Wish You Were Here !!


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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OH !! Well its off to Plymouth in about an hours time when my mate from Batley arrives. The suns cracking the flags and I bet yer all envious as buggery.
Mind you the gearbox is still sort of on it's way in and theres sumat about an engine mounting that may be mended but then again er possibley but no promises.
Anyway the dinghys working or was so, what the hell.
Then its maybe left for Salcolmbe and carry on a bit and maybe reconoiter the disorg rally site and go just a bit premature.
Or West down to Fowey or Falmouth. Or South toot Chanel Isles. Trouble is its all good down there so which ever way
we'll miss tother.
The digi camera's comin too so there'll be another daft film
to make.
We've done Jaws 3.5,
Meekatharras World Cruise (well nearly)
And another one which was a documentery on Tesco's
and Mr Newmans Pub and Big Ship looky after place. Up
the Fal. (Cos its in Falmouth)
Need a new subject???
Also need to see what other bits we can knock off these Volvo
Plastercine engines before the summer ends.
Nicks thread on replacing engines or not months ago, dont seem to apply.
Y just do it bit by bit, erels boats not worth nowt if not so.

Might try Nicks idea of putting the engines on the Fly Bridge
with long pipes stuck out about twenty yards fert propelors!!

But cant sit here writting tu yer lot no more.
Colin are you still Ousin yet!! And Nick suppose yer Clydin about the place with yer steady sail and sore bum!!



The sun is cracking the sky and looks like doing so for at least a week. I'm off to ra' boat ce soir for a tootle round the hostelries of the Clyde as no one invited me to the disorganised rally.

My engines are still mostly original apart from the oil cooler on the port engine and its your stories thats got me thinking about selling so you've put me right off boating! And I am going to publish the picture of my boat with steady sail as no one believed me last April.



Re next reply or is it previous reply, Madam got home late from (b!!!) Manchester and so its Saturday morning before we're off. However, the sun will still be there (even hotter we are told) and my boat works better than yours and I am doing a website fr the best whisky in the world and getting paid for it - so there - dad!

Your son,



The boat's working fine, with nothing broke (yet), mind you at 6 knots it's hard to break an engine (he says hopefully) but planning for our first big trip, "sur le continent" next month.

We're booked on the MBM Cruise to Holland so having the boat trucked down to Ramsgate, I think it's too far going out through King's Lynn then down to Ramsgate by sea so chickened out of that. Once there its Nieuwpoort for the first night then Hollland for the next two weeks. Always assuminmg MBM actually send me the bloody info. everyone else has had it for a fortnight but I think they forgot about us and our little boat. Perhaps they hope we'll not turn up and they can keep the cruise just for the big boats, our little Mirage could be a bit ouit of place?

Oh and while we're there I'll be taking a couple of my Dutch clients out for day trips so the whole holiday turns out to be a legitimate business expense. Picked up on that one from Matt and jfm and the Board's bought it. Neat eh a paid for holiday? Can't convince them thoguh that they now owe me two weeks hols in lieu in the Carib.

Anyway apart from our trip to Matts boat in SofF, this'll be my wife%2


The boat's working fine, with nothing broke (yet), mind you at 6 knots it's hard to break an engine (he says hopefully) but planning for our first big trip, "sur le continent" next month.

We're booked on the MBM Cruise to Holland so having the boat trucked down to Ramsgate, I think it's too far going out through King's Lynn then down to Ramsgate by sea so chickened out of that. Once there its Nieuwpoort for the first night then Hollland for the next two weeks. Always assuminmg MBM actually send me the bloody info. everyone else has had it for a fortnight but I think they forgot about us and our little boat. Perhaps they hope we'll not turn up and they can keep the cruise just for the big boats, our little Mirage could be a bit ouit of place?

Oh and while we're there I'll be taking a couple of my Dutch clients out for day trips so the whole holiday turns out to be a legitimate business expense. Picked up on that one from Matt and jfm and the Board's bought it. Neat eh a paid for holiday? Can't convince them thoguh that they now owe me two weeks hols in lieu in the Carib.

Anyway apart from our trip to Matts boat in SofF, this'll be my wife's first trip on the sea and my second, so we're vastly experienced.

I've got all your notes of how to fix broken bogs, turbo's, gearboxes, re-lay dodgy carpet, catch sharks and programme autopilot's, only trouble is I haven't found the autopilot switch yet. What does it look like, p'raps its hiding? We'll take a digi camera too so will post the proof.

See some of us rivery bods are adventurous too.