Recent content by saltwater_gypsy

  1. saltwater_gypsy

    Chain/rope (Gawd help us)

    I agree. I came across a cruising yacht with a specially constructed bulb at the bow waterline. "To increase hull speed" I asked. "No", he replied, it was to keep the bow up to its lines with the massive amount of chain he had in the anchor locker!!!
  2. saltwater_gypsy

    Charging voltage creeps up. WHY?

    Thanks for the comments. I think the problem is corrosion on the battery sensing wire which makes the regulator think it is "looking" at a lower voltage than there actually is. Full marks to Vic and Pampas. Cheers
  3. saltwater_gypsy

    Charging voltage creeps up. WHY?

    Everything looks fairly normal with the Victron charger. Its when I charge with the engine alternator that this voltage increase occurs.
  4. saltwater_gypsy

    Do 120 watt heaters protect against freezing

    Why not put it in the engine compartment? Thats where all the expensive plumbing is!! 120Watts is barely enough. For all the extra expense, I would suggest that you invest in a couple more heaters and distribute them in the boat.
  5. saltwater_gypsy

    Charging voltage creeps up. WHY?

    My boat has a 24V system and has been laid up for about a year. The batteries are not in top condition but are still useable after charging with shorepower. When I charge them with the engine, the charging voltage starts at 27.5V and then slowly increases to 31V over a few minutes. I haven't...
  6. saltwater_gypsy

    boiling cans - am I going to die

    Ahem may not be aware of this but you can buy food which has not been pre-canned!!! Its just a matter of going to another aisle in the supermarket. Eggs, pasta, potatoes and other vegetables etc do not requuire any drastic change in your technique. You just put the ingredients in boiling...
  7. saltwater_gypsy

    How to stop a bullet from an AK47?

    Don't be silly. I've seen the films. How can you possibly shoot back safely if you make the door bulletproof!!!
  8. saltwater_gypsy

    Italy Liveaboard

    To echo what another poster wrote.....WHY??? Do you want to use the local library or work in some local industry....WHY????
  9. saltwater_gypsy

    beyond kevlar and dyneema...

    What you have to do is find your relevant place in the hi-tech ladder.Sure , new materials to rival Spectra and Dyneema are interesting BUT are they relevant to you. I have Spectra spinnaker sheets because their lack of strtch is excellent but thats it. Maybe if a halyard needs replaces I would...
  10. saltwater_gypsy

    Chandlers story in the Mail

    Lets face it, the Mail article is a dreadful piece of writing. Sentimental pap; putting thoughts and words into print to pander to needs of their readership. I will wait for a more calm and considered account of the events.
  11. saltwater_gypsy

    yachting magazines heading for extinction

    Isn't a basic problem that yachting is not part of cutting edge technology. What can you say that hasn't been said already . I think you grow out of magazines like Yachting Monthly as your experience increases and you find that there are "repeat" articles. My last purchase of YM was when there...
  12. saltwater_gypsy

    anchor light at swinging mooring?

    I think you have answered your own question in that you are in an area with commercial shipping in an otherwise deserted mooring area. Better safe than..........BANG!!!!!
  13. saltwater_gypsy

    Teak Deck Plugging

    Just whittle down some little pegs and tap in with some glue. Cut down and sand off.....where have the holes gone????
  14. saltwater_gypsy

    Troll of the Year Prize 2010 ...

    This equally mindless post is beginning to take on the characteristics of a troll. If I then up the anti and say that only a complete idiot (probably a Bavaria owning member of the Liberal party who also uses a CQR anchor and an Eber heater) would dream of responding to this rubbish then we...
  15. saltwater_gypsy

    Lightest Outboard at 4/5/6hp

    I also heard it described as"The Rolls Royce of outboards". I've had one for about 15yrs and it is excellent.