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Also, I have two tanks... I'm going to use the second one here...
View attachment 161526
View attachment 161527
I don't know what it's called but that tells you how much gas is in the tank, correct? Shpuld I take that one off the first tank and add it to the black one there? And then just fingers crossed it works?
What is the tank made of ? If it is plastic it does not need to be earthed except perhaps if the hose connection is a metal fitting that should be earthed.So do I just connect a wire to the prongs on the black thing on the rank and attach it to the bottom of the boat? Or the wooden floor?
It is probably the metal deck filler which is the most important component to be earthed,
The bonding must make contact with the water
If the boat hull is aluminium a connection to it will serve as the connection to the water.
The metal filler will be in contact with the hull.
If you fill the tank while the boat is ashore perhaps you need to consider earthing it before filling the tank although you don't earth a motor vehicle before filling !