90/180 and the Covid Certificate.


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24 May 2012
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from years of " dumbing down " and from more years of propogation of fear and loathing, there seems to be a shortage of bright intelligent, free and critical thinking persons around.

The writing has been on the walls for a long time but even then some reading between the lines is needed to see the real truth. We are living in dangerous times. I too hope that you (I/we) are mistaken, but when we look at the attitudes already being shown even on this forum then I would say there is serious room for worry. I despair to think that anyone can seriously think the Cov - antic pedantics are about saving peoples lives.

We are heading for a life with a security ankle brace and a muzzle on .
Even if your punctuation is bizarre, I assume you class yourself in this rare group of bright intelligent, free and critical thinking people. Others may view you in a different light.?

Will we be permitted to chose our colour of muzzle❓

Nevertheless, I give you credit for the ability to drift any and every thread.

But back to thread. Although my local GPS surgery has added my Portuguese Covid jabs to my NHS records, I cannot access them on the app, nor do I have a NHS Covid Passport.

No worries, unlike a NHS Covid Passport, my EU Digital Covid certificate will permit me to fly to Portugal without any further testing.✅
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15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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Indeed, but you said that even when it's on, it's dumb, which is not the case.

When I originally said my phone is dumb, I was referring to no gps, no apps running etc, all of which feed back to service providers and fuel their knowledge base. People worry about privacy and then load their phones up with all sorts of info which would normally be classed as private and then bleat when it gets hacked. Went to a restaurant last evening, even the menu was a QR code and I took delight in demanding the waiter spend time telling me what was on it.

People are their own worst enemies by allowing technology to rule their lives and there will be tears when it crashes.


2 Dec 2018
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I agree with you that our freedoms are under attack and we are, as a race, sleepwalking into the new surfdom. When I recall the freedoms we once had in my youth to what we are "allowed" today it is frightening. My first boat was bought in an era where there were hardly any restrictions. The boat was tax free under the then sporting rules, no registration, no certificates, no insurance moor where you want outside crown lands. I sailed her through europe on the canals with no checks and no cost and no CEVNI. Onwards through the Mediterranean with a welcome at entry port check in. Anchoring fees were considered an hilarious joke. OK the increase in yachting brought some necessary changes but no-one thought it would end up like it has over the last year or two.

I find myself sitting in my cockpit and truly considering whether I will be "allowed" to enter Italy, or even anywhere, can l leave Greece, or maybe not board a flight to go home or will I be allowed to go home without 14 days in a hotel under quaranteen. I now carry a valid passport, my SSR registration, my ICC certificate of competence, transit log, my vat status certificate, my covid passport, my PLF, my bank cards, my Swedish Resident card, my boat insurance. All these have an expiry date. My covid passport expires in six weeks so I must trust that it can be renewed on line or I will be in very very serious trouble. We were told some of these are temporary restrictions because of Covid, but now they are saying that Covid will never go away and we must learn to "adapt". If that does not cause alarm among freedom loving peoples then nothing will.

There are relatively very few demonstrations around world considering what is at stake. The governments are pretending that these are anti-vaccination protests. They are definitely NOT they are demonstrations about the creeping attack on our freedoms down to the basic level of choice.

I say again "boiling frog". Never mind, liveaboarding will survive but world wide cruising may not.
well said that man (y)


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13 Jun 2006
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The thread title contains the 90/180 reference. Does anybody care about the freedom of movement in Europe that was removed from Brits by popular vote?
If there was a popular vote on making vaccine passports compulsary, would the majority vote for that too? Bearing in mind that the majority has accepted two jabs and will probably accept a third booster jab.


Well-known member
28 May 2012
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I agree with you that our freedoms are under attack and we are, as a race, sleepwalking into the new surfdom. When I recall the freedoms we once had in my youth to what we are "allowed" today it is frightening. My first boat was bought in an era where there were hardly any restrictions. The boat was tax free under the then sporting rules, no registration, no certificates, no insurance moor where you want outside crown lands. I sailed her through europe on the canals with no checks and no cost and no CEVNI. Onwards through the Mediterranean with a welcome at entry port check in. Anchoring fees were considered an hilarious joke. OK the increase in yachting brought some necessary changes but no-one thought it would end up like it has over the last year or two.

I find myself sitting in my cockpit and truly considering whether I will be "allowed" to enter Italy, or even anywhere, can l leave Greece, or maybe not board a flight to go home or will I be allowed to go home without 14 days in a hotel under quaranteen. I now carry a valid passport, my SSR registration, my ICC certificate of competence, transit log, my vat status certificate, my covid passport, my PLF, my bank cards, my Swedish Resident card, my boat insurance. All these have an expiry date. My covid passport expires in six weeks so I must trust that it can be renewed on line or I will be in very very serious trouble. We were told some of these are temporary restrictions because of Covid, but now they are saying that Covid will never go away and we must learn to "adapt". If that does not cause alarm among freedom loving peoples then nothing will.

There are relatively very few demonstrations around world considering what is at stake. The governments are pretending that these are anti-vaccination protests. They are definitely NOT they are demonstrations about the creeping attack on our freedoms down to the basic level of choice.

I say again "boiling frog". Never mind, liveaboarding will survive but world wide cruising may not.
Yeah, the good old days of the freedom to drive at any speed and condition of intoxication, smoke in enclosed spaces and no busybodies when you needed to smack the wife and kids around a bit. Grief, they'll be requiring qualifications of surgeons before we know it and making us wear seatbelts in our cars. Damn that nanny police state.
I agree that we should never sleep walk while surfing.
But your freedom of movement will be popular among the Syrian/Afghan refugee community.


Well-known member
15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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The thread title contains the 90/180 reference. Does anybody care about the freedom of movement in Europe that was removed from Brits by popular vote?

If there was a popular vote on making vaccine passports compulsary, would the majority vote for that too? Bearing in mind that the majority has accepted two jabs and will probably accept a third booster jab.

For myself, the 90/180 has had little if any impact so for myself, no I don't care. OTOH the effect it has on others is a pity.

On your second point, yes for the time being, I would be quite happy for vaccination certificates and testing to be mandatory for travel and for high risk indoor mass gatherings.


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22 Oct 2005
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Yeah, the good old days of the freedom to drive at any speed and condition of intoxication, smoke in enclosed spaces and no busybodies when you needed to smack the wife and kids around a bit. Grief, they'll be requiring qualifications of surgeons before we know it and making us wear seatbelts in our cars. Damn that nanny police state.
I agree that we should never sleep walk while surfing.
But your freedom of movement will be popular among the Syrian/Afghan refugee community.
Yeah, the good old days. You are obviously new to this. It is still free to drive at any speed. It is up to the driver if he breaks the law he gets fined. As any of your other ridiculous examples. That is how it should be. Choice. You are free to do anything you are capable off if you are prepared to accept the consequences. Long may it be thus. The alternative is to stop a person innocent or whatever doing something that is their birthright because they do not obey a previous usually illegal mandate in an attempt to control the people.
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Well-known member
22 Oct 2005
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The thread title contains the 90/180 reference. Does anybody care about the freedom of movement in Europe that was removed from Brits by popular vote?
If there was a popular vote on making vaccine passports compulsary, would the majority vote for that too? Bearing in mind that the majority has accepted two jabs and will probably accept a third booster jab.
I reckon as much as 99% could not care less about 90/180. It wil not impact them. There is nothing wrong making vaccine passports compulsery. It is how they are going to be used that is causing concern. The authorities are threatening a free persons right to enter a pub for instance if he does not have the correct permit or certificate or passport. Whichever name they end up using.

That is the right of the landlord who ownes the pub. If he guesses wrong and allows unvaccinated people into his pub that will feedback to him via other peoples opinion to either go in the same pub or go elsewhere. As in the past, the choice was up to the general population. Macron and others are taking that choice away with a mandate to make that decision for them. That is the issue.
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10 Aug 2021
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The thread title contains the 90/180 reference. Does anybody care about the freedom of movement in Europe that was removed from Brits by popular vote?
If there was a popular vote on making vaccine passports compulsary, would the majority vote for that too? Bearing in mind that the majority has accepted two jabs and will probably accept a third booster jab.
I think that most would back mandatory vacc passports. We have been bombarded by a propaganda machine for 2 yrs. Most people feel able to trust in the government and the science……. I have never seen any good evidence of politicians being trustworthy. The over population of the planet is unsustainable……. I can’t believe that the powers that be are so enthusiastic to save our lives that they are coercing us into a life prolonging vaccine….. but I am clearly a crazy paranoid conspiracy nut.

QUOTE That is the right of the landlord who ownes the pub. If he guesses wrong and allows unvaccinated people into his pub that will feedback to him via other peoples opinion to either go in the same pub or go elsewhere. As in the past, the choice was up to the general population. Macron and others are taking that choice away with a mandate to make that decision for them.

DO you think at some point in the future that landlord maybe criminalised if he decides he is happy to accomodate unvaccinated people?

EDIT: Anyhow folks Im going to duck out of this thread, being a new forum member with feelings that I acknowledge are unreasonably strong, its probably a bad idea to post about such a contraversial issue. (Unless I wish to rapidly alienate myself ). Its wonderful that we are free to have different opinions and views, and long may in continue!
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Well-known member
15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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There is nothing wrong making vaccine passports compulsery. It is how they are going to be used that is causing concern. The authorities are threatening a free persons right to enter a pub for instance if he does not have the correct permit or certificate or passport. Whichever name they end up using.

Looking at vaccination certificates in general, most accept you can not enter some countries without them, never mind going to the cinema or a crowded pub there. I don't understand why people are against restrictions anywhere at the present time, they're there to try and safeguard the many. What is it the Aussies say about the Brits? - when the plane engines stop, the whining begins. In the early 50s, all UK kids had the polio vaccine, usually on a sugar cube. Polio was killing half a million p.a. at that time but is a rare event in Europe now, mass vaccination works.


Well-known member
22 Oct 2005
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Looking at vaccination certificates in general, most accept you can not enter some countries without them, never mind going to the cinema or a crowded pub there. I don't understand why people are against restrictions anywhere at the present time, they're there to try and safeguard the many. What is it the Aussies say about the Brits? - when the plane engines stop, the whining begins. In the early 50s, all UK kids had the polio vaccine, usually on a sugar cube. Polio was killing half a million p.a. at that time but is a rare event in Europe now, mass vaccination works.
It is a fine line between choice of the individual and restrictions for the greater good. The majority of people in Britain have accepted vaccination. They have even accepted lockdowns. In many instancies the lockdown are worse than prison because in many poorer countries a person eats what he can buy with each days wages. In fact the very basis of prison as punishment is to remove all choice from the prisoner. They get to decide nothing, everything is decided for them. What to wear, when and what to eat. At least they get to eat.

I see very little against vaccination. But I do see patience wearing a bit thin on lockdowns and unnecessary restrictions. Over a year unable to watch an open air football match, then they are allowed and there is no spike in infections.

Anyway my main problem is with the handling of this pandemic which has been catastrophic in many countries . Living in Sweden gave me a view of the hardships other countries were forcing on their populations. I had it easy. No lockdowns even for a day. Shopping normally, public transport running to schedule, no masks. I hardly knew there was a pandemic. This is because the Swedish population were trusted to make their own choice and decisions. Then I took a flight to Greece to sail my boat. Oh my god. I am in prison.

I am basically fearfull of this "Greek" trend becoming the future everywhere. (Except Sweden of course) what on earth is wrong with trusting the general population to make their own choices. people are not idiots.

EDIT. I credit the success of the Swedish system on the lack of lockdowns Locking whole failies indoors with little ventilation is worse thing to do. Permission for one member of the house to do some shopping demonstrated to me how stupid some governments were. Then there was banning open air walks in the park. And some people still trust these idiots to issue mandatory restrictions via vaccination certificates. Well I don't. Sorry about that.
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10 Aug 2021
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For myself, the 90/180 has had little if any impact so for myself, no I don't care. OTOH the effect it has on others is a pity.

On your second point, yes for the time being, I would be quite happy for vaccination certificates and testing to be mandatory for travel and for high risk indoor mass gatherings.

So you agree with the Government who also support and start to impose the above measures for confined areas where people have close contact? (For example, Nightclubs) What are your views on them excluding the Lords and Commons (indoor, close contact, much shouting and fluid sharing) from these measures, on the grounds that it is “ludicrous to expect Right Honorable Members to have to prove they have had a medical procedure to be able to enter The Houses”. Why are we not seeing these folk leading by example? Honestly am I missing something!?


Well-known member
15 Apr 2018
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So you agree with the Government who also support and start to impose the above measures for confined areas where people have close contact? (For example, Nightclubs) What are your views on them excluding the Lords and Commons (indoor, close contact, much shouting and fluid sharing) from these measures, on the grounds that it is “ludicrous to expect Right Honorable Members to have to prove they have had a medical procedure to be able to enter The Houses”. Why are we not seeing these folk leading by example? Honestly am I missing something!?

I don't see why any MPs or Lords should be excluded from the guidelines. There must be some exemptions though, hospital and emergency services would grind to a complete halt if staff had to isolate whenever they come into contact with Covid patients.

With hindsight, mistakes have been made and some things could have been done differently but let's face it, it was a sharp learning curve for everyone. Maybe we'll be better prepared when the real killer comes along.


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22 Oct 2005
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@RMW124. I hope the moderators will take your post #77 down before Graham sees it. You made the mistake of aiming your attack at one member. The goal in forum discussions is to discuss the subject not the man.

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5 May 2015
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Content has been removed from this thread. Please keep the discussion civil.

In addition, only deal with facts as they stand in the here and now, pertaining to matters of boat ownership and use.

Anyone found to be peddling 'conspiracy theories' may have their access restricted or removed.


Well-known member
15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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@RMW124. I hope the moderators will take your post #77 down before Graham sees it. You made the mistake of aiming your attack at one member. The goal in forum discussions is to discuss the subject not the man.

Thanks, I've already been made aware of content but nothing worth commenting on. When someone resorts to personal attacks it's usually because their argument doesn't stand up to reason.