TV antennas=only crap?


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30 May 2001
Helsinki, Finland
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I've tried a few antennas Glomex and others. And they all seem to work only where no antenna at all is needed for reception. Finally I found something called Naval, but before purchasing I was told by a yard guy it's no good either. he told me the only aerial that really work is a type frequently used on commercial fishing trawlers that look something like an animal cage, abt 50-60cm side by side. The advisor didn't
know where to find them anyway. Any good advice out there about how to get that racor sharp picture out of your TV at sea? - Testing issue for MBY??


Re: plurae

Surely more than one of them would be antennae <G> And what's the correct collective noun for antennae?


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7 Sep 2001
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I've tried most of these and the cage type, utterly useless! The bunny ears one fitted to the top of the TV works in port, never had one that worked at sea. Mind you, I beleive all the TV antennas are pointed or at least biased inland. Good idea for a group test thing in the mags! They were all designed for caravans anyway!


agreed. The reception always seems a bit rubbish. Fortunately, in the med, all the tv is rubbish anyway. So we just watch dvds or tapes.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Re: TV antennas

We have a saucer shaped thing on the radar arch, about 10" diameter. OK but not fab. The best are those twin spike things that you plug into the mains as well as the TV, so they amplify the signal. Not sure of the name but sort of £10-15 at Tandy kind of stuff.

Dont rely on MBY electronic tests. They would test a Kenwood Chef, a lawnmower and a Dyson, then report that it said in the instructions for all of them "not suitable as a TV antenna", then conclude none of them works very well as a TV antenna


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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I bought one a bout three years ago. Itcot 90 quid and came in a box with a boat on the front and on the back and sides.
Anyway I got it all fitted and working fine.
Then as you do! I read the instructions which I found at the bottom of the box. It said NOT FOR BOATS ????
Needless to say its now Knackered with internal bleeding of red rust dripping from the radar arch.



Re: poor reception

I have glomex aerial which is useless , so have opted for indoor aerial which No.1 son balances above his head and moves around as neccessary. Have put amplifer in as well, this just amplifies a bad picture. Based in Brighton we are only 1 mile as the crow flies from transmitter. We definitely get a better picture at high tide when there is a direct line of sight . I recently smashed Grundig TV in heavy seas , and now have bought comet own brand which doesn't seem to be as clear picture. Stayed in Port solent recently we had fantastic picture didn't need any adjusting.


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21 Jun 2001
SW Florida
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Re: Dockside nuthin.

jfm - I forgot the dockside phone jack as we usually use our mobile, but it's there if I need it. So is free morning paper delivery to the boat at most nicer marinas. But I must stop now or I'll get nasty responses:). In fact I think I'll go and look to see where hurricane Michelle is headed. It's now approaching category 4 and if it hits here we will be looking for a home next week. Chances are it'll hit the Keys and tidy up that dump, Marathon. Must go down and put extra lines on the boat to prevent it landing in the pool. Oh the joys of sub-tropical living! Now what did I do with the escape route map and our home inventory.............?


We bought the Maxview one, says on the box, "ideal for caravans and boats" also bought the amplifier. All in came to just over £100 I think and I have to say - it's totally crap. When the pictures good on the in built aerial, it's brilliant on the Maxview, but when it's poor on the in built, its then useless on the Maxview. Money well spent as far as the manufacturer's concerned but a total waste from my point of view. Think I'll stick with DVD's or radio 4.


Totally right! I have tried all sorts of so-called omni-directional aerials, boosters and thingummyjigs and concluded that the old style spiky directional aerial is by far the best for terrestrial TV, as long as you can stow it somewhere. On our small sailing boat we use an indoor set-top aerial, stood out on the hatch when required, and this works fine in U.K. coastal waters. On our other boat "sur le continent" we now have a Sky dish and digibox using the free Sky card: brilliant for BBC 1 & 2, ITV 4 & 5, Sky news, radio and lots else but not if you want to watch Heartbeat on Sunday evenings on Channel 3, but it is free!!


Well-known member
16 May 2001
Hampshire / Solent
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I often wondered about this, you see so many different aerials for sale and reluctant to buy another one because they all seem a waste of money.

I managed to get marginal success with my old stereo aerial, it is just a simple loop type, it's like having a coat hanger but round and with a plug!
