Orca attack


Well-known member
26 Jun 2013
Hopefully somewhere warm
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I get fed up with people saying that we are invading their domain. It is not just THEIR domain.
Where in the universe is that written down outside your own imagination? You´re going out into the wilderness, some animals out do what they want. Gets in the way of some human recreation so people want them dead. Short sighted and a sad reflection on how destructive & aggressive the big brained ape species is.


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8 May 2003
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Where in the universe is that written down outside your own imagination? You´re going out into the wilderness, some animals out do what they want. Gets in the way of some human recreation so people want them dead. Short sighted and a sad reflection on how destructive & aggressive the big brained ape species is.

Daydream believer

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6 Oct 2012
Southminster, essex
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Where in the universe is that written down outside your own imagination? You´re going out into the wilderness, some animals out do what they want. Gets in the way of some human recreation so people want them dead. Short sighted and a sad reflection on how destructive & aggressive the big brained ape species is.
Where in the post #1237 did I mention killing them?
Just be aware- that you added that. Perhaps the- "Short sighted and a sad reflection on how destructive & aggressive the big brained ape species is."- is closer to home than you care to admit. :rolleyes: :confused:


Well-known member
3 Dec 2012
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Orcas are not nice,why we should have this feeling that they need protecting and that we should not hurt them is purely the voice ofthe suburban eco warriors
Humans are not nice either, yet we afford them a respect way beyond their worth. If not nice is the decisive quality we should alll look out.


Well-known member
26 Jun 2013
Hopefully somewhere warm
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chatGPT well ahead of humans that post here 😂
though maybe out prolific poster is just an old not very good bot 😂

are orcas nice?

As wild animals, orcas, also known as killer whales, have complex behaviors that can vary depending on various factors, such as their environment, social structure, and individual personality traits. While orcas are known to be highly intelligent and can exhibit cooperative and social behaviors, it is important to remember that they are still wild animals and can be dangerous if approached or disturbed in their natural habitat.
In the wild, orcas are known to be apex predators, and they have been observed hunting and feeding on other marine animals, including seals, sea lions, and even other whales. They have a complex social structure and live in close-knit family groups known as pods, where they exhibit strong social bonds and cooperative behaviors.
However, orcas in captivity, such as those in marine parks or aquariums, may exhibit different behaviors due to their altered environment and living conditions. Keeping orcas in captivity has been a topic of controversy and ethical concerns, as it can have negative impacts on their physical and mental well-being.
It's important to remember that while orcas can exhibit fascinating behaviors in the wild, they are still wild animals and should be respected from a safe distance in their natural habitat. If you encounter orcas in the wild, it is best to observe them from a respectful distance and follow guidelines for responsible wildlife viewing. If you have any questions or concerns about orcas or marine wildlife, it's always best to seek information from reputable sources or marine experts. So, whether orcas are "nice" or not can be a complex question with varying perspectives, and it's important to approach it with respect for their wild nature and the need for responsible wildlife conservation.


Well-known member
15 Mar 2007
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Orcas are not nice,why we should have this feeling that they need protecting and that we should not hurt them is purely the voice ofthe suburban eco warriors
Indeed. I think that whilst the hand whingers are splashing their angst all over keyboards everywhere, those whose lives and livelihoods are at great risk would be happy to burst them. And any odd barking mad lions from Africa who have made it to the waters off Cape Trafalgar.


Well-known member
2 Dec 2018
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This big brained ape is programmed for self preservation first and foremost.
In which case you could assume they would not be wandering around in dangerous places without protection , eg , would you wander around the seringeti with no land rover or rifle , or go swiming in the amazon , or walking in artartic without a hat on , or the sahara , ( there are plenty if other examples ) or perhaps some big brains are not as big as others


Well-known member
2 Dec 2018
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I read somewhere that a an Orca held captive for years in a Water Park has been released. Kieko? I think it was called. So if when you are off the Portugeesy coast an Orca rises up and stands on it's tail, does a back flip and then bites yer rudder off...it was him. :ROFLMAO:


Well-known member
2 Dec 2018
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Orcas are not nice,why we should have this feeling that they need protecting and that we should not hurt them is purely the voice ofthe suburban eco warriors
Thank god for the eco warriors , a damned site less destructive to the environment and world peace than the NATO warriors