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Further to UXB's comments a fully trained diesel mechanic in the same shape as UXB's monkey.
We have two dogs on board and I don't find they contribute at all, get underfoot at the wrong time, need walked, will gladly try to throw themselves overboard at seals and sometimes howl at the neigbours if we leave them alone.
They also can't cook, sail or work out a course to steer.
SWMBO and the kids apparently "love them" but I can't see much point until such times as I am allowed to use them as Roving Fenders.
Perhaps we should get a ships cat and see what happens ...
A plastic shoulder-parrot, complete with white plastic guano-droppings and 'handler'....
Me!There are a lot of sailors who have pets aboard their boats.
Yesterday I saw Sailor Blowfelt jumping off his boat with a cat on a lead. Now this surprised me as I am sure that on board he would have had a plastic bag and something heavy. (Come on, cats are a waste of perfectly good DNA).
A lot of people have dogs which I can understand.
I can understand a hamster in a wheel which is attached to charge your batteries.
What would be the ideal pet? I was thinking of a tortoise as once round the deck would take a year, they don’t eat much and in winter they make good door stops!
What is the ideal pet for a boat besides a Swedish au pair?
A dolphin. Takes up no room, feeds itself and can be trained to tow the tender.
Hmmm, it now turns out we maybe teaching a middle-aged Jack Russell to sail & swim next year.
Her ratting abilities may be useful around the house, but not sure about how she will cope with meeting a boat for the first time in her life (age 5-6 ish).
Hmmm, it now turns out we maybe teaching a middle-aged Jack Russell to sail & swim next year.
Her ratting abilities may be useful around the house, but not sure about how she will cope with meeting a boat for the first time in her life (age 5-6 ish).
Just done the same thing with a four year old and she took to boat life in a few days, she didn't have a problem where she was and as long as she was feed and walked at around the same times as on land she was fine.