Boatshow Exhibitors


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14 Jun 2001
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What is with some of the exhibitors at the boat show? Went on Friday (pretty quiet) and looked around a selection of Fairline, Sealine, Birchwood, Windy and Cranchi - all of whom were happy to show us around, answer questions and be generally helpful. Took a wander over to the Marina Marbella stand and had a look at SeaRay - waited around to see if anyone was going to speak to us, but all appeared too interested in coffee breaks, until that was we wandered onto their 38', (which was empty like the rest of the stand) upon which we were requested to get off, as we did not have an appointment!!!!!! Most of the other boats we looked at were "by appointment only", but we were welcomed with open arms by everyone else!
Having spoken to a lot of the exhibitors, I understand why they use the "by appointment only" signs - to stop the world and it's wife marauding over their expensive boats, but when the stand is empty, and we were genuinely looking at that type of boat, well.........
Luckily I didn't like the look of the boat anyway, so they will not be receiving any of our hard earned cash (ever!)
Anyone else had similar experiences or did I just fall foul of the "Doesn't look like he can afford that" factor?


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21 Jun 2001
N Hampshire
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Unfortunately this is still all too common.

It is partly due to temp' salesmen being brought in for the show, who often know very little about a boat.

I understand a neccessity to use temp's at the show, but they should receive some background on the boat, be at the least courteous to all, and if they start getting awkward questions from an obviously knowledgeable customer, they should hand them over to a regular company man who can answer the questions.

No bullshit please it doesn't work.


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4 Jul 2001
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I have already posted this on another thread but here it is again.

Went to the LBS last Thursday with a few friends and in all had six children between us, we found the kids had free range on all boats including the BIG Sunseekers even without us (the parents) present. The only boat they wasn't allowed to go on unaccompanied was the new Fairline Targa 52 but this soon changed when a friend arrived who recently took delivery of a squadron 46, the kids were suddenly allowed aboard whilst we chatted to the salesman.
Even the 'appointment only' signs didn't seem to hinder the kids access to the boats.
Needless to say we were pleased with this attitude.

The children were even given priority when queuing for Ellen MacArthurs autograph and Ellen took the time to chat to them and ask there names adding a few extra words to the autograph.

Well done all.


6 Aug 2001
Poole Dorset and Palma Majorca
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I too went on Friday with smallchild3. I know someone on most of the stands I wish to visit so no problem. "Yes sir please try the helm seat, I will move the sign."

But your story does remind me of the first boat show we attended when SWMBO tried to look around a Sunseeker with kids 1-4. They would not let her on (I was looking around the Sealine Stand) and now under no circumstances may we contemplate a Sunseeker. I have the added disadvantage of naturaly looking scruffy so first impressions are a nightmare for me, but it has its advantages.

This is of course not solely the domain of boat salesmen. SWMBO tried to buy a carpet a couple of years ago and I was across the other side of a vast showroom looking at some gadget or other and the salesman apparantly would not enter into any meaningfull discusions on price, delivery etc until I was present. This again lost the sale.

I don't think you buy boats or anything else major come to that from Companies, you buy from people and the way you are treated is natures way of eventually getting you to the right boat for you.

Favourite Sales people at the show? Now that would be an interesting thread.



agreed. They are remembering that happy dad with four kids means potential four customers at some point in the future. Or have they been reading your posts (and those of others) here?


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21 Jun 2001
SW Florida
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Had similar experience with Pershing at Ft Lauderdale; we had been welcomed on SS, SR, FLine, Sline, Mangusta, Baja etc, etc even on their Matt-sized boats, but Pershing wanted us to make an appointment for 3 hr later although the place was deserted. Of course it could have been that the sales rep made a correct assessment of us as 'tyre kickers' with no chance of ever buying, but we told all the others that we were only looking and they accepted that. 1 dissatisfied customer tells, on average, 9 other people of their dissatisfaction, according to stats we used when I was , er, working.


16 May 2001
UK -Berks
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I did notice that all the stands seemed reasonably busy except the Hardy stand. Then I noticed the whole stand roped off with some tart standing guard with a .303 Rifle and a Saucepan as a hat waving people on if they slowed down too much as they passed the stand.



Re: tyre kickers

ah but we're all tyre kickers and timewasters for most of the time. It's aspirational purchasing. We can't desire what we can't see. We can see cream buns in the window of every bakers shop. Not so with monster boats. So, windows shopping should be positively encouraged, to get the punter dribbling with desire. When/is it's time to buy, we remeber who was nice, and who wasn't.

So, no sales for Oyster, Pershing, San Lorenzo or Porsche from me... the last one cos they were awful to a whole load of us ... 25+ years ago. Whereas skoda were jolly nice and let us play at driving cars and fill their stand up.


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6 Oct 2001
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Re: tyre kickers

Salesman must realise that we all just can't say oh today I fancy a fairline and tomorrow I'll have a Sealine. They all look at you as if to say well why don't yu just put your hand in your pocket and buy it. I wonder what boat they own and how ofen they change it!


Well-known member
30 May 2001
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Good to know that nothing changes at Hardy, I think they must stash gold or precious jewels on board so keen are they to ensure that no one gets within 50 yards.


Well-known member
30 May 2001
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Unfotunately most sales people are complete pillocks. I say this as a salesman myself. They don't take time to find out about the needs of the potential customer, don't really care/know about their own company/product, see selling as trying to talk hind legs off a donkey or just impress others with their intelligence/wit/knowledge.

I would love to get hold of some of them and show them how it could be done more effectively, we all know that if they upset us we are extremely unlikely to buy that company's product ever. They obviously receive little or no training, which is a reflection of poor management which tends to permeate throughout the company. I would then have to question not only the quality of the product but also the potential after sales service, which almost certainly will also be poor quality. These companies are their own worst enemies. They tend to reap what they sow.


longJohn, you are absolutely right. I visited today and found so many salesmen in a world of their own. I don't wish to sound sexist but the female sales people I met were extremely efficient and solved all my problems without any fuss. Perhaps the companies should realise that the customer is there to buy their products - not to justify the salesman!!!. (Incidentally - male aged over 21+!)


YEP I was there saw that ,there was also a rear guard ,I did actualy see one whole family on the big Hardy ,out of all the boats Hardys seemed to to my fav, but as I dont go to dribble or clamber over something ,even if I had the dosh ,to buy I would'nt . I just look and walk on .Mind you did you go the back of the hall and look up at the huge great hull's wow what lines .Untill that is you see the damage around the area where the anchore protection plate should be ,which was just painted over !!!.hOW CAN THEY EXPECT SOME ONE TO BUY THE BLUDDY GREAT THING .


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16 May 2001
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I was turn awau from this stand on saturday.

2 1/2 hour wait .

All I can say is the words from Pretty woman " BIG MISTAKE "


Re: Fairline

Oh heck. I always thought that they were amongst the better ones. Obviously not. Mind you, if you've *bought* one...then of course you can jump the queue and everything. Duh? They shd've chucked me off and let you on!!