Re Ironing Table.
My dear friend Nick.
Having frequented the flesh pots of tarbot.
I feel I must point out that no slapper worth her salt,
would lower her demeanour to do business with the likes
of accountants.
Pressed pants, underpants or otherwise.
Anyway I thought you were supposed to press them side ways on a boat!!
Now to the matter of the honourable Mr Kidson
A gentleman I am sure.
However I must point out
That after Karl nicked my first name, my second, third,
and fourth choice. I found no alternative than to revert to the letters on the back side of my car,
ie. My Initials.
As I seem to have now the dubious distinction of having
become a founder member of your establshment. I feel
some recompence is in order.
I will readily accept as recompence your standard
meager fees. Please back date to 1949 which is the date
of my establishment.
As to the matter re. diesel and water.
I must point out that the former floats on the later.
I trust you have the wisdom to do the same.
Kind Regards.
Would you please take your shoes off before you come in.
My dear friend Nick.
Having frequented the flesh pots of tarbot.
I feel I must point out that no slapper worth her salt,
would lower her demeanour to do business with the likes
of accountants.
Pressed pants, underpants or otherwise.
Anyway I thought you were supposed to press them side ways on a boat!!
Now to the matter of the honourable Mr Kidson
A gentleman I am sure.
However I must point out
That after Karl nicked my first name, my second, third,
and fourth choice. I found no alternative than to revert to the letters on the back side of my car,
ie. My Initials.
As I seem to have now the dubious distinction of having
become a founder member of your establshment. I feel
some recompence is in order.
I will readily accept as recompence your standard
meager fees. Please back date to 1949 which is the date
of my establishment.
As to the matter re. diesel and water.
I must point out that the former floats on the later.
I trust you have the wisdom to do the same.
Kind Regards.
Would you please take your shoes off before you come in.