New member
We all know how vulnerable our boats are to petty theft. There have been various initiatives to make owners more security aware and the chandleries are awash with patent alarms and locks.
But what can you do when the villains are your own kind? We came back from a two week cruise in Belgium and Holland yesterday. While we were away, the berth was let to visiting yachtsmen. I have no problem with that. What I did have a problem with concerned by discovery that one of these "visitors" had removed about 10 metres of brand new three strand warp that I had used to extend one of the three permanent warps shackled to the berth to use as a spring. I say removed, the rope was stolen , thieved, nicked or any other word you would like to use.
It is of course impossible to track down the culprit, but I just felt extremely sad that there are people around who would do that sort of thing. Maybe I'm expecting too much, but I have generally found that sailors will always help each other out --often to an amazingly generous degree. I sincerely hope that this was a one off. Maybe next time we are away for a while, I'll take all my warps with me!
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But what can you do when the villains are your own kind? We came back from a two week cruise in Belgium and Holland yesterday. While we were away, the berth was let to visiting yachtsmen. I have no problem with that. What I did have a problem with concerned by discovery that one of these "visitors" had removed about 10 metres of brand new three strand warp that I had used to extend one of the three permanent warps shackled to the berth to use as a spring. I say removed, the rope was stolen , thieved, nicked or any other word you would like to use.
It is of course impossible to track down the culprit, but I just felt extremely sad that there are people around who would do that sort of thing. Maybe I'm expecting too much, but I have generally found that sailors will always help each other out --often to an amazingly generous degree. I sincerely hope that this was a one off. Maybe next time we are away for a while, I'll take all my warps with me!
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