Moving to France from the UK


Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
home in Brum. S37 sold, was in Med Spain.
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But then I also see you can maybe stay UK registered despite being now “French” owned.
If you read @westernman accurate post it doesn’t get you out of the hole

“But there is an annual tax on boats. French registered or not. Kept in France or not. The tax is payable by all french residents who have a boat anywhere on the planet. French registered or not.”


Well-known member
23 Sep 2008
Costa Brava
You're hopefully aware already, but getting EU citizenship is not a simple process these days.
In France it is pretty straight-forward.

The usual way is that you need first to be legally resident with a Carte-de-Sejour. This is easy if you can readily prove you have enough income to support yourself.

This can be from a pension, investments, or from a job in France for which the recruiter brought a minimal amount of proof that they needed you and could not employ a EU citizen to do the job.
For the job, almost anything in high tech will do.

Then you need to wait 5 years and show you can speak a little bit of french. This is a very low hurdle.

There are other ways. Such as the ministry of defence asks for you to be naturalized.

Here is the official blurb:- Comment obtenir la nationalité française ?


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Posts 2 and 3 are not correct. Post 4 barks up the correct tree but (summarising some complex rules that I can expand on at the risk of boredom) you have to posssess /use the boat in the uk for 6 months prior to your residence change. I think your post says that but I’m not 100% sure.

Also, it is easy to qualify for that if the boat has been used in uk for the 6 months immediately preceding your commencing French residence ; it gets more murky if the boat is already in use in France and the 6 months period in uk was a long time ago.

The eu law in EN is EU Reg. 1186/09. Para 4a especially. There is French law implementing that (obvs in French) and I can give you the references tomorrow if you’re interested. Be very careful reading all this - there is a lot of detail in the language that you might not spot unless you’re good at reading law with the right amount of precision.

Ref 7th para you don’t lose uk vat paid status for as long as you remain the owner. There is no 18 month rule here.
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