an african saga



Dear Sir,

First, I must solicit your strictest confidence in the transaction. To intimate you further, we are top officials of the new civilian administration Committee on Petroleum Trust Fund (PTF), who are interested in the importation of goods into our country with funds, which are presently trapped in my country. In order to actualize this
dream, we seek your assistance to transfer the said-trapped fund into an interest bearing account which you have absolute control over in your country or a third country other than Nigeria.

The new civilian administration of General Olusegun Obasanjo (rtd) set-up this committee specifically to review all contracts awarded/executed for the Petroleum Trust Fund (PTF) to determine their propriety and relevance in the light of the country's current economic and political realities. We have identified a lot of inflated
contract fund that are presently floating in our Apex Bank. At this moment we have worked out modalities within ourselves, and some acquaintances at the Apex Bank, the Central Bank of Nigeria (C.B.N.), to divert the sum of US$18,300,000.00 (Eighteen million, Three
Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) only, for our personal use.
However, by virtue of our positions as Civil Servants and members of the Trust Fund, we cannot acquire this money in our names. Consequently, I was delegated by my colleagues as a matter of trust to look for an overseas partner into whose account we can transfer
this sum of money, hence this letter to you.

Furthermore, my colleagues and I are willing to transfer the total sum into your account for disbursement. Your areas of specialization is not a hindrance to the successful execution of this transaction and the account required for this project can either be PERSONAL or COMPANY account which you have total control over.
Needless to say, the trust reposed on you at this juncture is enormous. In return, we have agreed to offer you 15% of this sum, 80% for us officials while 5% shall be set aside for incidental expenses between
the parties in the course of this transaction. You must however note that this transaction is subject to the following terms and conditions: -

(a) Our conviction of your transparent honesty and diligence
(b) That you would treat this transaction with utmost secrecy and
(c) That the funds would be transferred to an account where you have absolute control over.
Note that everything however depends on your response to conditions A and C above.

Modalities have been worked out to the highest level for the immediate
transfer of the funds within 14 working days subject to your satisfaction of the above stated terms. Our assurance is that your
role is RISK FREE. To accord this transaction the legality it deserves and for mutual security of the funds, the whole approval procedures will be officially and legally processed with your name or the name of any company you may nominate as the bona-fide beneficiary.

Once more, I want you to understand that having put over 23 years in the civil service of my country, I am averse to having my
image, and career dented. This matter should be treated with utmost
secrecy and urgency.
Kindly expedite action as we are behind schedule to enable us include this transfer in this batch of payments to foreign contractors as payments is usually carried out on quarterly basis. Contact me at
( immediately you receive this mail so that we can proceed with this transaction at once, providing me with your own private telephone number in your response so that I may call you and we can then
discuss better and I will then also bring you into the complete picture of this transaction. It is very important that you do this please. Thank you very much and I await your urgent response to this message. I will advice that you treat this mail as urgent and important as this is a serious matter and should be handled as such. God bless you immensely
and thank you.

I await your urgent response to this mail.

Yours faithfully,

Mr.Pius okon

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Re: an african saga, the reply

Dear Sir
having worked in your enlightened continent for many years i know from first hand experience how honest and trustworthy the majority of civil servants are, indeed the value of the "greenbacks" are appreciated from the lowest to the highest. however for me to do business with some one as honest and trustworthy as yourself a mail address would be appreciated so that in the fullness of time when our business has been transacted me and a few of the boys can come and visit you.I await your address
yours in all honesty.
Mr Nolikum Porkinatin

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New member
26 Feb 2002
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I get 2 or 3 of theese a day at work...unfotunately my email address appears on everything I write, and the articles are often put out on Yahoo biz, Forbes etc so anyone can pick it's a complete pain in the neck.

Last one I had was amusing though.. started out as the widow of some general, then halfway through turned into his daughter.

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according to this months pcpro one of the hacks did what i am doing and went into a long winded dialogue and wound them up, the email address for nigerian scammer is if any one else wants to give em a go and then paste results here, i will paste as and when

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Active member
16 May 2001
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Go to and look for the Brad Christensen exhibit - make sure you have HOURS to kill, and you will kill yourself laughing. Eventually, you start to feel sorry for the poor devils trying to get money out of mugs. Well, almost sorry ... Try the Porcine Princess, among others.


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Well-known member
21 Oct 2001
Alton, hants
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I first got one of these thru the post 20 years ago. Unbelievably they must get the odd fool to get involved or else they would not sustain the effort.

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Well-known member
5 Jun 2001
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I believe they do, here in staffordshire we even have a special bobby to deal with it!!!

B****y waste of money if you ask me, but they always find somebody who thinks something comes for nothing

<hr width=100% size=1>David
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sent this this morning.

your email intimated great speed was necessary to take advantage of your generosity and to expedite the gaining of these funds. I am quite surprised to see today that there is no answer in my mail box. please send me your postal address as quickly as possible so that we can get this show on the road. the boys are so looking forward to visiting you in your home country and cant wait to get their hands on some real dosh.
Mr Nolikum Porkinatin

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Active member
7 Sep 2001
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Give there email address to evry XXX rated webste you can find and anyother junk mailers! Send them a really naughty virus, which wipes out their computer!

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