Electric Boats


30 Aug 2021
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A friend of mine bought a very expensive electric Jag. we met up for a meeting in winter where he had to drive 130 miles. He arrived freezing cold as he was scared to put the heater on for fear his battery would run out before he got the the meeting.

Simply put Electric Cars are no where near there Yet and electric boats are way off. I have seen the amount of batteries

Oh dear resorting to insults = You failed in the discussion
Predictable from the one who started it.

Electric cars work perfectly is you buy one with a clear view of how you will use it. We have a Leaf as our daily driver. It does all the local stuff and journeys up to 220kms brilliantly. We have never needed to charge it other than at home, although we could do if we needed to extend the range. This is our second full electric after a Zoe and they have been nothing but reliable, incredibly cheap to service, and very cheap to run.


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3 Feb 2004
Boat (over winters in) the Clyde
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In my case, your comments are absolute rubbish.
Firstly how far would this technology take a 67 foot cruising boat?
We don't go from marina to marina.
A typical cruise for us could be 250miles over a two week period.
With any battery technology I can't see how I could stay for a single overnight at anchor even if I didn't factor in the energy for propulsion.

I don't think my statement you quoted is "absolute rubbish" - where I stated that "the engine sizes / power of most cars, and associated battery sizes needed, are within the same order of magnitude for most modest sized cars cars and most modest sized boats".
I am sure that even you would agree that a 67 foot power cruiser is not "most modest sized boats" - I suspect that is in the top 5% by size of most of the boats owned by members of this forum, and almost certainly in the top 5% of the power boats used in Spain, France etc. Indeed it is much bigger than used by most full time live-aboards and circumnavigators. (Clearly in the Med there are many bigger superyachts also, but hardly numerically common compared to smaller boats)

That is your choice. but you can hardly use that as a justification that electric power cruisers, particularly in places like the med, are not viable boats. Yours is not a typical boat.

Indeed, by nature I am more of a "petrol head" than "eco-warrior". And I have been arguing the need for balance, and doing the hard maths on other forum threads.
Many / most of us spend many nights on anchor without needing generators for domestic demand. And I suspect I used less diesel (330 litres) over my 2,500 miles this year than in one of your 250 mile trips.
I am a bit of a dinosaur like most on here. But our children and grandchildren are increasingly expecting us to be less wasteful - and leave the place in a fit state for them. Hence we all need to think about ways we can reduce our carbon footprints - and perhaps scaling back in a number of ways can be beneficial, as well as being more open minded about new tech, new ways of doing things, and more modest usage.


Well-known member
10 Apr 2011
Boat- Western Med
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I don't think my statement you quoted is "absolute rubbish" - where I stated that "the engine sizes / power of most cars, and associated battery sizes needed, are within the same order of magnitude for most modest sized cars cars and most modest sized boats".
I am sure that even you would agree that a 67 foot power cruiser is not "most modest sized boats" - I suspect that is in the top 5% by size of most of the boats owned by members of this forum, and almost certainly in the top 5% of the power boats used in Spain, France etc. Indeed it is much bigger than used by most full time live-aboards and circumnavigators. (Clearly in the Med there are many bigger superyachts also, but hardly numerically common compared to smaller boats)

That is your choice. but you can hardly use that as a justification that electric power cruisers, particularly in places like the med, are not viable boats. Yours is not a typical boat.

Indeed, by nature I am more of a "petrol head" than "eco-warrior". And I have been arguing the need for balance, and doing the hard maths on other forum threads.
Many / most of us spend many nights on anchor without needing generators for domestic demand. And I suspect I used less diesel (330 litres) over my 2,500 miles this year than in one of your 250 mile trips.
I am a bit of a dinosaur like most on here. But our children and grandchildren are increasingly expecting us to be less wasteful - and leave the place in a fit state for them. Hence we all need to think about ways we can reduce our carbon footprints - and perhaps scaling back in a number of ways can be beneficial, as well as being more open minded about new tech, new ways of doing things, and more modest usage.
Did you miss the opening 3 words “ In my case “ .…?
And the further qualification “67 ftr “……?

Further more I fail to see the EV analogies spouted about ^^^ .

Car stops you simply open the door and get out , even walk away .All nice and safe .Oh it might be windy as well .Walking off phone glued to ear with AA/ RAC putting you on hold still works .

Boat stops your life , longevity , esp if windy can immediately be called into question.
You can’t walk off with you phone glued to your ear .


Well-known member
10 Apr 2011
Boat- Western Med
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Let’s spice this up.
Sods law bad weather ,cold , failing light , poor vis , shoals ( electronic aids );

Taking on a bit of water from splashes / spray / odd “ green one “ /
Bilge pumps all doing as they should …oh they run on what ? :unsure: . Perpetual motion yet to be invented?

Rocking n rolling .

What would you rather have ?
-A bilge full of Li on batts , the connectors , the actual motor getting dripped on , drenched , semi submerged ? The charge gauge in the yellow heading one direction = DOWN ! SoG reduced critically , darkness imminent .

- A pair of throbbing diesels ( with or without a generator ) several fuel tanks separate isolation possible .WIF alarms etc etc .
Heating on the radar and every gadget on .A nice hot cuppa , nice bright illumination not just the Nav lights . ,
SoG decreased due to sea state but range INCREASES .

Boats are not battery operated toys ( well mine isn’t) and the sea can be unforgiving.

Wether going off shore in a diving Rib with a outboard or inter island hopping in the Med .
In the N EU add in tides working against you as well = oomph reserves needed to avoid PAN PAN “ running out of juice / batts knackered “

let’s face it E boats described thus far are just large toys , Summer day boats like those blow up lilo’s the CC get called to rescue.


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10 Feb 2020
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A friend of mine bought a very expensive electric Jag. we met up for a meeting in winter where he had to drive 130 miles. He arrived freezing cold as he was scared to put the heater on for fear his battery would run out before he got the the meeting.

Simply put Electric Cars are no where near there Yet and electric boats are way off. I have seen the amount of batteries

Your friend is full of crap. I get 220 miles in winter with heating and lights, in summer 245 with climate running radio on all the time.Lots of motorway miles too


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7 Nov 2015
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May thanks for the Positive and well thought out comment comment. You enjoy your electric Car. I am not interested and don't have to be


Active member
10 Feb 2020
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May thanks for the Positive and well thought out comment comment. You enjoy your electric Car. I am not interested and don't have to be
I do enjoy my electric car and you are free to drive whatever you like I am not bothered, I have never preached electric cars to anyone.I can’t help but comment when someone makes a ridiculous claim about not using the heater On a 130 mile trip as. If your going to comment on electric boats/ cars make it factual instead of making it up.


Well-known member
7 Nov 2015
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I do enjoy my electric car and you are free to drive whatever you like I am not bothered, I have never preached electric cars to anyone.I can’t help but comment when someone makes a ridiculous claim about not using the heater On a 130 mile trip as. If your going to comment on electric boats/ cars make it factual instead of making it up.

I did not make it up He came for an approx 1.5 hr meeting and had to get back home again which was another 130 miles. He had very little charge time in-between hence the not using his heater.

The fact remains that the non Tessler electric cars simply don't have enough range yet. When I fill my 2 ltr mondeo with diesel it say 880 miles range and if I need to fill up it takes about 3 minutes. Simply not enough embedded energy in batteries at this point in time and they take far too long to charge and the charging infrastructure is no where near ready

Fr J Hackett

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26 Dec 2001
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I did not make it up He came for an approx 1.5 hr meeting and had to get back home again which was another 130 miles. He had very little charge time in-between hence the not using his heater.

The fact remains that the non Tessler electric cars simply don't have enough range yet. When I fill my 2 ltr mondeo with diesel it say 880 miles range and if I need to fill up it takes about 3 minutes. Simply not enough embedded energy in batteries at this point in time and they take far too long to charge and the charging infrastructure is no where near ready

As flaming will testify I am not a great supporter of EVs and most definitely not Teslas which I detest with a passion, you are however way off the mark there are plenty of TVs on the market with 300 ish mile range that could do 900 miles with 3 perhaps 4 stops of 10 minutes max, not a great inconvenience. There are two problems at the moment : Decent saloons are considerably more expensive than their fossil fuel cousins and availability / distribution of fast charging points, both of these problems will be resolved in the near future. Surprising to some that when the CLK dies for whatever reason I will replace it with an EV hopefully a Mercedes if they have a suitable non SUV EV in their range. Having said that I will still have the 3.4L Boxster to keep me entertained for the rest of my driving days no matter what it costs to keep it on the road.


Well-known member
23 Sep 2008
Costa Brava
As flaming will testify I am not a great supporter of EVs and most definitely not Teslas which I detest with a passion, you are however way off the mark there are plenty of TVs on the market with 300 ish mile range that could do 900 miles with 3 perhaps 4 stops of 10 minutes max, not a great inconvenience. There are two problems at the moment : Decent saloons are considerably more expensive than their fossil fuel cousins and availability / distribution of fast charging points, both of these problems will be resolved in the near future. Surprising to some that when the CLK dies for whatever reason I will replace it with an EV hopefully a Mercedes if they have a suitable non SUV EV in their range. Having said that I will still have the 3.4L Boxster to keep me entertained for the rest of my driving days no matter what it costs to keep it on the road.
A Mercedes EQS will do nicely. 726km range.


The price is way over the top of reasonable.


Well-known member
7 Nov 2015
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Predictable from the one who started it.

Electric cars work perfectly is you buy one with a clear view of how you will use it. We have a Leaf as our daily driver. It does all the local stuff and journeys up to 220kms brilliantly. We have never needed to charge it other than at home, although we could do if we needed to extend the range. This is our second full electric after a Zoe and they have been nothing but reliable, incredibly cheap to service, and very cheap to run.

So is that a total range of 135 miles. That would be totally useless to me. I suspect at 110 miles you have to hope that you don't get any roads closed or similar as then the worry can really start, switching off the heater, radio and wipers all going slow. When those batteries start to get old it will drop to about 100 miles range I suspect. And if you forget to plug it in one night or suddenly have to shoot out for some sort of emergency. Not at all good. For some town dweller that just nips to to the shops ok but for real use no good at all. What do you do on the one occasion you have to go say 200 miles which is not that far ?. The range of my Mondeo that also does 57 miles to the gallon is about 880 miles. Now that is of some use

Fr J Hackett

Well-known member
26 Dec 2001
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So is that a total range of 135 miles. That would be totally useless to me. I suspect at 110 miles you have to hope that you don't get any roads closed or similar as then the worry can really start, switching off the heater, radio and wipers all going slow. When those batteries start to get old it will drop to about 100 miles range I suspect. And if you forget to plug it in one night or suddenly have to shoot out for some sort of emergency. Not at all good. For some town dweller that just nips to to the shops ok but for real use no good at all. What do you do on the one occasion you have to go say 200 miles which is not that far ?. The range of my Mondeo that also does 57 miles to the gallon is about 880 miles. Now that is of some use

You didn't read post#113 did you :p


Well-known member
7 Nov 2015
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Interesting that the Electric advocates like to quote range in Km and not miles. I suspect just to make the number look bigger.

Running out of juice a few miles from ones destination is never good

Fr J Hackett

Well-known member
26 Dec 2001
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Interesting that the Electric advocates like to quote range in Km and not miles. I suspect just to make the number look bigger.

Running out of juice a few miles from ones destination is never good

Nah it's just that I live in a country that uses Km :p Running out of petrol let alone diesel when the injection pump is not self bleeding aint fun either.
And I used miles just for those who have difficulty with simple conversions. ?


Well-known member
7 Nov 2015
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Interesting that the Electric advocates like to quote range in Km and not miles. I suspect just to make the number look bigger.

Running out of juice a few miles from ones destination is never good

I did but I don't believe it. I was in at the very early days of Lipo batteries in High power EDF RC Jets and am well aware of the claims people make about batteries and range/flight time etc. Always over egged. And as for fast charging well I know what that does to battery life.

As I said before you simply cannot embed enough power in batteries for the weight and size the car can carry yet. If any of us live long enough there will also be a huge backlash about the enviromental impact of dealing with all the old batteries. When you get old enough you know how things go.

I remain unconvinced.

And as the thread is actually about boats the issues and dangers are even greater to overcome