No i dont think so ,Petrols are fine,like with anything if you dont look after it it may go wrong.
Expensive ,well i spend more on friday night down the pub then off for a curry than i do going fishing somewhere it the solent or off the needles.
If your MDs pleasure is yachts then i guess he would be rather one sided with his views ,as with me i would never have a yacht spending hour upon hour leaning to one side and getting knowhere fast.
I'd have to agree with you. I'd find the frustration of staring at a headland for hours on end because you can't go fast enough to get around it against the tide too much to bear for any activity that's supposed to be a hobby!
Get enough of trying to oppose the tide at work, don'tcha know.
Ask your MD if his diesel engined yacht has Calor gas on board....??
then ask him how many petrol boats he saw exploding last week (month/year/decade!!)
As someone else commented, the Americans love their huge twin V8 engined petrol boats, and look at their product liability situation over there! Interestingly, they will not have gas for cooking, and have electric or meths burners. Says it all really.
Ok having establiished beyond reasonable doubt that I am right and he is wrong, two questions spring to mind:-
1) How come he is MD and I'm not ??
2) How do I tell him he IS wrong (or do I just bite my tongue)
Don't call me "Ian"
Cleopatra - yellow hull called Court Jester. Have you seen her ?
Well Adr-Ian!!. He's MD and your not. Because, he just does what every one asks of him. Or gets it done anyway. Whilst your thinking of whats the best way to do things.
Tell him he's right and thank him for the advice. Then you'll get a rise and maybe promotion. Then just carry on regardless. I know this cos I've been an MD for donkeys years. Thats why I cant spell. Always had some one else to do it untill this internet stuff came along. Used to have a petrol V8 boat too. But couldn't stand the suspence of gallon can in one hand and fag in't tother. So the boat had to go!!
No one can force me to come here-----------
----- I'm a Volunteer!!!
You should have trodden much more carefully. Since he's raggie, you may have to leave and get a better job.
But, before that try waitng a while and then dropping into the conversation that you really want to get a sailboat. But it's the wife (roll eyes) or the kids (roll eyes again) that forced yopu down the powerboat route. He will almost certainly bite.
Careful though: you need to find out what make of boat he has - and let him do the talking. If, upon enquiry, it tranpires that he has a Beneteau, or a Jenneau, or a Bavaria, then uneder no circumstances say "ooer , a flippin yogurt pot - frozen snot! Eh? Haha. Bet it's lousy upwind! Cheap though, I'll give you that. But I wouldn't fancy risking my family on that in a blow - and neither would most of them on scuttlebutt either!!"
In the meantime you can perhaps say that you've had it converted to diesel.
With greater grovelling expertise, you too can be MD, after which time you be much more offensive and slag off everyone's valued posessions, wives, pastimes and so on, just likje your boss. Unless of course you'd like to be a bit more popular in which case congratulate all staff on their wisdom in all matters, call them all general managers or vice-presidents, and get out of their way by going on long holidays.
As has been said, just take precautions and you will be OK. Make sure to vent the bilge for 4 min before starting and, especially after re-fuelling, vent and also sniff in the bilge to be sure there are no spillages/leaks. Most petrol fires, and there aren't many, occur after refuelling.
Do what any self respecting sales person would do in this situation....
- Acknowledge his opinion and thank him for it....
- Question why he believes that to be the case and ask for examples or instances of people he has known that have become a human burger on a floating bar b q
- Query the facts he gives
- State that you wouldn't go and buy a boat without researching it and speaking to other motor boat owners with experience
- State that really by ensuring that you follow the simple safety steps, commonly known amongst all motor boaters
- then ask him to come aboard for a trip with you and the family - that's how confident you feel!
acknowledge, question, over come objections and close.....!
Also, i am on my second petrol boat.... am not worried!