I will live-aboard. The clock is ticking


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25 Sep 2010
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Been a rough couple of nights with the wind but luckily I sleep like the dead and I have enjoyed the rocking off to sleep sensation.

Wandering to the showers has been much less of a hassle than I thought it would be and I am getting up later now as I was seriously over compensating for the time needed and ending up at work too early.


Looking forward to the weekend but looks like a poor forecast for a first real sail so I will probably attempt to make teh quarter bunk look better instead and have a general clean and minor mend here and there.

Nice still water tonight and I have had a blow heater on so it now feels like a hot house.


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6 May 2009
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Hi Steve
Glad you have your boat and you are now living aboard. I just noticed you post as I finished some of my planning for next week's lessons.
The first boat I looked at was a Westerly Berwick and I often wish I had bought her.
Hope everything goes well for you.
Fair winds,


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25 Sep 2010
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Thanks... did you get much sailing in over summer? Are you going back to Lanzarote?

Update to my thread - Not much to tell. Done a little bit of the head lining in the quarter birth. Found a slight leak in the other quarter birth which will at some point need tracing. Grrr.

Looks like I have fixed the leak above the shower with sealant... not sure how long it will last but at least it's keeping the rain out now :D

Just counting down to the next payday and I think I will buy a spare fuel bottle, maybe transfer over to Propane as suggested. Also think I'll get a heating engineer out at some point to look at the boiler before I light it. Be nice to have hot water on board for washing up (and maybe even a shower, how very posh)

Need a shore power extension lead and a long hose pipe to top up water.

Not done much else, been pretty busy with work. Oh, managed to find time to fill the small dent with P38 which will do until next summer when she comes out of the water and the hole front but can be properly GRP repaired.


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19 Sep 2011
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It's what you want, not what others do

Without a doubt! Luckily I have at least a few years to learn!

A list of what I consider "Essential" and I mean that in the way that "I need this to be comfortable and happy" - Obviously I could live in the doorway to NEXT but it wouldn't suit my lifestyle.

You're not rushing at it. You're thinking and planning. That way you will succeed. And there's no reason you should not do it your way, a way that suits your lifestyle. Boats come in all shapes and sizes and can be adapted. And so much depends on savings and income = planning, which you're doing. A couple of posts after yours (apologies to them, I can't see the name as I'm typing) are somebody living on a 42' motor cruiser. Another alternative with more comfort -and still able to enjoy blue waters and the joys of the open sea.

Good luck in your quest.


11 Dec 2010
Barcelona, Port Olimpic, for the winter
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Just seen the last few pages of your updated thread - congratulations on getting on the water.

Westerly's are generally well built boats, and there's a great Association if you want to check out their site - http://www.westerly-owners.co.uk. The forum also covers most issues to be had with similar boats, and how to solve them, although the general traffic on the site is not as much as this one.

For 15 quid a year, you even get a members book and updates on all the meets, which could put you in touch with fellow Berwick owners.

Good luck with your adventures, and remember to do some sailing, it will give you a break from all the DIY.

Happy sailing



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25 Sep 2010
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Westerly's are generally well built boats, and there's a great Association if you want to check out their site - http://www.westerly-owners.co.uk.
Good luck with your adventures, and remember to do some sailing, it will give you a break from all the DIY.

Happy sailing


Thanks, I have joined the forum and have been stalking the posts on there. I did put a post on about my filler cap.

Okay, so another little update. I have done most of the headlining in the aft bunk which looks much better than the flower wall paper, and moved the light that was in there from the back to the front. Leak above the shower does seem fixed which is good. Not had time to look at the other small dampness in the other bunk. Bought a new anchor (40lb CQR) to replace the 20lb Bruce which I am keeping for a kedge. That means that the old fisherman's anchor will be on eBay this week together with the old pumps.

So, today's adventure was supposed to be my first sail. Everything ready, made slips, radio'd for clearance, weather good, checked fuel... reversing out, slipped the lines... light wind push the bow round opposite to the direction I thought the prop walk would take me... I put her in forward to give some stearage... slip line was in the water... clunk... engine dies... balls, I've wrapped my line up in the prop...

Drifting nicely across the marina I managed to quickly get a line on a cleat and stepped off as she "found" another pontoon... quickly tie her on, jump back on board, bow line made and tied her up. Hmmmm. Oh, the joys of sailing.

Friendly chap came and helped me rig a line across the marina and we hauled her back to her mooring where she sat and sulked.

Luckily a diver on the dock agreed to forgoe his planned lazy morning and for a small fee got under the yacht and freed her up. Good news is no damage to prop or mounting, tested in both gears and she seems to run fine. He also checked the anode and said it doesn't look to be doing a lot as not very shiny. No growth on the underside, just slimey, probably from the fresh water marina she's been lving in.

So, still not got out on her but I did sail/drift 30'... I think I'll leave that out of my log book!


I shall do some more practice in the evenings with some people from the marina I think prior to going out again.
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25 Sep 2010
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I think I'll stick with the yacht I've owned for four weeks for a bit! Ha Ha.

Anyway, back to the thread. Took the yacht out today. Amazingly managed to get out, after a bit of turning and 3 point manoeuvres, and returned without incident. Got the foresail out but no real wind to speak of and only stayed out 2 hours. Pleased though that I can say I've actually been out of the Marina.

Fantastic last week on board in the lazy sunshine. Certainly feel that I'm living the dream. I hear that ice and snow is forecast in a couple of weeks, should be interesting :)


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4 hours work and I now have 4 x 240V plug sockets on board... I'm going to fit another double as well.

All done from a socket outside run in via a nice RCD unit.

Fridge also fitted and screwed in place and no trailing leads anymore.

The yacht is feeling really homely now and I find I miss her when I am away!


TV is probably next on the list and a small dehumidifier for winter (Not had any problems but the underside of the seats in the lounge feel a tiny bit damp after having two people sleeping on board for the last week. Can anyone recommmend a small, quiet unit. Preferably something that can drain into a sink instead of being emptied all the time?


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21 Mar 2005
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May I make a suggestion... :)

Perhaps you should now start a new thread from .. I will be aliveaboard...
to :- I am a Liveaboard, and the job list is growing.. :D


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25 Sep 2010
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May I make a suggestion... :)

Perhaps you should now start a new thread from .. I will be aliveaboard...
to :- I am a Liveaboard, and the job list is growing.. :D

Yes, I know! I've found a small leak above the galley... I am guessing looking at the location that it is from where the spreaders connect to the side decks. Another thing to look at when I get a free minute.

Windy today, off work as about to go and sit an exam!

Really enjoying life on board, looking forward to seeing how I get on when it gets icy. If the yacht is as comfortable then as it is now (and I can see no reason why not except for the cold feet walking to the showers in which case I can see myself getting my hot shower on board running) then I am definately seeing this as a lifelong passion. :)

Nice thing is at the moment with marina fees paid in advance until April is that I have no bills save car/yacht insurance and mobile phone which totals £100 / month. I'm trying my best to spend the rest of my salary on alcohol. (Doing my bit for the chancellor)

P.S. I have edited the thread title on the first page but cannot change the overall thread title. Maybe a Mod. can?
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25 Sep 2010
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Two small updates / things to say.

1) I have been aboard now for 8 weeks or so and I am loving it. If you're a lurker then jump in (not literally) and take the plunge (Sorry, did it again). Biggest thing for me is how unbelievably content I feel on the yacht, and she's so much smaller than my initial plans. Right now she seems perfect :) To inspire you all I have given you a picture of my "garden" a couple of weeks ago as I got up.


2) I have eventually found some spare time to start doing some proper jobs so I have removed all the teak from the cockpit and begun the job of cleaning and restoring it. See picture of progress. Amazing stuff that teak, it may look long past it's life but it comes back like new.



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25 Sep 2010
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Brilliant, and may I second your comment for any lurkers, I'm 8 weeks in and loving it too.

Fantastic! They're predicting the coldest, harshest winter ever this year. Crazy thing is I can't wait! Snug n dry looking out at ice and snow will never have felt so nice.



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Well, a week off work and I have managed to get the cockpit all finished off.

All wood back in place, clean and oiled. New base made (Thanks to a friend who has some good wood working skills) from garden decking, oiled and fits well.

Took the yacht out this morning at 6:30am to catch the sunrise. Pictures below (Left camera in car so these were done on iPhone so not great quality)





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17 Jan 2011
Well done Zanziba!

I remember following this thread back when you said you wanted to loveaboard, I still want to myself but life has taken an amusing turn so I'll have to hold onto this pipe-dream for a little longer.

Amazing pictures, well done!