Orca attack


Well-known member
14 Apr 2014
East Algarve
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Its funny, hikers and climbers in the american and canadian wildernesses get attacked and killed by bears on occasion. They don't start calling for a cull, they know these are the accompanying risks involved in their sport.
Maybe sailors should take the same attitude, or is it because this is really about property damage and thats never acceptable ? Its still safer than driving.
I don't think those hikers lay down on the ground and say "eat me please". I'm pretty certain they fight back and if they had a shotgun, they'd use that too.


Well-known member
4 Jan 2015
Live in Fareham Area, Boat in Gosport
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Don't get all this cuddle the whales stuff. They have become a danger. Burst them or can them. Most sailors who have to sweat about not getting attacked where its happening tend to agree. People's lives matter.

Most of these yachts are just passing through on passage, so what about the ones out there day and night most days of the week every week, the local fishermen. They must be having interaction with these beasties as they go out and empty the nets of blue fin tuna, or are they just not reporting it, or perhaps they deal with it 'differently' and dont feel the need to file a report, I will wager a tennor that the local marinas and boat yards are not filled with fishing boats

Fr J Hackett

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26 Dec 2001
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Most of these yachts are just passing through on passage, so what about the ones out there day and night most days of the week every week, the local fishermen. They must be having interaction with these beasties as they go out and empty the nets of blue fin tuna, or are they just not reporting it, or perhaps they deal with it 'differently' and dont feel the need to file a report, I will wager a tennor that the local marinas and boat yards are not filled with fishing boats

Have you ever seen a Tuna fishing boat let alone a fleet of them?


Well-known member
8 Jul 2001
Most of these yachts are just passing through on passage, so what about the ones out there day and night most days of the week every week, the local fishermen. They must be having interaction with these beasties as they go out and empty the nets of blue fin tuna, or are they just not reporting it, or perhaps they deal with it 'differently' and dont feel the need to file a report, I will wager a tennor that the local marinas and boat yards are not filled with fishing boats

These interactions are particular to sailing boats on passage. There have been very few interactions with fishing boats, no reports of fishing boats damaged or rudders destroyed.

Orcas don't care if a boat is 'just passing through' or is a local boat daysailing or otherwise on innocent passage. The entire marine industry on the Atlantic Iberian coastline is suffering (rudder repairs notwithstanding)

The reason for filing passage reports of uneventful passages as well as 'interactions' is to give all yachts in the area maximum information when planning a passage.

As you have no skin in the game I am curious as to why you feel compelled to make these uninformed comments.

- W


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8 May 2003
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Sailing boat appendages look more like a fin or flipper and are traveling quite fast whereasfishing boats are much of the time stationary or have a big prop whizzing round,as far as I know there have been no interactions with fishing boats off Galicia,just yachts


Well-known member
15 May 2005
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Its funny, hikers and climbers in the american and canadian wildernesses get attacked and killed by bears on occasion. They don't start calling for a cull, they know these are the accompanying risks involved in their sport.
Maybe sailors should take the same attitude, or is it because this is really about property damage and thats never acceptable ? Its still safer than driving.
Yet you're not even allowed to visit Svalbard unless you take a gun.

steve yates

Well-known member
16 Oct 2014
Benfleet, Essex/Keswick, Cumbria
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Polar bears are known to view humans as food.
If you meet a polar bear it will prob attack you. Ales sense if your in polar bear territory to carry a gun.
Orcas are known not to view humans as food.
Currently two pods are damaging boats, which is a problem right enough.
I dont see how such a problem can justify calls for culling orcas though, its a bit pathetic.
Reverse into them, throw firecrackers at em, flush bleach down the bog all you want. I dont care, I would try all those things Myself if they were coming at my boat.
Tracking them is an excellent idea.
Wanting authorities to shoot them is snowflakery of the highest order.

As for someone eventually being killed, I’m amazed some folk ever get into a car.


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26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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Two years ago if any mention of given Orcas grief there was a uproar by some here and on other forums .
It's very clear that's have changed now its come to light the problem isn't just going to go away and boats are now at real risk as well as human life.


Well-known member
6 Sep 2001
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Two years ago if any mention of given Orcas grief there was a uproar by some here and on other forums .
It's very clear that's have changed now its come to light the problem isn't just going to go away and boats are now at real risk as well as human life.
Ok, so people want to sail their private boat through dangerous forign waters, protection is going to cost money, are people prepared to pay for protection? I doubt it.