Helicopter Rescue off Dover


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11 Nov 2007
Kingdom of Fife
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My oceanography lecturer always said there was no such thing as a freak wave.

As for the RYA checking schools at my last club which was a registered training establishment we were checked out every year by the RYA, there can only be so many acceptable excuses for life threatening incidents


29 Jul 2005
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With the right boat & crew I'll sail in a 10 anyday..... just as long as we have a pleasant destination with good food & great beer…. plus totty & live music always a bonus.... ;)

If you haven’t been out in these conditions for a while it will take a couple of days to become acclimatised, empty the contents of your stomach, acquire your sea legs & start to eat & function again….. but that’s just all part of sailing.

Well this can be arranged, there is a high profile company based in Southampton. Just pay your money and off you go, but you have just missed a real opportunity earlier this week.
Unfortunately as far as stopping off at a pleasant destination for you, this company don't know where or how to stop, you would have to see the ride out.
Maybe if the crew had offered to have a whip round and pay the Brighton marina fee for the first night, they would have had a great exhilarating 9 hour sail.


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14 Oct 2006
- up to my neck in it.
We had a full briefing and were shown how to put up the storm sail but were reassured that we would run for one of the marinas if things got bad. I was on watch from 6pm to 8pm and refused to take the helm as I didn't feel experinced enough (I do have day skipper but haven't sailed much recently) At this time we were doing about 7.5 knots overland agaonst the tide and I suggested to the skipper that we should bring down the main. He didn't want to and didn't do so until we had had several problems with controlling the helm. Lowering the main wasn't easy either as the sail was very difficult to control and we were all feeling ill.
I then went off watch expecting that we would head for Eatbourne at worst...

Thank you for the info. I trust you are OK & realise that what you have just been thro is not sailing, but rather surviving. I have long believed that wind over tide will have been an issue in this incident. It makes a bad sea even worse & will probably explain the "freak wave". Waiting until the boat is almost out of control before reducing sail sounds more macho than seamanlike.


Lord High Commander of Upper Broughton and Gunthor
8 Apr 2007
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Well.... Sailingboy55 has now been deleted...

Just as well we copied the tweets here eh?


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15 Nov 2004
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From his Facebook page it suggest Charlie only recently started working for Hot Liquid.

I'm pretty sure it was him in Yarmouth on a HL boat in the summer ... but I guess as a freelance it's not unreasonable to do the odd bit here and there ..