Go for it - in memory of Val Missen


Well-known member
31 May 2001
'ang on a mo, I'll just take some bearings
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I didn’t know her as well as I would have liked, but I’m sure that Val Missen would have wanted us all to ‘go for it’, to follow our dreams now, not wait for the right time, for all our ducks to be in a row, for everything to fall into place. Because for Val - when everything fell into place for her to chase her dream - it was already too late.

She and Phil had ordered and bought a splendid new boat, equipped it to carry them long distances, and begun training themselves to sail beyond the horizon. It was only then that she discovered that she had developed mesothelioma (caused by asbestos given her to use by her employer), a disease which doesn’t become apparent until is well advanced, and from which, consequently, the chance of survival is nil.

Val’s illness was discovered shortly before the Scuttlebutt trip to Cherbourg in 2004, which she and Phil had planned to attend. They had to cancel, but Phil asked on her behalf if we could raise a little money for MacMillan Cancer Relief, because she expected to be making use of their services for the next few months. We did, and we were able to send over £1300 to the charity.

Val underwent radical surgery, having a lung removed. The operation and the therapy that followed were very tough, but telephone conversations with Val from her hospital bed, and later when she was able to return home, were uplifting. Her body may have been weakened, but her sense of fun was stronger than ever. She could laugh better and more frequently with one lung than most of us can with two.

It’s difficult to know, but the operation may have won her another year of life. It was a year in which she prepared Phil for life without her, insisting that he installed a bow-thruster on the boat, so that he could moor it more easily when, in the future, he would be sailing single-handed. To everyone she talked to she made the point that Phil must be encouraged to carry on sailing, and follow his dream, even if he was following it alone.

Val died on March 30th. I think she will have been disappointed not to have seen another April Fools day. When I asked Phil if he would mind me posting the news on the forum, he agreed, sending me this snippet.

“One thing you might like to include: they took away half her diaphragm in surgery (as well as a lot else) and replaced it with a Goretex patch; she jokingly maintained she wanted top of the range breathables so that she would be the only sailor who matched inside and out.”

Her funeral will be held at noon, on the 12th April. The sun will be – just – over the yardarm and she would have been pleased to know that, at that time, Scuttlebutters will raise a glass of something stronger than mineral water to celebrate her life.

Go for it.


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14 Nov 2002
NW Ireland
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Just finished Hiscock's remarkable book 'Around the World in Wanderer III', written in the 1950s.
The epilogue finishes with the quotation from one of Arthur Ransome's books which was carved into Wanderer's companionway: 'Grab a chance and you won't be sorry for a might-have-been.'
Quite so. Perhaps more about the book another time.


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16 May 2001
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Certainly have to go for it - whatever 'it' happens to be. My beloved mother died in her mid 50s, younger than I am now - and I read Ransome at the age of 6 - the event and the saying are how I have tried to live my life for many many years.

(Dont forget the 'If not duffers wont drown' - as a 6 year old I puzzled over that one for years, but has such meaning now.)

Take care, love the miracle that is this planet and all on it, and live to the full.


Well-known member
19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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my thoughts are with you. I well remember meeting Val, a lovely lady.

The world is a shade greyer with her passing.

Best wishes


New member
24 Jan 2005
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Just some dirt in my eye's... I'm not crying
just a lump in my throat... I'm ok
Just a feelin' inside..I'm so lucky
Just happy that !...I'm still alive

God bless Cheers Joe

Phoenix of Hamble

Active member
28 Aug 2003
East Coast
Very moving T_K...

I will too raise a glass to another whose dreams were driven by the sea.... and someone who sounds a lot like the sort of person I would like to be.... We will, yet again, redouble our efforts to head towards the horizon as soon as we can..


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26 Jun 2004
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And if I go, while you're still here.......
Know that I live on, vibrating to a different measure -
behind a veil you cannot see through.
You will not see me, so you must have faith.
I wait for the time when we can soar together again- both aware of each other.
Until then, live your life to its fullest and when you need me,
Just whisper my name in your heart.... I will be there.


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17 Sep 2003
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Words that Val chose for her funeral:

“Where Corals Lie” Edward Elgar

The deeps have music soft and low
When winds awake the airy spry,
It lures me, lures me on to go
And see the lands where corals lie

By mount & steed, by lawn and rill,
When night is deep, and moon is high,
The music seeks and finds me still,
And tells me where the corals lie.

Yes, press my eyelids close, ’tis well;
But far the rapid fancies fly
To rolling worlds of wave and shell,
And all the lands where corals lie.

Thy lips are like a sunset glow,
Thy smile is like a morning sky,
Yet leave me, leave me, let me go
And see the land where corals lie.

Richard Garnett


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13 Sep 2005
My own cosy little world where nice things happen
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This is very moving. SWMBO and I have had similar conversations and she has made me promise to go anyway if she is no longer with me.

In the meantime, she is certainly living every dream and making mine come true in every aspect of our lives.

A few trite sayings that I like;

I regret the things I havn't done, not those I have. I regret the boys I didn't kiss. (Christine Hamilton)

The funny thing about life, the more you put into it, the bigger it gets (My Dad)

The objective of life is not to get lowered into the grave solemnly in perfect condition. It's to slide in sideways, battered and bruised with a manic grin shouting 'Shiiiit, what a ride!!' ( no idea, I saw it a bike club magazine)


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20 Feb 2006
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End of the month I'm off to where the Trade Winds blow, somewhere in a warm blue sea I will drop a flower over the side for her.


Active member
18 Nov 2001
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Tears in my eyes ... wonderful lady. Anyway, here she is as I remember her
