Bloody Power boats


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16 May 2001
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Re: Re; I think you don\'t either

Markie, Markie, Markie - to quote your own words "chill out, sh*t WILL happen but bitching
and 'shouting' at the other side wont change a thing". Surely this is a case of don't do as I do, do as I say. xxx

Pauline B


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Re: Re; I think you don\'t either

Paulie, Paulie, Paulie - Just because I don’t condone the arguing [and the rude comments] between people who essentially share the same hobby on this forum, it doesn’t mean that I won’t retaliate when someone verbally abuses me on the water. Like I said, you are not comparing like for like are you?


Re: Bloody POWER BOATS not dinghies!!

In apologise for losing the rag but if someone variously describes you as an idiot in a tart's trap, etc.etc., it would be worth doing a little time for. There is just no excuse for the small minded tirade which motor boaters in general have been subjected to in this thread. If he thinks that he should perhaps just get off the water as it is clearly all too much for him. In fact an apology would not go far wrong.


Deleted User YDKXO

According to the Poole Harbour Commissioners, water skiing is permitted off beaches outside the Harbour and to seaward of the yellow 5 knot buoys. Anybody who anchors in Studland Bay regularly knows that waterskiers and the like tend to use two particular areas, one of which is close to Old Harry rocks. I know that so I anchor elsewhere in the Bay; after all it's big enough is'nt it?.
Now, old gaffer/sea dog type mikeharvey arrives on a Sunday afternoon and plonks his anchor in the middle of the waterskiing area and is surprised when his boat is used for target practice.
Whilst I'm not partial to towing my mother-in-law around on a big yellow banana at 30 knots (it's a thought though), I would defend somebody else's right to do so in a permitted area to the hilt
Your posting was intemperate and offensive and I would'nt dignify it by replying in kind but I would suggest that a little more tolerance and a little less ignorance on your part might assist your enjoyment


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16 May 2001
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Re: Bloody POWER BOATS not dinghies!!

The phrase "tarts trap" is a new one on me I must admit. Most women see my boat and then make their excuses!


Re: from a powerboatie...

You're absolutely right. If you're out of the harbour/marina on your yacht and even notice the wash of a powerboat - they're too close. And they are much much too close if they can see if you are holding up one or two fingers, and much much too close if you can hurl chicken pieces at them (unless the chickens can fly praps, or you are incredibly powerful world record chicken hurler) .

But you won't notice the ones that keep out of the way of yachts at anchor, of which there are some.


Re: Bloody POWER BOATS not dinghies!!

Not if you are John Prescott!


Re: Bloody POWER BOATS not dinghies!!

Nice to see a good, mature debate on the subject...


Mike don't be daft, as you say there is all the room in the world round there so why charge past an anchored boat. By the way the first place we went was right next to the first 'finger' of the 'Three Fingers' about 25 to 30 yards off shore [Between first and second highs] and some of the bloody idiots were coming INSIDE me and the shore. Wasn't you was it??. The second place was nearer down with the rest of the yachts, opposite the ice cream hut, where all the sellfish folk who just want to be left alone by plonkers go. You seem to miss the main point, even with large speed limit signs, yellow bouys and common sence let alone decency, power boat drivers seem to regard the sea as there own. Your attitude to my letter confirms this.


Re: Bloody POWER BOATS not dinghies!!

Nice one jr. Way to go!


Re: Bloody POWER BOATS not dinghies!!

The sea...... Water with a large pinch of salt. Try taking it some times.


Re: Bloody POWER BOATS not dinghies!!

Dear Mr Salt, if you don't get much luck with tarts try crumpet.


Re: Bloody POOLE HARBOUR not powerboats or dingies

Chris, thank you for your interest. No, of course I don't expect the problem to go away and by and large the antics of the power crazed cause more amusement than rage. [Oh the joy of seeing one ignore the bouys and go full chat onto Stony Island, the glorious screech of tortured metal as a grands worth of props are reduced to Christmas tree dust]. My first post was made on the Sunday evening just after getting home, partly as I said to get it off my chest, but with my tongue firmly in me cheek trusting that folk would see that from the style of writing. However.......... mind you its certainly made a good talking/ranting point eh!.


Re: Bloody POWER BOATS not dinghies!!

I take that is as close to an apology as we are likely to get. Oh well

Nick Robinson

Deleted User YDKXO

What I said was that there's all the room in the world for you to anchor without mixing it with the waterskiing fraternity and, no, it wasnt me either. If, however, there were some idiots speeding INSIDE the buoyed zone, thats entirely a different matter. By the way the speed limit signs indicate the max speed inside the buoys not outside
The fact of the matter is that Studland Bay has been used for water skiing for as long as I can remember and its a case of each to his own as far as I'm concerned. You cant expect to pitch up on a summer weekend and expect to have the place to yourself, much as you or I, for that matter, would like it.


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16 May 2001
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Re: Re; I think you don\'t either

As a new powerboater (three months now) I am amazed at how few people there are with qualifications and how strongly people feel about boating being license free.

Surely bringing in compulsory "driving" tests would get rid of most of the morons?


Oh, Adrian, you\'ve opened the next 50 poster!

After B*****y motorboats, licensing is always good for a rant.

Chris Enstone, Rival Spirit


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I sure know the feeling! That kind of behaviour doesn't just happen in England though. Here you need a licence to drive any boat with more than 10 hp. That is just a way for government to earn some more money - it does not solve much. Dad will still let his kid take the RIB and zoom around while he enjoys his evening cocktail, even though he should be over 18. I'd rather not tell you what I'd love to do to JetSki'ers (PWC or 'personal WC'). Why is a sailing boat such an attraction? If we're at anchor they use us as a marker; if we're under way they alter course to pass as close as they can. May I offer you two tips which have worked for me?
(1) Keep a cheap camera in the cockpit. When you see an idiot boat coming towards you just stand up deliberately and make it obvious that you're waiting for him to get close enough to photograph his registration number (or whatever equivalent you have in England). Most times they will suddenly sit lower in the water and c-r-a-w-l past.
(2) When you're at anchor try to be close to a sailing friend. You then stretch a length of polyprop from one boat to the other. I don't know if this is legal or not but the result can be spectacular. Fortunately - or unfortunately - it only happens once over a weekend. For some strange reason PWC's seem to give you a wide berth thereafter.......



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16 May 2001
Home mid Kent - Boat @ Poole
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Re: Bloody POWER BOATS not dinghies!!

I am glad you explained that. I had though you were refering to the smaller craft that utilise that same shelter in Studland for towing rings etc round and round and round. In any event the bit South towards Old Harry, but still in the bay is the only safe sheltered area they can use (the rest of the bay is a race track between anchorage and Poole fairway), and it unfortunately gets so busy that people ignore the 250mtr rule and even the yellow 6knt cans from time to time.

I agree with the sentiment of your post but Studland bay is a play area utiled by many diffent types of craft that are not permitted to play in the harbour and not a the quiet anchorage many would like. Ironically you are best off inside the harbour for a quiet anchorage - especially the SW.
Happy boating.