Kong mooring hooks


Well-known member
30 Jun 2002
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I was off to the Med this year but now can't for various reasons so will be on a swinging bouy mooring. Much of the time I will be getting the boat on and off the bouy single handed then picking up crew from a jetty so I need to get good at it.
The bouy has a gert big ring on top so I was thinking of one of those Kong hooky things on the end of a boathook as I have never fared well with the type that thread a rope around when sailing alone as by the time I get the rope around the thing and secured, the bouy is either under the boat (it's a 37ft cat) or about 30 ft up wind and I have to do a heave-ho to get back.
Question. Has anybody got one? It looks like just a bloody expensive carbine hook to me. £34 seems a lot to pay when I can buy a carbine hook for £11.... Anyone got any thoughts? /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif


Well-known member
16 May 2001
UK East Coast
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Got one .... and some thoughts

I bought a Kong hook some years ago to use when single-handing. Used it about twice. It's not a very good choice. It's quite heavy to start with, and you have to keep tension on the line to keep it from sliding out of the boathook fitting whilst you're trying to hook the buoy. The jaw width is only 28mm. To release it, you have to take the tension off it and manually unclip it.

I now use a Handy Duck which is absolutely brilliant! Very easy to use, lightweight, clips positively on to its 2.3m telescopic boathook, has a big 33mm jaw width. Best of all, it can be remotely released, whilst under tension, either by pulling a trip line or by using the hook on its boathook. Rated a "Premium Product" in YM's test on boat hooks. An excellent product - check out the video on their website.

If you decide you want a Kong hook after all, and you'd like to save on the new price, I'm sure mine's in the shed somewhere. PM me if you're interested.


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23 Aug 2003
Brighton, UK
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I like the bosco boat hook. If you want to have a look, I am down at Wilson's yard tomorrow (and probably monday as well) It works very well, but is more expensive (funny how that seems to work!) /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Well-known member
1 Aug 2003
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How about making up a hefty pick-up line that can be your permanent link to the buoy when moored? Much easier to pick up out of the water.


New member
16 May 2001
Overwinter in Sweden, sail in Northern Baltic, liv
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Two possibilities :-
1. chain from mooring with chain loop at end connected to strong warp of equal length attached to a home made dan Buoy with loop at top.
Pick up loop, haulin slimy warp till you get to the chain loop, fit loop over cleat. Job done.
2. Buy a Scandinavian buoy hook. This is a long stainles stick with a hook at one end and a loop at the other. Attach mooring warp to loop. Bring it aft to convenient position. Hook on to buoy with hook end. The more expensive versions of this Scandinavian hook have a sprung closer which stops the hook coming off the buoy operated by a long trigger at the loop end of the buoy. Its a lot safer than running a warp through the buoy ring as the hook takes the chafe.
Snag - I dont know where you can buy one nearer than Jiel.


Well-known member
30 Jun 2002
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Re: Got one .... and some thoughts

I saw a picture of this one on Marine Superstore website and discounted it as being plastic. Looking more carefully at HD s own video it looks very good and should suit my purpose very well. In fact all I need is to get an initial grab on the bouy then I can winch it in with my windlass and fit the chain bridle to take the load off it. In reverse it can also work very well it seems too. £53 eh? Oh well, it's only money I suppose!
Thanks to the rest of you too. Yes I had thought of a dan bouy pick up as an alternative. That would work too but there is the disadvantage of always having to lift all that seaweed and mud onto a nice clean foredeck......


New member
16 May 2001
Overwinter in Sweden, sail in Northern Baltic, liv
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Not what I meant - I think

The Duck hook on the Marine SUperstore website cost £53 les 5p is not the sort of thing I meant at all. It lcomes apart leaving a clip and warp attached to the buoy and a long stick in your hand.
The Scandinavian system is much simpler as you leave the whole hook attached to the buouy and the boat attached to a warp in turn tied onto the inner end of the hook.
My objection is that kit that is designed to come apart rarely does so when you want it too and if it does then you have the risk of dropping the stick end in the water.
I do wish these hooks were readily available in the UK
Mine is on the boat in Sweden or I'd try and post a picture.


Well-known member
30 Jun 2002
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Re: Not what I meant - I think

I recognise it's not what you suggested Roger. I was replying to pvb who has one and seems to like it. I have also seen the type you mentioned in Stockholm but I think, because it's a cat and this will only be a means of catching the bouy and winching it in so that I can attach a bridle, the Ducky might be better for me as I can then winch the bouy right up close using the windlass.... Anyway I will pop in to Marine Superstore and have a look as it's just down the road from me..
Thanks for your input though. Much appreciated.


Well-known member
30 Jun 2002
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Re: Got one .... and some thoughts

Well pvb. I have bought one and it does seem very good. Even the pole that comes with it has a proper clamp. I hate these horrible twist to lock things! Launching next Monday so we will see how it works in anger........ Thanks again for the tip.