
Well-known member
24 Sep 2006
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Bit of a strange pricing strategy making the 6 month price just short of double the annual price.
Who in their right mind would choose a 6 month contract when 12 months is cheaper.
Or maybe you are saying that the 12 month contracts aren't really offered due to demand.
In which case that is a VERY devious strategy to get inflated 6 month contracts instead.
If that is the case, I'm not sure I would want to deal with that kind of company.
I imagine that it is supply and demand. Years and years of waiting for an annual contract. Sir wants a 6 month summer contract for his Riva - bien sur. Sir is happy to pay.


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27 Jun 2020
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The engines should be ok with a little prep. Here in US in the colder climates boats are hauled out every Year for the winter. In the Med you won’t need winterizing so what I would do if possible is flush the cooling system with freshwater and spray the engines down with T9 or WD40 or something like that. Should be ok.


Well-known member
10 Apr 2011
Boat- Western Med
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A pleasant €1.34 / L at the dock in Loano ( Italy ) .
It’s €1.29-1.38 on the roads .
Suspected such’s been passed on .
The place is busy , kids are off and restart Sept .....always was the plan .They look and behave in rude health , a lot of family time this W/E .
Sea warm and sun shining.


Well-known member
10 Apr 2011
Boat- Western Med
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Serviced the engines yesterday, oil 72 L , filters + fuel filters 6 in all .

Marina staff bring empty’s and remove them when full .

Did a bit of prop / rudder scrubbing , hands cut to ribbons.

A diver ( doing the boat next door ) took theses pics and we will arrange for him to return to do the stern gear properly + hull+ through the hull fittings , and change the anodes .

I emptied my own air tank bottle and it’s last “mot “ was 2018:.Not sure round here what’s the regs re bottle testing ?

There’s a dive centre’s on my to do list .

So the micron 350 and supposed 2 y life .

Nope on this boat ....the back 1/2 is passable the front a dismal failure....where the water strikes I guess at speed with this .

Or we applied it wrong ? dunno .

No worries live n learn .Seems round here the diver jet wash route ( with what ever AF ) + anode change is the way to go .Works out substantially cheaper than a full lift , block etc for week every year me thinks .

Still figuring stuff out here

Any how pics say a 1000 words .
after my go


Well-known member
11 Jun 2006
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Shame that the antifoul didn't match up to the marketing claims.

How are the bars and restaurants down there? Can you eat and drink without feeling like you're sat in an operating theatre?

All being well ill be in majorca next Saturday, get the boat out on Sunday.


Well-known member
10 Apr 2011
Boat- Western Med
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All open .You sit out side .Most are outside anyhow around the marina.
Face mask is for staff inside and if you pop inside .
Hand gels + a one way people flow system .They have been doing this for a month or so - .Only a few none Italians here ...we are the only Brits , a few Germans , + Swiss plates in the car parks .
But the numbers are low here NOW . suspect they really did lock down hard for a month .
So everyone lost t a doable 1/12 th .
Our Gov paying folks to Holiday and piss around crowd gathering.
30:deaths / day most of June compared to UK s 70-189 or what ever .Same population more or less .
imho the UK did not properly lock down ...this excerise thing , raves , partying BBQ s and beach stuff + race riots ongoing = too many crowds gathering too often .
My analysis thus far comparing EU responses ...think our NHS is a lead weight on so many levels’s was a political football in Dec whereby labour played the Torys will “privatise it card “ ....So Bozoz s lot are so sensitive to “protecting the NHS “... chucking everything at it ..Nightingales , ventilators , PPE etc they lost the fundamental of if people keep apart the virus can not pass on .
100 s jogging on canal paths , sat in parks , beaches etc .Police powerless to break up groups etc .

Politicising of the health care options does not exist in the rest of the EU to the extent it causes decision paralysis of the Govs .

Uk will continue to struggle with its C19 numbers because it’s never got a grip n the first place .

Deleted User YDKXO

Man maths, working to perfection... :)

He bought a boat with Arnesen surface drives so he could save the cost of a diver cleaning the props :D Yes a superb example of man maths at its best. The man deserves a triple gold star for that!


Well-known member
11 Mar 2002
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So the micron 350 and supposed 2 y life.
Nope on this boat....
When was it done exactly?
If it made the whole 2019 season, and the boat sat all winter since then, it doesn't seem too bad to me.
Regardless, I'd rather replace the props anodes asap.
Transom anodes also look rather worn out, but it's harder to tell from the pic.


Well-known member
10 Apr 2011
Boat- Western Med
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When was it done exactly?
If it made the whole 2019 season, and the boat sat all winter since then, it doesn't seem too bad to me.
Regardless, I'd rather replace the props anodes asap.
Transom anodes also look rather worn out, but it's harder to tell from the pic.
2 nd May 19 .
I have done the stern gear .
Diver has a underwater jet wash .
Anodes ready to on’s been choppy @ anchor head bang risk ! As I said it will be a snorkel + hold breath job as I have yet to fill ( poss send away for biannual test of ) - my bottle - work in progress)

They will be on by the end of next week .

Hull anodes the ones the engines are connected , MANs method to avoid silly hidden out of sight pencil anodes are hardly depleted to be fair .Est 70 % left .
For those that don’t know MAN use a central earth strap , bit like a church lightening conductor that the engines are connected to which goes through the hull to the external hull .Those two fizz away instead of engine components.
Easy to view and one bolt to replace .
The starter motors and ECU s have there own dedicated 24 v supply independent of the rest of the boats 24 v systems.
The ones on the props are just for the props themselves.6299F6F4-7C98-446F-85F2-F5E33872E121.jpeg
work in progress(y)


3 Aug 2016
Bergen, Norway
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Not sure I agree with that.
Just follow the Drone Code.
See here:-
And, for the UK, these restrictions.
Airfield restrictions - Dronesafe
There are also local restrictions around places of scientific interest - Cabrera and the Ebro Delta in Spain are examples.
I'm not sure that local air traffic would know the local restrictions around places of scientific interest.

Have you updated your DJI No Fly Zone database.
It is continually being added to so needs updating regularly.
My job is air traffic control.
It is true that we at least in Norway, do not from ATC point of view care for, or are aware of drone restrictions near scientific places. But we are very much aware of the restrictions around airports, where we repeatedly have had conflicts between drones and regular air traffic. This is often because drone operators fail to notify, or request permission from, ATC about their drone operations,. This is both in Norway and other countries as well.

The rules vary a little from one country to another, so always best to check with local authorities.

And yes, I always check for updates of the DJI database before I fly my own drone.