Any GP14 advocates out there..?


Well-known member
16 May 2007
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The GP 14 is incredibly heavy - especally on slipways, and we were a fit teenage crew when I last sailed one - not very responsive either.

As mentioned, find a laser 2000, almost zero maintainence - or even a Scorpion; 14', fast-ish but not skittish, much lighter and more fun.

A Miracle could be good fun, and very cheap ( 12'9" ISTR ), designed for families with young kids.

Lots of good dinghies going cheap at the moment, have a look around - and try moving them on their trolleys, thinking of sand & gravel...

The GP14 is fairly heavy when down to minimum weight, there are many about that are grossly over the minimum weight.
Amateur built, repaired, or built for training purposes, often extra weight.
But equally there are many which are close to min weight.
This is true of many other classes too.
In both wood and GRP.
Wayfarers are the worst, they seem to have dozens of kilos of junk in them half the time.
I sailed dodgy old Ents as a youngster, the first time I came across a proper down to weight one, it was a revelation.


Well-known member
28 May 2007
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Here is something nice and light, and handy enough in a breeze with a wee bit of space. An Express Dinghy. Starting price £25 on ebay...bit of elbow grease and a different hull colour and it will look fine.

And another nice light one which will sail nicely as well. A Miracle. A boat that deserved more success IMHO.

This is a bit more hard work to restore, but still a nice light/medium weight dinghy. A Graduate.

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