!

Suppose many of us get publications through the post, of organizations we are member of. Confess I get fed up with some of these. One other I do not open with much enthusiasm is that from the RNLI


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7 Apr 2007
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It's an age thing: when your young it's great. I used to as a kid... Get RIB International, Y&Y, Auto Express etc etc and read them all cover to cover sometimes spending hours working out how I could get my mum to buy me a topper.

Today I skim through them and see the 'same old stories' just like YBW forum. Anchor test, new boat test, Sunsail charter etc.

The RYA magazine is in my view a freebie to tell the member 'hey just letting you know we are still here, doing something with who ever to make your life on the water cheaper, safer and more social with a couple of discounts every now and then.'

That's all.

I still pay although a recent experience of legal annoyed me somewhat and I started thinking I'd rather be a member of the MCA a 'professional organisation' (my Perception of) But at this stage im not aware of any.
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14 Nov 2004
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If we didn't have an RYA we'd have to invent one. Our sport/recreation would be under continual attack .....

eg ... from peeps who think we are gin, big bank accounts and ra-ra Rupert types with Chelsea tractors .... and/or fromlegislators anxious that training is haphazard; keen to ban people from anchoring in quiet bays; prohibiting the use of red diesel; imposing restrictions on cross-Channel sailing; dismissive of concerns about wind farms and water-wheel generators .....

I have no connection to the RYA, but I've been a member as long as I can remember - mainly because I like to feel that someone in an office is taking on other people in offices while I'm afloat enjoying my sailing. As for the mag .... I hadn't bothered to read it until I came across this thread ... ! Now I have read it and it will be recycled; but I was impressed by the stuff I skimmed and glad to see that it throws light on the future of sailing - the youthful participation (with the instructor in the RIB wearing a kill-cord).

Keep on trucking, RYA .... you won't please everyone all the time. Anyway, Forumites already know everything. ;-)


Well-known member
15 Mar 2002
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I am happy to support the RYA, but I read enough of the magazine to be irritated by examples of poor proof-reading. Thus in the item on the Nab Tower (page 26) the Lat and Long were garbled by misinterpreting degree signs as zeros and the light characteristic was given as F1(10) instead of Fl 10. The one that really stood out, though, was on page 54. A paragraph about a possible difficulty in obtaining diesel in certain areas was headed "Diesel desserts".


12 Dec 2009
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I thought perhaps it was just me that binned it the same day it arrived but it appears to be the majority reaction. The magazine tries to be interesting to the whole spectrum of watersports enthusiasts and in the process bores the pants off just about everyone. As far as I am concerned they would be much better off putting a bit more effort into the electronic articles on their news pages where you can select areas of interest and abandoning the magazine.