WiFi on the marina


Well-known member
16 Oct 2019
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Just don't use public WiFi, no idea the last time I logged onto one.

Mobile data, via your service provider is basically free these days, plus your own 4/5g connection is more secure than a shonky public open wifi network.

If your mobile provider doesn't have good reception, switch to one that does.


Well-known member
11 Nov 2005
Sant Carles de la Ràpita
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Fully agree-just spend a few quid and have your own network……small change in the grand scheme of boating costs!!! Our boat is down in Denia (not MDL owned) and the marina wifi is shite. We invested in a 4G unit (Teltonika RUT950) several years ago and got good results with an antenna on the radar arch and with perfectly useable speeds for streaming Netflix etc etc. Last year the RUT950 failed and so we upgraded to the RUTX14. Must say the newer one is far superior-more stable and much much faster…faster infact than our home broadband and we now consistently get 60mbps down/30mbps upload speeds. Sometimes more (seen 100+), and sometimes a but less during peak season in the marina when I guess lots and lots of people are on the mobile network.
My RUT950 is still working (won't now after saying that!!) but I was disappointed with it when I bought it.
The hardware is very crude but it does the job.

BTW, I use Lobster in Spain as a service provider.
See here - Lobster Mobile • The all-in-English mobile service
Essentially, they are a Pay As You Go provider so you don't need an NIE number.
Just give them a copy of your passport and use the boat/marina as a Spanish address.
Monthly mobile phone contracts in Spain require you to have an NIE number.
Pay As You Go doesn't need that requirement.
Most Spanish Pay As You Go deals are expensive
But with Lobster, you have virtually the same facilities as a contract and only a little more expensive.
Great for us Brits - Lobster is aimed at us.
Two big features - data plans are for a month as usual but if you run out of data - you just start a new month.
The other big feature for us is that you can freeze your service when you leave the boat and restart it when you return.
I was using a Vodafone UK contract - with Lobster, I get more data and for about a third of the price.

I don't take advantage of the data freezing - I find Lobster cheap enough to keep it connected 24/7/365.

The only disadvantage is you get a Spanish IP address.
Just add a NordVPN subscription and you get all the UK TV you like.
For example an Amazon Firestick can have NordVPN installed - easy way to convert an old TV to smart features.