Yamaha 4-storke slow running problem


18 Jun 2003
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After running my 1995 4-stroke Yamaha 9.9 HP for half an hour in a bucket at the farm last week, and pleasing myself with it's sweet-as-a-nut performance, it wouldn't run at low revs at launch (with a big que of boats behind us for the hired road crane!) on the weekend, and when it died became very difficult to (hand) start! Made my first experience of handling a boat under power somewhat interesting but we got there in the end, if not with an '11' for style!

-I can smell it's too rich, and the plugs were black,
-If we could get it to start it had to be with full throttle,
-The 'automatic choke' seems to be pulling down and off as the motor runs as it should do,
-When it runs at higher revs it runs very smoothly,
-We had initial problems with starting last week on dry land, but a strip down and cleaning of the carb sorted that, the float was not full of fuel,
-When we had real troubles restarting we got it to start again by draining the float chamber.
-The motor is in a well but this is totally open and has plenty of air. However, it did seem to run a little bit better without the cowling on, although I guess this is just because it is running too rich, not because of air starvation.
-There appears to be only a wire grill air filter

I guess it's the float needle valve and will clean and check the carb again ,but I'd be most grateful for any comments or suggestions that might give me other ideas that I have missed.

Also, I couldn't find a mixture adjustment screw like I'm used to on cars and the explosive diagram in my Clymer outboard manual doesn't show one (although this seems to be more for USA than for Europe models?). Is this right or have I missed the glaringly obvious (once again)?



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