Raggie vs QM2


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Was down in Cowes a couple of Fridays ago buying a house and watching the QM2 come down Soton Water and turn east whilst waiting for the 19:30 ferry to depart.

QM2 looks impressive moving at a decent lick in the evening sun and notice it is gaining quite quickly on the stern of a 25 footish raggie. Gets closer still. Most impressively loud blast on horn. Still gaining on raggie. 10 second long blast on what must be the worlds loudest klaxon. Raggie sticks doggedly to course and still appears unaware of the big blue lass behind him. By now the raggie is almost in the shadow of QM2's bow and finally turns round after another very long horn blast. Situation suddenly dawns on raggie and rapid 90 degree course correction made as QM2 surges past.

Think I could just make our raggies better half giving him an earful as they turned back toward Cowes! :)

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Which just goes to prove that the majority of raggie/stinky problems are caused by plonkers - which exist in both types /forums/images/icons/smile.gif of course this is not true of multihull owners - ducks behind parapet.

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Surely raggie has right of way, as long as he's not using his motor. QM2 should overtake on his port side, after giving appropriate sound signals. Should pass at least 400m to port of the raggie, making sure he has slowed to below 6 knots to ensure no wash. Perfectly clear and obvious for anyone who has read IRPCS, and is an anal retentive with a deathwish.

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er, obviously raggie is an idiot with a death wish but QM2 has ROW as its commercial and there is a bye law in Solent giving all commercial vessels right of way.

Incidently, fog horn on QM2 is original off QM1.

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11 Jun 2002
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Exclusion zone (area of concern thingie) in place there. Means even anal retentives with death wish have to stay out of the way

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Deleted User YDKXO

Also QM2 will have ROW because it will be restricted in ability to manouvre as constrained by draught plus navigating in narrow channel so raggie should have got out of its way

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....and there would have been an escort vessel with blue flashing light that would have moved any offending boat very rapidly out of the way if he was within the 1000m exclusion zone!

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I've often wondered how they decide when to put out the patrol vessels. I've seen several huge container ships come in and out without an escort, while smaller ships (on different occassion) have had an escort

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Brings up an interesting couple of questions. How many Solent area forumites know about the exclusion zone in Southampton Water/Cowes area? How many aware that there is a speed limit within certain distance of shore in East Solent/Portsmouth area? I don't want lots of people saying, yes I know, rather how many were not aware

No taking the piss if you didn't know, but please put your hands up??

I really can't remember how I learnt the bye laws. The charts give away clues, electronic ones have clues, almanacs have details, but most people don't read those in detail. Most of my knowledge I think came from personal contact with people who knew the area, and the club I'm a member of? I think. It seems to have been a gradual absorbtion process. I did know about the exclusion zone first time I went out, cos I can remember planning my first trip to avoid main channel

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The exclusion zone is much larger than you think, extending all the way from the main channel near Cowes, up into Southampton Water. If you've got a chart handy, the E side of the exclusion zone is marked by Prince Consort, S Bramble, W Bramble, Thorn Knoll, N Thorn, Calshot and Reach Bouys, and W side by Gurnard, NE Gurnard, Bourne Gap, Calshot Spit, Castle Point, and BlackJack Buoys.

Although shipping movements are broadcast, this is irrelevant, as the exclusion zone is automatic, and applies to every ship of more than 150m in length and prohibits any vessel of under 20m going in front of them - up to 1000 metres ahead. There is also an exclusion zone to the side of them, can't remember if it is 200 or 300 metres

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I didn't make the original post with any blame in mind as I'm a noob - just recounted what I observed.

For additional info - QM2 had no support vessels, both vessels were headed east and were in the exclusion zone as described, raggie was under power with no sails and both were much closer to East Cowes than to the mainland. Light was fading but visibility still good. Just made interesting watching from the Red Funnel!

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Moving Prohibited Zone

From the Southampton Water Bye-laws:

Navigation in fairways 10.
(1) The master of a small vessel, which is not confined to the fairway, shall not make use of the fairway so as to obstruct other vessels which can navigate only within the fairway.
(2) The master of a vessel crossing a fairway or turning shall not stop or slow down as to cause obstruction/damage to any other vessel.
(3) The master of a vessel shall not intentionally permit it to drift in any part of the fairway. (4) The master of a vessel proceeding along the course of a fairway shall keep as near to the outer limit of the fairway which lies on the vessel’s starboard side as is safe and practicable.

Moving Prohibited Zone. 11
(1). In this byelaw - ‘’the Precautionary Area” means the main navigable channel which lies between an imaginary line drawn between Prince Consort and South Bramble Buoys and an imaginary line drawn between Black Jack and Hook Buoys; ‘’Moving Prohibited Zone’’ means an area extending 1000 metres ahead and 100 metres either side of any vessel of over 150 metres length overall while it is navigating within the Precautionary Area.
(2) The master of a small vessel shall ensure that the vessel does not enter a Moving Prohibited Zone.
(3) For the purpose of indicating the presence of the Moving Prohibited Zone the master of any vessel of over 150 metres length overall shall display on the vessel, where it can best be seen, by day, a black cylinder, and, by night, 3 all round red lights in a vertical line. 6

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Re: Moving Prohibited Zone

I suspect, though may be wrong, that one of the main reasons the bye laws are not understood nor complied with is that:

1) few people know about them, unless they are the sort who take RYA exams and read the bye laws
2) they are so legal in the way that they are written, that few understand them.

What is needed is small clear maps, in colour, saying if a big ship is in this area, it is illegal for you to be in it too. Then post them in every club and marina and harbour office Most people here comprehend the rules and regulations to some extent, but I'd bet that 60%+ of people who boat in the Solent have no idea at all

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22 Dec 2003
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Re: Moving Prohibited Zone

I thought it was five blasts to say get out of the way? /forums/images/icons/frown.gif

I agree, one would surfice as you would probably hear it in France....

<hr width=100% size=1>Alex


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Re: Moving Prohibited Zone

No, five blasts means 'I have no idea what you are doing'. Actually, given that it's from a mobo to a raggie, it's probably the only signal we need...

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