Leopard roars on maiden voyage


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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We've just got back from a first trip on this boat. And it's totally fab. For those who know, sorry, yawn. Otherwise it's a 23metre speedboat, a Leopard Sport. It's finally arrived in la Napoule in S of France, two days earlier than the revised delivery date and three months ahead of the initially contracted date.

I was due to go on Friday on a plane. But I couldn't wait , so I drove down with loads of gear on Wednesday. Coliholic, poster hereabouts volunteered to come along too, so we blammed down from London early wednesday morning, driving faster and faster as we got nearer.

The skipper is a good chap. The manufacturers gave us some fizz, and bought us lunch, and apologised profusely about the hardly noticeable faults. The skipper was worried that Mrs tcm might not like the boat. Also the salesman ws worried as she'd not seen the boat at all.

Can't remeber much of the first two days. I think we went shopping to stock up the boat with wine for the season. The second day we had to go out and stock it up again having slightly under-estimated the first time. On Friday Mrs tcm came down with jfm and Mrs jfm, and some short people. And all v jolly fun. The boat zooms along, has home cinema quality tv in the saloon with purple leather sofa, and plenty of room for people to have chats here and there without having to join in everything. All the boat shop people trooped on and nodded their approval.

The abiding feeling is that I can't quite believe that the thing has anything to do with me at all, that it's a dream, and that somebody is going to throw me off. I evidently don't look the part - I went with skipper on the back of his motobike to open a bank account for the boat so that he can buy fuel and they asked who owned the boat, which company? I said it's not a compnay, it's me. Yeah, okay, they said to me and to the skipper in French, but who's the actual "proprietaire"? Um, me.

Cutlery-wise, it is fab. I wimped out of a wind-up to lay the table with plastic forks. I didn't go to bed until 2pm. We left the cockpit in a bit of a state after each evening attempt to drink the boat dry, and the skipper cleared it all up early the next morning. The salesman brought us some more champagne. The telly get lots of channels. The kids play with the playstation. There are four big cardboard boxes of manuals in all the languages, mostly Italian and german which is a bit useless for me and the french skipper. There's a spare fishfinder with the manuals, and remote controls for the radar and chart plotter, good fun when you are sloshed in the evening but otherwise a bit useless.

The storage is so masssive that a reel of 150m of 1" rope was hidden in the foward deck store for two days before we noticed it, in amongst everything that we had previously kept on a Targa 48 held in a dozen big cardboard boxes. The foredeck has music, near the cushions for three large people. Further forward there's enough deck area and stabilty to have a dance whilst at sea doing 20 knots plus.

All boats have faults, and this one is no exception. Snag list:

1. The playstation2 that they have suplied in the kids cabin has only has one set of controls. But there are three beds in that cabin, so that's no good is it? No.

2. There's an almost-noticeable scratch on the saloon table. Okay, so the kids did it. But it wasn't their fault: the spectacular celebration launching chocalate gateau cake supplied by the salesman was put on one of the gold-rimmed Limoges cake plates supplied. The cake plate had a flat bottom, so when they moved it on the table, it made a bit of a scratch. But the manufacturers said they'll fix it.

3. One of the lots of evening deck lights didn't work. So I whacked it a bit, and then it did work.

4. There was a storm on Friday night in harbour, and several drips of water came through and dropped quite close to where Mrs jfm was sitting.

5. The jetboat tender is too fast and powerful. Short people and Jfm went off with gps and did 42 knots in it, and altho it felt unstable, they reported that it was actually very stable indeed. But, to demonstrate how very wrong they were, Coliholic then went out and got flung off the helm seat into the sea within only a minute setting off when he cornered sharply at 30+knots across his own wake. I think we all learned a very valuable lesson there.

6. There is too much electronic music system stuff. It needs 38 CD's to fill up all the available multiplay cd's on the boat, so they should cut it down, perhaps to 32. Also the german porn channel has been set to being one keypress away from sky news.

7. The passarelle remote control is a bit dodgy. This might be something to do with the fact that another skipper came on to the boat to help, and I think that we accidentally started using his remote control instead of ours.

8. In one of the deck cupboards there are cutouts to hold bottles. Some of these are specially shaped to fit certain brands of drink such as Cointreau . But the Gordons - shaped one was slightly too small. So Coliholic and I had to grind it out a bit with the Dremel. So I suppose that's acceptable now, apart from the fact that we only started the job at 1am on Wednesday having drunk the other drinks, and after celebrating our succesful DIY we drank more of the drinks, so almost all the blimmin gin has been drunk.


Well-known member
30 May 2001
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Sounds great, did you take her out for a spin?

Don't suppose we'll hear or see much of you now, otherwise engaged! Presume Mrs tcm enjoyed it, surprised you came back!!


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31 Oct 2001
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Re: Diana II

What 'append to the wifey signature thing, plenty brownie points, smug look for ages, wife v proud she wrote the name


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: French flag, spin.

Yes, yes, we went out and about. Wednesday the boat wasn't "registered" and in France this is a big deal - like a car, the boat must be registered, and have a registration number. As a French lease, the leasing compnay is ultimate "owner". But when paid it must be re-reg as a uk or other sort of boat as I am not french. We drove on wednesday on trade plates, then Saturday 1sy march with proper papers.

It is fab, yet weird to drive. Quite remote steering, more like a ship. But it goes where you say, far easier than a smaller boat other than obv it needs loads of space. We were out in a F1-2 on saturday, jfm has pics. Then sunday in a f4 med chop, perfectly solid. Can wander up and down side decks in any of these, no problems. There are no holes for drinks because they aren't really needed.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Re: Leopard is magnificent

Can certainly confirm the LS23 is a fabulous boat, absolute dream. We had fantastico weekend in complete Italian luxury, in France. Many thanks to Tcm and Diana for fine hospitality. Being on a boat with a skipper was a revelation. If you had asked me last week, I would have said you dont need a skipper, they get in the way. But Richard, tcm's new skipper on Diana II, was perfect. He was quietly competent, a really pleasant guy, didn't try to take control but was quite happy to watch as the whole party took turns to drive etc, but he stepped in when needed, and kept the boat very clean and "managed" the whole time. And the best bit was that we drove along the coast to a marina 1 mile from Nice airport, jumped off into a taxi to catch our plane, and richard razzed off in the boat to take it back to it's berth "valet parking" style! Only mistake was he razzed off too fast, because he had gone by the time our plane swooped over Cannes about 45 mins later, so we couldn't get pics of it from the air.

I've emailed a few pics to boatone, who I hope would be kind enuf to donate a bit more of his webspace and give us a url to the pics!


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11 Dec 2001
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An Unbiased opinion

As tcm says after much persuasion, I reluctantly agreed to accompany him on the trip departing at some ungodly hour on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning.

As we cleared Calais at 3am, Matt told me that we're going for the two stop F1 style strategy. "What's that then", says I. "Well we're only stopping for fuel, I'll fill up, you get the coffee and pee then I'll pay and pee then we're back on the road."
Most of the early journey was in pouring rain and to say he was keen would be an understatement. I've never been driven at 140mph at night in rain but for the first four hours we averaged, yes averaged 120mph. And he wondered why I didn't want to have a nap.

As we got closer to Cannes and the traffic got heavier and the road windier, you could see the excitement building, but the speed hardly dropped. Arrived at Port Canto dead on seven hours for 770 miles from Calais (we had a 1/2hour hold up in Lyons otherwise might have broken the record).

Driving round the quay trying to find it amongst the really BIG boats was really worrying. "Where is it, where is it", he kept asking and he nearly drove past it. "There it is" I shouted and he screeched to a stop and just jumped out of the car and stood there looking at it, with a grin that Richard Branson and Barry Gibb would have been proud of. Stunning to say the least.

The sales girl from Rodriguez saw him arrive and came out to greet him. Dumb questions number one and two from Matt. "Is that it" and "Can I go aboard". Doh, like she's gonna say no, not yours someone else has got one with the same name or something. So on board we go and it is fabulous. There really aren't enough superlattives to describe it.

Before we do the guided tour the sales girly says she's got a bottle of shampoo for him back in the office and his face drops. "No I can't leave the boat, can you bring it here". So we do the tour. The purple sofa, which has been bothering me since I heard about it (though what it's got to do with me is ??) looks fantastic and coupled with the light ash type wood and holly and cherry floor or whatever it's called is just RIGHT. As is just about everything really.

Has he been out in it? Oh yes. Thursday in a F4 going 5, we needed to move it from Port Canto to La Napoule and Matt did it all himself, taking it out of Cannes really good, blatted round the edge of the bay under the watchful and approving eye of "le skippair" who's a dead ringer for a grown up Harry Potter so guess what his nickname is. Mooring up was a bit of a problem in the wind and Matt had one go then 'Arry showed him the right way to do it. Smartass. Mind you a bit easy with five helpers on the quayside and neighbouring boats to catch lines and things.

Saturday with family tcm and jfm on board in perfect Byron boating conditions (Force 1 moderating) we did a really long blat round bay to Cannes, 25 knots at 1800 rpm being tracked by jfm in the jet rib doing the photo shoot. Apparantly it'll do 35 if you really want but according to 'Arry, at full chat it uses 400 litres an hour so maybe 8 knots is good eh?

Re the falling out of the jet rib, well this is my version. In order to demonstrate to younger tcm's the importance of wearing the kill cord, I decided to set up a demonstration showing what can happen,. So really it was all staged just to instill the safety aspects on them all. Well that's my story and even I'm not convinced. Oh and of course when I fell out of the rib, there was none of this man overboard stuff. Are you having a nice swim, was about all the sympathy I got.

But the deck shower's are great, oh and the washing machine and tumble drier soon got wet clothes sorted out though there's no ironing board or iron so I ended up with badly creased trousers and looked a right slob.

All in all a fantastic experience and a great long weekend. Oh and I drove back early today but the best I could do to Calais was 9 hours, but then I went for the nine stop Benneton style strategy.

More piccies soon so Boatone on standby?


New member
10 Sep 2001
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Splendid write up, sounds terrific (colour me green and color Mrs D. green too) - I'd say your very lucky, but all the luck you and Mrs TCM have got is hard work related. Of course when MVII is replaced - you will be invited to the commisioning ceremony for a contra invite of course...

Well played - can't wait to see her.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Menu for pics

Here's abit of commentary on the pics. Boatone, praps you might want to cut and paste this post when you put the pics url into a new thread? Numbers below correspond to the pics, also roughly in the same order

001. I strongly recommend buying a Leopard to anyone who likes cake, because you get a free one like this with each boat. If you're greedy or hungry, buy two, praps a LS23 and a 27?
003 TCM, Lucas and Diana. Leopard tablecloth! Oval thing on table is called "The Fat Comptoller"
012 This is actually TCM in his boat. The 23 metre thing is a wind up. Coliholic and jfm-short-person are crewing
029,031,040 Diana 2 anchored sort of a bit west of La Rague in a Force zero. Take care when jet-ribbing in these rough conditions, you might fall in ;-)
051,054,057,059 Diana 2 blasting along to Cannes. Lester McCarthy, you are quite secure in your job. Photographer got hammer in porpoising jet rib driven by power-mad Lucas who has two throttle positions, full and full
066 Foredeck big enough to hold a ball, the dancing TCM's proving this in photo
071,092 Nice boat
097. What's better than staying in a seaview suite at the Carlton Intercontinental in Cannes? Answer, being on a LS23 anchored opposite, looking at all those seaview suites in the Carlton Intercontinental, Cannes
099 Moored La Napoule
103 La Napoule, mrs jfm. The passarelly has a banister (dunno correct term) but removed in this photo. The boat right is the new Princess 25m, hull #1. See fender socks, bin liners! We may have had a luxurious time on Diana 2, but we had to put up with some lowlife for neighbours!
104,126 blasting to Nice this afternoon
128 moored fuel pontoon, near Nice airport


Active member
7 Sep 2001
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Congrats! I hope you enjoy her, I'm sure you will, best of luck with her and fair winds and clean diesel!


Active member
1 Oct 2001
Tcm, the whole story so far has been great reading, please keep it going, Good luck with the boat.

Think I might re-launch my Plastimo 270 inflatable with Mariner 3.3 to see if I can recreate the same experience!