Walker Log fish repair


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15 Aug 2004
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Greetings from a newcomer.

Does anybody here know how to change the string on the spinner of a Walker Log?

I tow a Walker Mk IV (Excelsior?) That's the one with the small fish - about 5 inches nose to tail.

Where the string enters the nose of the fish I see a disturbing amount of wear. It makes sense to me that there would be a sort of chafe there. I would like to take an inch out of the string to move away from this spot. It looks as though the nose of tail of the spinner should unscrew, and one should be able to pull a bit of string through to tighten it up. But I can't figure out how to get the nose or tail off.

It was suggested by a friend that someone here might know how to do it.

I did notice that the fins are right handed, so if I were engineering this the nosepiece would have a left-hand thread so that it doesn't unscrew when towing. Left hands threads are, of course, just unusual enough that I figured that mentioning this detail might jog somebody's memory.

Chris McKesson
Currently anchored off the Marine Labs in Friday Harbor, WA USA

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30 Nov 2002
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Excelsior IV fish

I am now completely puzzled; I have an Excelsior IV; the fish is brass. painted black, about 11 inches long and the line is attached through the nose hole and secured with a figure of 8 knot made by leading the line through a side aperture, tying the knot and pulling it back into the cavity.

I have always seen the five inch fish on the Knotmaster models.

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15 Aug 2004
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Re: Excelsior IV fish

Indeed, the error is mine. The log in question is a Knotmaster IIIA.

I have two Walker logs, the IIIA and a sling type. I was recently in some conversation about the sling type and apparently retained the numeral IV in mind from that. The log actually fastened on the back of this boat is a IIIA...small 5-inch fish. Of course, it was too far for me to walk from the computer amidships to the log at the stern to actually check the numeral on the dial! <smile>

My apologies for the error. Does this change any of the answers?


Chris McKesson
moved last night over to the deep and private part of Friday Harbor, where the sun is now rising over the tree-covered hills and the day promises to be beautiful.

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Well-known member
13 Jul 2002
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Re: Excelsior IV fish

I have Walker Knotmaster KDO Mk. IIIA and the instruction leaflet in front of me!

The line (30 ft for speeds up to 10kn and with the register no more than 5ft above the waterline) passes through the sinker, which is 3½ inches long, and is clamped in position by a grub screw 18 inches ahead of the rotator.

The line is secured in the rotator by a figure of eight knot after passing through the nose cone which has, as already been stated, a left hand thread.

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15 Aug 2004
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Re: Excelsior IV fish

Got it! Thank you - it was just a matter of wanting to be sure before I applied too much force. Once assured that the thing should indeed unscrew in the given direction, I gripped well with a Vice-Grips and voilá.

Much thanks!

Fair winds....Chris McKesson

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