EU countries allowing UK citizens to say over 90 days


Well-known member
13 Oct 2010
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Indeed there has and I worked in France before the EU and people from within the EU can move about but if they can't show that they are self sufficient within 6 months ( I think that is correct) they can be removed. Now let's use the ski guide and teacher as an example, An Austrian chap proficient skier comes to France and tries to get a job or set up as a ski guide you can bet your bottom dollar that the local council will insist that he takes the examination to become a member of the French Federation and that he is proficient in French and if that isn't enough they will find equally plausible and legal obstacles to put in his path plus I would very much doubt that any local association or company would employ him over a local Frenchman. Certainly there used to be English ski instructors but they had to jump through those same hoops and the majority of them worked for UK firms specialising in teaching Brits a valid reason.

Ha. Just shows how the EU's fundamental rights of citizenship can be made difficult to utilise. Law is the same. But there were always loads of US lawyers in London big firms who were "not lawyers".

Fr J Hackett

Well-known member
26 Dec 2001
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Ha. Just shows how the EU's fundamental rights of citizenship can be made difficult to utilise. Law is the same. But there were always loads of US lawyers in London big firms who were "not lawyers".

The regulations surrounding free movement have always been the same which the UK could have used, I am truly sorry if that bursts your anti EU bubble.


Well-known member
13 Oct 2010
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The regulations surrounding free movement have always been the same which the UK could have used, I am truly sorry if that bursts your anti EU bubble.

Free movement and free movement of workers are two different EU concepts. I am not sure which one it was that annoyed the brexiters.

Oddly - to you? - I was very European oriented. I ran some of the first student exchanges - ESF and Erasmus - in the UK. But we are where we are and just have to get on with it.

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