Thanks for the oil , Spain


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Oh yes, all very trendy i'm sure. But not exactly classic. I have yet to cycle more than 500 yards without people rushing up to the long-keel Dyno.
iritating picture of this exact bike (behind the kids, infront of adults) at

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11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: Like hey man thats really freaky

I'm afraid that the only thing that a duo coaster is utterly excellent at is turning heads, so just right for a pathetic show-off like me. It is however interestingly flexy, and so ensures not-too fast speeds, perhaps a harleyfied bicycle really.

Agreed regaring a recumbent. Do these have the engineering lovliness of centre-hub steering? But, recumbent always feel even more exposed to traffic, so needs a little flag yuk.

Finally, i must recommend central london on a sunday morning for a totally excellent bike ride. Lots and lots to see of course, and the wide smooth roads for gilded coaches are all empty.


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4 Nov 2002
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For TMC. I'm afraid to say I can be a bit of a ranter and raver so here goes.

The good news is that the hole in the Ozone layer is shrinking as CF2 use falls however for those who are suffering from skin cancer in Australia it is no joking matter. Also there's almost no possibility of the Thames freezing because it's too fast moving now (Embankment being built, concreting over of it's natural banks etc etc) not due to global warming for once.

The bad news is that global warming is happening and it will affect us all. As the polar ice caps melt (which they are already doing at an alarming rate) flooding is going to become more and more of an issue. Global warming also does not mean nice sunny weather everywhere. Some places will suffer horrific drought and other torrential rain, global weather systems becoming increasing erratic.
Now there is a chance that global warming is offsetting a mini iceage (some scientists think) however we all can and should as individuals and governments do our part to stop it. We have the knowledge to be ecologically and socially responisble and we need to start now to preserve the world in a fit state for generations time. I know we may be blown to bits or have escaped to another solar system in 1000 years but that is no excuse.

When it comes to oil and fuel, yes we haven't run out of fuel as predicted in the 80's but it will eventually and then we will as you say be up s*@t creak. We can use nuclear power efficiently now but who wants to live next to the next Chernobyl. Why not spend more money now developing and using alternative environmentally friendly energy sources.

I'm glad your kids are being taught these things and getting worried about them. Maybe there is hope for the next generation.

Ps. Burning rainforest? Bad idea. You pump loads of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and you lose our number one carbon sink. This leads to global warming. Rainforests are also beautiful things full of amazing plant and animal life. One of the main cures for leukaemia was discovered in a rainforest plant. It is now extinct in the wild.

Ooof what a rant.


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16 May 2001
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Just picked this up. What a day...what a week!

No, I see your point. However the oil companies don't make me feel guilty. Only I do. Sure they will operate politics to line their own pockets and try to make us all think that they are wonderful for providing all this convenience. Like you, I use it and enjoy it.

You say we are not given any choices. We have to run cars and use plastics etc. We only do that to keep up with the neighbours on the motorway, get to the boat and carry the two stroke. The oil companies is us. OK "they" earn more Bucks out of it and if God said "OK you lot, heads on the block, you've screwed up the Earth" - I'd like to think that that "theirs" would be ahead of mine. But at the end of the day, we've ALL done it. Just that some made more money out of it than others.

Adverts? I'm the most cynical there is. I wrote loads.. But as the salesman likes to hear a really good patter, I enjoy observing a good "lure".



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16 May 2001
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Re: If this global warming thing ever get really going

Marinas in the cooling towers? Dreaming Spires as lateral markers?


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16 May 2001
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Re: The new Steeplechase!

I'm on a swinging mooring at Blenheim Palace before leaving for the Cotswold Creeks!


Well-known member
8 Jul 2001
Er . . .

Earth to Joe . . .

It's called exaggeration for effect.

While definitely finite oil is not as scarce a resource as the oil companies would have us believe. Trust me, when it starts to run out they'll all be developing alternatives like crazy - which they patently ain't at the moment.

Oil was first predicted to run out in the 1980s. It didn't.

I meant that they can always find new sources of the stuff - drilling off St Kilda (the bold Atlantic Frontier) or maybe Antarctica . . . good grief, they're even still finding new viable fields in the tired old North Sea. And there's still a shitload of it in all these politically unstable places. Like Iraq.

(Guess what - there's none in N. Korea, which is why the North Korean government's coy little confession to the existence of a nuclear programme has not brought down the wrath of George and Tony on their heads)

<font color=blue>Nick</font color=blue>
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14 Feb 2002
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Oh, I see. So the effect you wanted to create is one of demented ranting?

You obviously don't like the oil companies even though you've been happy to accept their wicked money in the past. Frankly all this conspiracy, Eco warrier type stuff is a load of tosh.

Of course we need to care for the environment, of course we need to monitor oil companies (and other big business, and small business, and ....the list goes on), but all these governments in the oil companies pockets?

I think I'll read all your postings as being grossly exaggerated for effect. Strip out all the rubbish and there isn't much left.

Sorry, but your arguement would carry more weight if you didn't make it so absurd.



Well-known member
8 Jul 2001
I'm sorry too Joe. Sorry that you think we have so much time left to do something about the problems of oil spills and global warming.

What's the point in monitoring the oil companies? We've all been monitoring them through the media and even through the media hype and bias we know what they are doing. Their products are the major cause of global warming, and the trigger for unnecessary loss of life in military and political conflicts.

Yet again you trot out the 'we're all guilty by implication' argument. I cannot emphasise too strongly how much I loathe this argument - an argument to do nothing, and an argument that disenfranchises all of us.

A true believer would eschew cars, plastics etc and just live in a little cottage in the middle of nowhere living on organic muesli. Right? Wrong. There's nothing big business would like better - a completely pointless protest that keeps the econuts passive and incommunicado in their rural ghettos.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not in favour of mass trashing of city centres by the anti-globalisation movement either, but I CAN see where they are coming from. A decade (the 70s) of composting, recycling, attending protests, joining groups, leafletting and speaking at meetings achieved nothing - people still think we've got all the time in the world, even though their houses are underwater and their boats are torn from their moorings in the UK's new Autumn hurricane season.

Of course you want to read these posts as the rantings of a demented eco-warrior. That means you don't have to be even remotely disturbed by them or give them any further thought.

However, I DO believe I know what I am talking about. As I have already said I have worked in the oil industry. I don't feel guilty or dirty - I just did a job that was being done anyway, and did it more efficiently and honestly that some. I have plenty of friends who still work in the industry.

It's not about what we do, it's about the effect we have - and me giving up my car or refusing to sail plastic boats will make not one iota of difference. If we all did it might - but then I'm not that naive. You just can't expect ordinary people to resist the pressures to conform and consume that assail them constantly.

You can try to wake people up a little though.

<font color=blue>Nick</font color=blue>
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14 Feb 2002
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So, everyone is wrong except you and an enlightened few?

If you've been going on about this for 30 years to no effect, maybe it's because you haven't made your case very well. Or maybe it's just because you are wrong.

I can see that you don't like the oil companies but I simply cannot see what you are proposing.



Well-known member
8 Jul 2001
No, I don't think everyone is wrong except me and an 'enlightened few'. I think most of us are unhappy with the present situation re. oil spills, climate change etc. Sadly we feel powerless to do anything about it and are even prepared to say that it must be our fault because we live in a democracy . . .

This thread began because of the loss of the Prestige and the subsequent pollution (which has now apparently reached La Coruna).

I was just attempting to point out where the blame lay. Only one group of people has the power to ensure that no more oil is transported in single hulled single engined single screw tankers, and that is the oil companies. After the Torrey Canyon disaster in March 1967 BP could just have quietly informed the shipping companies that they would not be using single hulled single screw tankers after - say - 1989, giving them 22 years to build new tonnage and dispose of the old. Of course the new tankers would cost more to charter/build/own, so the oil companies would have to invest some of their profits in protecting the environment.

Did they? No. Almost exactly 22 years later on March 24, 1989, the Exxon Valdez grounded on Bligh Reef, and spilled nearly 11 million gallons of oil into the biologically rich waters of Prince William Sound.

If it's not up to oil companies, who is it up to? Ships are registered under flags of convenience and operate outside territorial waters.

My point is that only one group can control this situation - could in fact have taken charge years ago but did not. That is the oil companies. Those of us who care should all do something to make our views known and/or put pressure on government to put pressure on the oil companies.

My ranting on this forum is my way of trying to do something. There's a lot of people read and post here who have a lot more influence in real life than I do - maybe some of them can do something.

That is my raison d'etre for this rant.

<font color=blue>Nick</font color=blue>
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14 Feb 2002
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Ok, I think I've got it now. Everything that goes wrong is down to the oil companies.

All we need to do now is add McDonalds and Microsoft and we've got the full urban guerilla kit of parts.



Well-known member
8 Jul 2001
Pretty much . . . although you might want to chuck in the car industry and a few major supermarket chains for the full set.

<font color=blue>Nick</font color=blue>
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14 Feb 2002
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and Starbucks, the Press barons, the people who make "Big Brother", etc etc.

We've nearly reached an agreement now. All I need to do is persuade you to include Marina operators, Chandlers, people who fly blue ensigns, The Col Regs, PWC's and we're there! /forums/images/icons/smile.gif

Happy sailing



Well-known member
8 Jul 2001
Don't start me on about the Press, Joe . . .

(eyes rolling, froth appearing at corners of mouth . . .)

<font color=blue>Nick</font color=blue>
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