Actually, to be counter-pedantic, it's its, correct as used above. If 'its' is used as the possessive, it is a word on its own. It's in the dictionary if you doubt me.
Yes, of course; but before Jimi changed his post he was using the offending term in place of "it is".
Will now stop sounding like Lynne Truss, unless someone would like to give me the sort of money she has made from punctuation: on which subject as Billy Cystal put it, "Anyone who wants to be rich and famous should try being rich first: it pushes most of the right buttons."
Maybe the Channel Islands opt out? After all the United Kingdom is the United Kingdom of Ggreat Britain, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands
The political geography of our islands is probably as confused as it gets, but you would expect after 20+ tries in the Olympics, they could get the name right!
<hr width=100% size=1>Nickel
Being paranoid simply means - having all the facts.
You are wrong, you know !
Its is quite acceptable, a pedant may prefer its" , but there is no letter missing and so no need for @ in middle of word.