I will live-aboard. The clock is ticking


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25 Sep 2010
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Still not sorted the camera out but hopefully next week. Quick update then:

1) Boat nice and clean now and removed 4000 spiders (Several of whom were serious Boris sized creatures)

2) Managed to get the anchor light to work (but not the steaming light)

3) Got the gas working and can now cook and make a brew

4) Ordered water pump of eBay (£50)

5) Re-rigged the main sail as it was not done correctly and was loose at the clew, tack and all along the boom.

6) Unwound the foresail (Which was wound the wrong way with the protector on the inside) and rewound the correct way. Also solved the problem that it did not unfurl all the way as there way way too much line on the barrel so it got full.

7) Cleaned inside and febreze'd everything.

8) Bought all the modern things like pans, cutlery and tin opener!

Surprises (I know, I know... Didn't I look before I bought?)

A) Sails are brand new looking, really pleased with them. I checked the main sail prior to purchase but it was a cursory look.

B) Boom is made of wood and looks in rather poor order... new one on this year's shopping list - ideas anyone.

So, if all goes well she is set for the sea Saturday to arrive (after an evening on a buoy) at her permanent base at Fleetwood on Sunday. Maneouver trials in the marina set for tomorrow.


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25 Sep 2010
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Trial around Marina went well, moored her up without crashing which is a bonus.

All set for tomorrow at HW-1 to leave for open water!

Fitted new water pump today so now have running water, how posh! Got all electrics (speed/log etc) working. :)

I'll update after tomorrows sail.


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25 Sep 2010
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Made it to Fleetwood OK and all settled in. Enjoying the life on board, unfortunately work calls again tomorrow so back to the grind.

I have an ever growing list of things that need doing:

1) Stays all need tightening
2) Mainsail connections need replacing (The sail is fixed to the mast by cable ties!)
3) There's a leak above the shower (Lucky place) where the electrics go through to the mast. Need to get some flexible filler type stuff
4) The anchor is loose (and too big) so a new holder is really needed... not sure what to do about that just yet? Any ideas? A custom made piece sounds rather expensive. Need something to reach further forward to hold the bruce in place
5) Managed to run into the dock today mooring and discovered the front of the boat has had a small repair using car body filler which has not set... in other words I've put a nice dent into the putty that is the front of the yacht's bow. If I get time Sunday I'll dig it all out and fill it with something a bit better. Sand and respray can wait a while.

That's about it so far. Any ideas/suggestions/offers of help accepted :)


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25 Sep 2010
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Well, back working and enjoying the live aboard life as well. Great showers next to my car so stroll half dressed to shower, get clean then go to work. Another great thing, my showers are bigger than anyone at home's... Get cleaned daily and are red hot and you can stay in as long as you like.

Love the view from my cockpit as I chill playing guitar... No lawn to mow and someone else keeps everywhere tidy. No longer worry what bin goes out on which day either :)

Marina fees all paid up so I've no bills now until next year so life has taken on a much more relaxed feel. I'm going to work to increase my savings and not because I actually need to for the first time in my life.

Happiness... It's a funny thing to gauge but I'd like to suggest it's being in a position with no fear of being cold, hungry or homeless. I'm very happy.

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2 Sep 2006
East Midlands
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Very pleased for you Zanzibar.

Whilst the weather is warm and dry and the days are still long I would prioritise getting your boat ready for colder, wetter weather and the dark nights.

I would consider getting a tarpaulin (or similar) to go from your wheelhouse to the front of the boat. If it is higher in the middle any snow/rain should run off. It will also keep the boat warmer.

I have forgotten if the rear of the wheelhouse has a cockpit canopy, if not I would either get one made or mackle up something, depending upon how flush you are. This one would be my priority. Make any access easy so you get protection in driving rain as you get on/off the boat.

Good Luck. (and Well Done).


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2 Sep 2006
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Make sure you have the red/orange Calor Gas cylinders (propane) and NOT the blue ones (butane). The blue ones freeze up very easily when the temperatures approach zero degrees C. You wuill need a different regulator.
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Well-known member
7 Jun 2010
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Very pleased for you Zanzibar.

I have forgotten if the rear of the wheelhouse has a cockpit canopy, if not I would either get one made or mackle up something, depending upon how flush you are. This one would be my priority. Make any access easy so you get protection in driving rain as you get on/off the boat.

Good Luck. (and Well Done).

+1 x 10

We got a cockpit tent last December and ate out that night!!! Not only does it give you an extra room (playing the guitar on a cold December night in the rain ain't quite the same) but it will keep the interior warmer as well. My missus says that it is the best money that we have spent on the boat and this 'summer' I have had to agree as we have enjoyed eating outside in the evenings even when it has been raining.
Additionally, in the winter, it also helped keep the temp up so the butane still flowed (but agree with getting propane if it will fit).
It has been a long time waiting since last December. Now enjoy for much longer...


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25 Sep 2010
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+1 x 10

We got a cockpit tent last December and ate out that night!!! Not only does it give you an extra room (playing the guitar on a cold December night in the rain ain't quite the same) but it will keep the interior warmer as well. My missus says that it is the best money that we have spent on the boat and this 'summer' I have had to agree as we have enjoyed eating outside in the evenings even when it has been raining.
Additionally, in the winter, it also helped keep the temp up so the butane still flowed (but agree with getting propane if it will fit).
It has been a long time waiting since last December. Now enjoy for much longer...

There is a cockpit canopy in one of the lockers but apparently it is from before the fixed splash screen was fitted. I'll take a look when I get time and see if I can make something out of it.


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6 Jun 2011
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Wow, I disappear from the forum for a while and you've gone and done it!

I've just sailed (with help, or should I say, I helped!) my yacht back home last week, 9 hours was a bit of a baptism by fire as the swell was a little lumpier than expected, but I soon got used to it.

I've got a month and a half before I move on board permanently, so going to ease myself in.


Well-known member
1 Oct 2009
South Coast UK
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Well done, Maya was the very first boat I went to see when I started looking for my first boat in late 2009. The then owner was asking for just short of £20k, you have done very well to have what you've got for less than £7k. Good luck with everything...


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3 Jun 2006
South East Coast - United Kingdom
If you need a cockpit or foredeck awwning, you could try posting a "WANTED" in your local "Freecycle" for an old (out of date) caravan awning. These are quite large and can be altered to suit your requirements.

Even a small one is certainly likely to be 12' x 7' (roof area) by 7'6" high with enough canvas for drop down walls and zips and possibly 'windows' which can be altered to fit. This is more than enough to completely enclose the cockpit area. ;)
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25 Sep 2010
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Well done, Maya was the very first boat I went to see when I started looking for my first boat in late 2009. The then owner was asking for just short of £20k, you have done very well to have what you've got for less than £7k. Good luck with everything...

Thank you... I am happy with my purchase... should do me well for many years and may even make a profit when the time comes to upgrade.

I think £20k would be seriously over priced even with a newish engine and new sails (hence why you walked away I guess) but she must be worth £12k, especially if I fit a new boom at some point.


6 Dec 2010
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Sorry i didnt reply to your reply earier on! well done glad to hear you have a nice boat!Weve just got to france ( 4 days ago) and living aboard, is nice but strange too! Good luck, am sure you will really enjoy it!


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1 Oct 2009
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Thank you... I am happy with my purchase... should do me well for many years and may even make a profit when the time comes to upgrade.

I think £20k would be seriously over priced even with a newish engine and new sails (hence why you walked away I guess) but she must be worth £12k, especially if I fit a new boom at some point.

It's possible, I made £5.5k on my last boat, just over half the cost of present one. Tidying, decluttering, painting, varnishing, etc. works wonders. That floral wallpaper in the quarterberth will have to go...:D


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It's possible, I made £5.5k on my last boat, just over half the cost of present one. Tidying, decluttering, painting, varnishing, etc. works wonders. That floral wallpaper in the quarterberth will have to go...:D

Ha Ha - I know! The previous owner left me some blue vinyl which I am going to line it in this weekend, I did have a go but vinyl glue was completely useless and also melted the polystyrene... I am going to try exterior use PVA or no more nails, unsure yet.

First thing to do is to get some sealant around the electrics on the mast as it's still leaking when it rains (into the shower).


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25 Sep 2010
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3G online now... camera seems to be broken... I think the battery is broken having been comletely run down, I'll leave it on charge over night.

Okay, I have tightened the spreaders and stays (without demasting the craft which is a bonus). I used the tried and tested technical method of tightening opposite sides, two turns each at a time until they felt tight. They were very slack and now are probably still far to slack but I don't want to over tighten them.

The front has two forestays (plus a baby stay) but I can only get to one stay as the other one is tucked under the drum for the genoa. I assume that I have to unfurl the genoa and then remove the sail and drum to tighten that one? I'll have a look next weekend if the weather is nice.

Also managed to loosen off the main sail slider and grease it all in yacht grease, got it all moving freely :)

I'll pick up some sealant this week and tackle the shower in the shower... and then I'll find some where to tie/put/stow the anchor and then she'll be sea worthy (in my opinion anyway).

Weather permitting next weekend she'll go on her first proper sail (with sails and everything ha ha)

Right, fingers are knackered from guitar practice (In the class A-team sounds remotely like the right tune now)... Think I'll kick back with a few beers listening to the radio.