Bloody Power boats


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30 May 2001
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Re: Bloody dingies

I'm really not sure what you're trying to say here.
Presumably your power boat can manoeuvre inside the narrow channel you refer to. If you can then the “power gives way to sail” rule applies. If you can’t manoeuvre then the dinghies don’t have automatic right of way and the rest of the coll regs would be used to determine who gives way to who. From a practical perspective though, I’d be amazed if they were more manoeuvrable than you in such a narrow channel given that you have an engine which must be more flexible than sail power.


Re: Bloody POWER BOATS not dinghies!!

EXCUSE ME ! This started as my post about the thoughtless inconsiderate behaviour of all and I say again all power boat drivers. Dinghies by and large seem to be ok, I mean if they get close they do not throw up a 5ft wash, or use you as a turning mark umteen times an hour. Mind you I exclude the X class sailors in Poole who are so intent on racing they forget even the most basic of safety sence. No my gripe is aimed at the 'drivers' of 20ft plus overhulled,flybridged,plastic, idiot occupied, chromium plated tart traps that fly past you on one side, and the 10kt Max sign on the other, at 18+kts with only 20ft clearance. Very often you will see the indulgent father holding his 6 year old whilst the brat steers. There will also be 3 or 4 potential suicides sitting on the bow out side the rails, and of course not a life jacket between them. I sound bitter? Well you come down to Poole on a summer weekend and see for yourself. Funnily enough the PWC and speed boat users seem to be behaving pretty well this year. The cause of my [and others] anger is the big flash expensive stuff driven by nuvaux rich twits that think that as there is no licence needed they can do what they want.


16 May 2001
UK -Berks
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Re: Bloody dingies

I wasn't sure of the tide with you part, certainly a vessel traversing the Thames has right of way if travelling downstream that is in the Envag. bye laws.



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4 Jun 2001
East Sussex
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Re: Colin - this is what you need ....

You're probably right, that nice Scots harbourmaster would take a dim view of spent cases lying around!. However, the birds on my boat would not be frightened in the slightest (if I ever got any birds on my boat!).


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26 Jun 2001
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I think you are absolutly right, having been brought up on the Thames in power boats and I now sail, the standard of good manners regarding wash is pretty bad. If somebody can explain the reason for passing moored boats in close proximity creating about 2-3' of wash I would be interested to hear. (Unfortunatly my mooring is on a midstream bouy and although there is over a qtr of a mile clearance people still insist on coming as close as possible. With the only means of getting ashore by dinghy it can be a dangerous business)


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Re: Bloody dingies

I was referring to a trip I made up thr river Deben to Woodbridge last year. when nearing the marina, the river is quite wide, at least 1/3 mile, but most of it is shallow. There is a winding narrow channel that must be followed closely with our draught of 1.5 m. At least a dozen small dinghies with very little draught were tacking backwards and forwards across the whole of the river including the narrow channel. After having had to crash stop for the umpteenth time I was getting a bit narked. We were only making 5 kts so it was easy for the dinghies which were travelling faster to avoid us.

Any attempt at communication was met with abuse or rude gesticulation. I hope this clarifies my earlier post.

Dave S


Re: Bloody POOLE HARBOUR not powerboats or dingies

I sympathise, to a point, with your plight. However, you are powerboat city and this has been the case as long as I have been sailing out of Poole. Yes, they are inconsiderate and yes, they are a pain but it's not for no reason that SunSeeker and the Royal Motor Yacht Club are based at Poole. That doesn't make it right and it doesn't excuse crass behaviour but IMHO you're p***ing in the wind if you expect the problem to go away.

Personally, I have now decamped from Poole to The Solent where the yachties are the ones who need a slapping but that's another thread.

Chris Enstone, Rival Spirit


Re: Bloody POWER BOATS not dinghies!!

What a sad person you are. I have been boating more or less all my life and prefer to take my nautical pleasures in motor boats. I like engines. I prefer the space and comfort of a decent motor boat. I like to arrive sometime this year when I go on trip. My boat is sea kindly and capable of twenty six knots if I want. My wife and I use it regularly. She is not a tart. I may have different preferences to you but am not an idiot. My boat has a very little chrome anywhere ( I think on the handrails, the throttles at the lower helm and the davits which are polished stainless steel - actually - your yacht will have more exposed chrome). I never allow anyone on the foredeck whilst underway. I do not deliberately cause offence with my wash and try to give a wide berth or slow down as appropriate, especially in the vicinity of small boats. I carry lifejackets for all on board - and an up to date flare pack and fixed and handheld vhf and a signalling lamp and a liferaft.

I think you need to think about how rude you have been. If you had made the remarks you have made directly to my face I suspect I would have responded with a punch in the mouth and you would have deserved it. I suspect I would not be alone in reacting that way.

There are of course idiots afloat and regrettably probably a higher proportion in motor boaters than amongst yachtsmen. That does not mean we are all clowns and to suggest so is both the height of stupidity and offensive.

I have in my time helped a number of yachts in difficulty, including one being thrown bodily against Wemyss Bay pier in a Southerly 6/7 and in danger of breaking up without rescue. These yachtsmen were very happy to see my motor boat and take my tow line.

By all means complain about the individuals who caused you grief but I think you need to get your brain in gear before you make such sweeping remarks and cause such offence.

Nick Robinson


and what is wrong with the Solent?

And just what’s wrong with the yachties in the Solent? eh? eh? Sure, there are quite a few beginners about but so what? The most trouble they cause is an extra tack or two to keep out of the way of people who are obviously struggling. We all had to learn somewhere.


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16 May 2001
Bucks & St Raphael SoF
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Re: You seem to be missing a point here...

I have read all the post on this thread - very interesting, with perhaps a few who are too rude to deserve a retort.

However, consider this.....Sailors enjoy quiet peaceful boating at a couple of knots, motor boat owners enjoy the sense of freedom, speed and bouncing around that comes with 30 knots. Is it not obvious that both factions get annoyed when they have to experience someone elses choice? Motor boats do not like poodling at 3 knots, sailors do not like bouncing around on wash & let live and chill out- after all we do all do it for pleasure!!



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16 May 2001
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...I don\'t think he does actually..

There's nothing wrong with motorboaters pursuing their pleasures in open water, the problem arises when some of them go purposfully close to yachts at high speed.

I had one idiot use my 9 foot inflatable dinghy as a turning mark, swamping the dinghy and nearly putting me overboard- this is the problem, not Mr Mature doing 26 knots in a clear area.


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16 May 2001
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Re: Bloody POWER BOATS not dinghies!!

"I think you need to think about how rude you have been. If you had made the remarks you have made directly to my face I suspect I would have responded with a punch in the mouth and you would have deserved it. I suspect I would not be alone in reacting that way."

You would then be charged with assualt, please control your temper! Remember "sticks and stones may break my bones but names may never hurt me"


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21 Jun 2001
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What's the matter with you lot? Boating is supposed to be relaxing, isn't it? Why get so upset? Life's too short to let these things upset you. You'll always have inconsiderate t--ts wherever you go and whatever you do. Let it pass. If boating stresses some of you that much, perhaps you have the wrong hobby, but don't resort to boat rage even if it only amounts to throwing chicken bones. All this talk of torpedoes etc is really rather puerile, or is it? Perhaps it's a good thing you are not allowed guns aboard.


Re: You seem to be missing a point here...

I haven't had any problems with motorboaters that I can recall, and my general impression is that they are courteous, same as (most) yachtsmen.

A wash can be disconcerting, but no more than that unless you're in a dinghy, in which case a powerboat passing close at high speed would be irresponsible. Normally I would only expect this to occur with, say, RIBs that have been hired out for the day to people who don't know what they are doing.

There is, or should be, a community of the sea, and if a yachtsman looks down on a motorboater, or vice versa, then it is probably based on an inferiority complex.

If we want to kick someone, let's kick tiddlywinks players, or cricketers, or footballers, or trainspotters, or the cat.

But then, I don't sail in Poole harbour.


Re: and what is right with the Solent!?

My thoughts about Solent yachties were mostly tongue in cheek and certainly not directed at beginners.

Chris Enstone, Rival Spirit


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16 May 2001
Bucks & St Raphael SoF
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Re; I think you don\'t either

See....what you are doing now is using individual examples to prove a general theory and all that does is exacerbates the argument. Sure, there are faults from all sides but tarring everyone with the same brush and using one off statements to justify yourself is pointless. As I said, chill out, sh*t WILL happen but bitching and 'shouting' at the other side wont change a thing - enjoy your pastime and don't let thoughtless people spoil it for you.



Re: ...I don\'t think he does actually..

...and I have been nearly run down in my tender going to my yacht by other yachts on more than one occasion. But my general experience of both s and m (!) fraternities is that there are saints and sinners in equal proportion in both camps. A bit like real life really.

Chris Enstone, Rival Spirit


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16 May 2001
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Re: Re; I think you don\'t either

No, I was providing an example of the sort of behaviour that was being complained about. I know most responsible motor boaters do not do this but a significant minority do. Perhaps it's because they are sold to novices who feel that they can drive them like a car.


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16 May 2001
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Re: Re; I think you don\'t either

So markc, live and let live, chill out, don't shout abuse etc etc. Is this the same markc who turned his boat around to chase some scullers who were giving him grief? The same markc who shouted abuse at them? Doh!!

Pauline B


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16 May 2001
Bucks & St Raphael SoF
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Re: Re; I think you don\'t either

Oh you mean the scullers that were rowing down the river in the pitch black with no lights on?? The ones that were shouthing at me for not seeing them??? Yes you are quite right, I did shout back and yes I did turn the boat round and yes, when they realised that I couldn't see them and they could have been run down they did apologise.

It's hardly comparing like for like is it?!